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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Felt like making a supporting card for something that doesn't exist yet:
I used Screw Ball's Cutie Mark for Discord's Element. I figured it would be appropriate.
Also, unless you want Ballooncord to search another copy of itself, defeat it with something that isn't of the main 6.

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In this other RP I am apart of with ponies, mine becomes a Timelord after some freak accident. I prepared a picture for his 1st regen, and I am giving you guys a sneak peak. (He currently has the same Starlight model, this 1st Regen looks similar to Starlight I know, don't blame me for liking the color scheme!)


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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1336370507' post='5934207']
Felt like making a supporting card for something that doesn't exist yet:
I used Screw Ball's Cutie Mark for Discord's Element. I figured it would be appropriate.
Also, unless you want Ballooncord to search another copy of itself, defeat it with something that isn't of the main 6.
[/quote]We already have Element of Discord tho ^^;;


And heads up, a lot more ponies are gonna have an element of harmony (all the pony rank 1s, I believe)

So yeah, that card can search itself often xD

After Celestia, Nightmare Moon, Luna, and Discord, we'll start working on the element-specific cards

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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1336371524' post='5934209']
But don't you think it's a little unfair to all the other ones?[/quote]
Removal of horns/wings
"Discording" Ponies
Stealing the Elements and then secret hiding them in Twilight's house
Seriously, Discord had like some anti-meta shenanigans going on, in Return of Harmony.

[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1336394527' post='5934270']
We already have Element of Discord tho ^^;;
I missed the post which, apparently, showcased that earlier.
I'll swap icons later.

...Also, Screw Ball's Element should be Discord. Just sayin'

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So I got crazy and decided to try out for Fighting is Magic's Fluttershy


If I win

I swear I will die laughing

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1336423496' post='5934464']
[b]But you w- F*** it.[/b]

In any case, that'd be totally interesting Tommy, if it weren't for the fact that we still have an RP that you blatantly said you're not interested in anymore.

....I won't even bother =_=

And whatever, its his decision, I guess =/

Have fun in your other RP Tommy, thanks for abandoning us in the middle of one and stuff /badmoodsftl

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1336423827' post='5934474']
At least I had another RP in mind, so I'll still have one, but still. Not only will it not be ponies, I just had such high hopes and so many ideas for this one.
[/quote]We all did

And now it's likely gonna rot, unless Tommy gains interest in it again

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Random comment by person who has not been posting it the club for ages:

Well even if he did come back to your RP he will probably not even post that often. :/ And you guys don't exactly need him u can pull through with the members you have! :D

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1336424433' post='5934483']
1. Even if he didn't post terribly often, he'd still be posting.
2. No. No we can not.

Alright, well than I wish you the best in your RP.

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