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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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I can see that.
Really, what it is, is that, when you guys talk about something I can't contribute, at least not very much to, I get a bit bored, and I sorta lay my head down, and sooner or later, your voices become so familiar that I don't even notice them, and I'm perfectly capable of letting my immense tiredness make me fall asleep.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1335705382' post='5928246']
I can see that.
Really, what it is, is that, when you guys talk about something I can't contribute, at least not very much to, I get a bit bored, and I sorta lay my head down, and sooner or later, your voices become so familiar that I don't even notice them, and I'm perfectly capable of letting my immense tiredness make me fall asleep.
^ This. I think I fell asleep in the middle of a call again. Geez, you guys need to be more entertaining.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1335708783' post='5928283']
^ This. I think I fell asleep in the middle of a call again. Geez, you guys need to be more entertaining.
[/quote]We're entertaining to ourselves

And that's good enough for me.

it'd just be hard to find a non-pony topic we ALL can enjoy and participate in >.>

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1335709037' post='5928285']
We're entertaining to ourselves

And that's good enough for me.

it'd just be hard to find a non-pony topic we ALL can enjoy and participate in >.>
I guess. Also, for your cards instead of a 'discord' pile it could be Tardarus. Why would defeated ponies go to Discord? Tardarus at least makes some sense, and sounds cooler.

Also Issun.... I DON'T WANNA! But literally my day today is going to be very busy, if I find the time I will.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1335709777' post='5928294']
I guess. Also, for your cards instead of a 'discord' pile it could be Tardarus. Why would defeated ponies go to Discord? Tardarus at least makes some sense, and sounds cooler.

Also Issun.... I DON'T WANNA! But literally my day today is going to be very busy, if I find the time I will.
*Sigh* Fine.

And it's called the Discord pile because that's clever.
And Tartarus insinuates that you kill them.

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Issun, did you happen to hear and ear-splitting whistle at some point? Tried to play TFS to wake you up.. and alomost broke my eardrums in the process. >.>

[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1335709037' post='5928285']
We're entertaining to ourselves

And that's good enough for me.

it'd just be hard to find a non-pony topic we ALL can enjoy and participate in >.>
Honestly, I agree with Issun. When there are long chats about Phoenix Wright or Megaman or somethin, I get bored to hell.

But, I can't think of anything much that we can all discuss. >:

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Renji's sacrifice was in vain.

Honestly, Tartarus could work if this was a more battle-ish game

But there are motherf*cking friendship counters, so...yeah.

Oh, I actually found out there are a couple in-development (obviously further along than ours) MLP card games

But ours seems much more accommodating.



Honestly the latter seems VERY good and well-thought out 0.o

Ours can stand up, tho

Cuz our cards look pretty

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I dun follow topics in the first place :3

And our advantage is that we're making ours simple, easy to understand, not putting in any weird-ass terminology people need to learn because they never heard anything like it before.

In terms of appearance, tho, that second one DOES look amazing

Makes me wish we had added something like an element of harmony for each character

But I guess...not all characters would represent that

Unless we include Element of chaos for the villains

We CAN do that, by putting the element jewel at the top right or so.

But I feel we're good as it is...

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1335711921' post='5928325']
The second one looks far too complicated, I'd think.
Complicated games aren't always a good thing.

EDIT: Why do I keep unfollowing this topic automatically? It's getting annoying.
Happened to me the other day. >.>

[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1335710879' post='5928314']
Ours can stand up, tho

Cuz our cards look pretty
D*mn right our cards look pretty~

But that 2nd card does look pretty well made. Could be some nice competition.

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Considering I made the cards, with your help, makes meh feel speshul :3

Im startin to think we might need to use the passive ability box for a sort of 'race'

But there's not a lot of stuff from one race that's not pony

And we can just add the element of harmony as a little symbol onthe pic itself

so we're kewl

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Feel da speshul~

I dun think races would be a good idea, because of what you just said. But me thinks Elements of Harmony would be good. I assume they'd be almost like attributes.

But.. what would we use for some of the villains who aren't exactly harmonious? o.O

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1335717204' post='5928393']
So can you explain the objective of this TCG DL?
...umm...to win?

more specifically, to get your opponent to 10 friendship counters by attacking

[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1335717277' post='5928394']
Feel da speshul~

I dun think races would be a good idea, because of what you just said. But me thinks Elements of Harmony would be good. I assume they'd be almost like attributes.

But.. what would we use for some of the villains who aren't exactly harmonious? o.O
Element of chaos

Not that any of the villains are really harmonious

And with elements, we can have cards that help each element

So people can build element-based decks

Laughter deck ftw

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1335717657' post='5928408']
And how do you get the friendship counters up? How will it be competitive?
[/quote]...like I said

by attacking

attacking directly causes your opponent to gain 2 friendship counters

destroying a monster (when yours is stronger, thus would be like battle damage) causes your opponent to gain 1 friendship counter

So it'd be like both players start with 0, whoever gets to 8000 first loses.

The logic behind this is

This is a friendly series, thus needs a game that promotes friendship to an extent.

And so the pony attacks are filled with friendship


I'd be delighted if you made them, Renji

1. it takes work off of me

2. I know they'd look simply fantastic

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1335718038' post='5928417']
Playing too much YGO recently?
[/quote]I WAS making a YGO analogy xD

But in truth, I haven't played much yugioh at ALL recently O_o

Oh and Renji

I think the elements should be in little circles, like attributes

But I'll let your creativity shine :3

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