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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1335053406' post='5921585']
That reminds me, isn't the bachelor party supposed to be before the wedding?
Yeeeeaaah...I'm not sure Spike knows what a bachelor is, but he knows what a party is.

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[quote name='Jack of All Spades' timestamp='1335053220' post='5921582']
Everyone saw it, right?
No spoilers?

[font=trebuchet ms]Okay, so maybe I'm being a little too nuts, but that whole premise was brilliant. When I was watching and "Cadence" was being a jerk to Twilight, I thought she was under a spell. Then, when she used her powers on Shining Armor, I was under the impression that it wasn't really her. The whole "don't even bother showing up" thing after TS tried to expose "Cadence" as a fraud made me see the true internal conflict: her own BROTHER told her not to show up at the wedding. That's deep. I was convinced that the "Cadence" was sincere for a moment...until after the FRIGGIN' MUSICAL NUMBER (which was awesome) when "Cadence" went up in smoke! WA-BAM! NOPONY saw that coming! And real Cadence is so awesome, she seems like a bright individual who would be perfect for SA. Plus, she's pretty. Anyway, Cadence's musical number was really cool, like...Phantom of the Opera with light touches of Beauty and the Beast. DL, just sayin', the "Colgate" clone in the caverns definitely got the bouquet, so you've got a chance![/font]
Okay, so that antagonist reveal was taking me by surprise I was like

And so I was like scared outta my mind, and my Brony friend who I converted was like "THAT'S CREEPY!" and I'm like "I don't even know what it is, bro!" I called up my girlfriend and she's all like "Yeah, they're like doppelgangers." Which is a term I know, for some reason, and she's like "they're creepier in the animes." So I'm saying, "Yeah, okay, I can do this." Hit play.

Oh the evil plot! That shape shifter's intentions were of complete Equestrian domination, not like Nightmare Night's Eternal Night. No, THIS was serious! So we hear another verse from the sinister beast and our Cadence frees SA. SA saves[s] the galaxy[/s] Equestria with the power of love, and that was beautiful~!

So the wedding occurs, MLP: FiM can no longer be called "gay" (that's right, it was completely straight wedding, haters!) and WHOA MY GOD, VINYL SCRATCH FOR THE ENDING SONG! Spike's throwin' a hip-hoppin' bachelor party and that's rad! Perfect way to end Season 2, don't you think?

Also, Carrot Top was seen cowering in an alley w/ Dr. Whooves and a small colt. Could it be?
I pointed out the Carrot Top thing


it can be called gay because Dashie and FS kissed :33

And.....how would you know Colgate got the thing? O3o

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1335056976' post='5921651']
it can be called gay because Dashie and FS kissed :33

Um, when did you see that?

I agree, best 2 part episode yet. Although I knew the cliffhanger was to be resolved, I was in a pit nonetheless.

But if my instincts are correct, my guess is that Discord and the Changling Queen will make an alliance in the future.

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He thinks it happened when RD saved FS from the RD changelings. The sound effect when she picked up her combined with the closeness of their heads (which didn't touch, as can be seen by anyone not blind), people assume it's a kiss because of stupid shipping.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1335057227' post='5921660']
Except they didn't kiss, shut up about it.

What likely happened is Dashie kissed Fluttershy on the snout.

To kinda give her some encouragement

It's not shipping material at all, literally.

But it CAN be used by the fanbase to imply such things

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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1335059481' post='5921722']
True, in fact, some cultures do formal kisses on the face to show encouragement.

...and the fanbase...well, here's what I think about the immature fanbase...

[/quote]They're not immature

They're just...creative

[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1335060037' post='5921738']
Technically RD kissing FS on the nose and RD and FS kissing each other are two different things. I merely assumed he meant the latter.
I said they kissed because I support the pairing

in all technicality, it likely WAS a kiss on the nose

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1335060126' post='5921739']
They're not immature

They're just...creative

I said they kissed because I support the pairing

in all technicality, it likely WAS a kiss on the nose
DL, you can picture it as a kiss in your fantasy. The writers wouldn't do that unless they're messing with our heads.BTW I'm seeing an overflow of Chyrsalis/Changeling Queen Artwork...

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[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1335068794' post='5921845']
So I take it I'm not the only one who loved the episode?

My heart was literately pounding.
[/quote]EVERYONE loved the episode

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1335065279' post='5921825']
DL, you can picture it as a kiss in your fantasy. The writers wouldn't do that unless they're messing with our heads.BTW I'm seeing an overflow of Chyrsalis/Changeling Queen Artwork...
[/quote]Like I said

Kiss on the nose/cheek

Not bad at all :3

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1335069872' post='5921859']
One thing about Luna, the fact she didn't use the royal "we" and said "Did I miss anything?" is very disheartening. She may still talk in archaic English, though, but she spoke so little I'm not sure.
If you notice, she stopped speaking that way in the middle of Luna eclipsed.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1335070120' post='5921862']
If you notice, she stopped speaking that way in the middle of Luna eclipsed.

Feh. That's no fun.

Best song ever, totally Disney quality. Sorry FlimFlam Brothers, you've been replaced. Also, the only Queen character so far is evil. What do you know.

I now have the best idea for a video. I'll see you guys later.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1335086693' post='5921960']
Well, here it is. Mine is the 3rd one up on YouTube, so at least there's not too many people who beat me to it.


Like it if you want. ;P

I haven't gotten that far in the game, so I wouldn't get the reference.

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