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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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...eh, I feel AJ deserved a line like "...wait, am I the only one who DIDN'T eat something?"

So was kinda dissapointed by her lack of participation in the episode in general

I also kinda disliked Pinkie in this, kinda

She was a bit annoying with all the false accusations.

Twilight and AJ (mostly Twi, AJ hardly did anything) went up in my book tho. Rainbow, Flutters, and Rarity dropped a tiny bit.

So right now it's likely, by a close margin

Twilight > AJ, Dashie, Flutters, Rarity > Pinkie

But aside from that, it was enjoyable.

Pinkie was still pretty funny, despite the annoyance tho

Oh, I also didn't care much for any of the bakers.

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333830208' post='5905377']
The fake accusations were kind of annoying in Pinkie's sense, but her fantasies about the 3 chefs were hilarious.

And I never knew Fluttershy would do such a thing...and I saw it coming with Dashie and Rarity as well...
[/quote]I knew it was gonna be the mane 6, I just didn't know if it would be 1, 2, 3, or even 4 people


I knew it wasn't AJ due to Sleepy's comment

Pinkie was sleeping

Woulda been interesting if it was Twilight all along, and she had framed the rest of the people.

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There could have been one possibility that Pinkie ate the cake unconsciously. AJ and Twilight seem innocent and reasonable, and Dashie along with Rarity were obvious suspects if the chefs didn't do it, and Fluttershy was really unexpected.

If Twilight would have taken a bite from the cake and started becoming the main detective...then that would mean Twilight paralleled to Kira...

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333830493' post='5905385']
If Twilight would have taken a bite from the cake and started becoming the main detective...then that would mean Twilight paralleled to Kira...
It's the smartest strategy, no?

Twi and Light are both incredibly intelligent. Sooo... I kinda expected TwiLight Sparkle.

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[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1333830249' post='5905378']
Really? I honestly loved Pinkie in this episode.

I kinda wish AJ woulda took a bite herself, but I think they didn't include her considering she's the element of Honesty.

And the bakers are awesome. 'Specially Joe. :3
...eh, her accusations got annoying

Tho she was still funny, and pretty cute

I guess I didn't care for the bakers too much because they aren't cute ponies

And I'm glad AJ didn't take a bite, but I'm NOT happy they didn't even take NOTICE of that >.>

No "Congratz, AJ, you resisted temptation", no "How nice of you to stick true to your element, AJ"

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333830493' post='5905385']
There could have been one possibility that Pinkie ate the cake unconsciously. AJ and Twilight seem innocent and reasonable, and Dashie along with Rarity were obvious suspects if the chefs didn't do it, and Fluttershy was really unexpected.

If Twilight would have taken a bite from the cake and started becoming the main detective...then that would mean Twilight paralleled to Kira...
I actually thought it was one of the mane 6 shoveling the coal, even in the beginning.

And Twilight Yagami would be amazing

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1333830726' post='5905393']
Finished the episode.

Yeah, Pinkie really was annoying in this episode.

I think if AJ said something like that, though, FS, it would've ruined it for her.
I somehow knew you'd think that about pinkie xD

And I dun think so. She wouldn't be displaying a smug attittude, just bein like "...wtf"

I think this episode would have been so much better if Twilight HAD eaten the other chefs' stuff (thus her decision to take over the case, giving the impression it was due to pinkie's incompetence)

Then in the end, Pinkie could uncover evidence to reveal that Twilight was the one who ate the shtuff.

If they had spent less than 15 minutes to get into the case...it'd be easily doable.

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Maybe a bit annoying, but I found Pinkie to be fairly lovable in this episode. Eh, just my opinion. ^^

They could have done something to involve AJ. Not sure what, but something.

And I like Joe and Gustaff's personalities. By the end of the episode, they all seem to be friendly with the ponies, so I wouldn't mind if they made appearances again.

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Well, they didn't have time to care about AJ not taking a bite.
And, really, she doesn't deserve praise for NOT doing something, I think.
Twilight didn't eat anything either, AND she helped with the case, so she deserves even more praise, no?
And I like how your only justification for not liking the bakers is that they aren't cute.

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333831657' post='5905412']
Gustav and Joe in Pinkie's fantasies were quite funny. Gustav and Pinkie were in a classic 1900's train incident setting and Joe was a pimp.
Or, y'know, James Bond.
So, more like a Mares Stallion.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1333831708' post='5905414']
Well, they didn't have time to care about AJ not taking a bite.
And, really, she doesn't deserve praise for NOT doing something, I think.
Twilight didn't eat anything either, AND she helped with the case, so she deserves even more praise, no?
And I like how your only justification for not liking the bakers is that they aren't cute.

Or, y'know, James Bond.
So, more like a Mares Stallion.
I never said I disliked them. Just that I didn't care for them too much.

And think about this

During Pokemon the first movie

Every pokemon was fighting

Pikachu was the only one who refused to fight

Does he not deserve praise? He deserves f*cking manly tears.

Different setting, same base.

That aside, ya know, not exactly like trophy-worthy, but, you know, SOMETHING for not succumbing to sin, eh?

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[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1333832512' post='5905427']
I think Rarity, Dashie and Fluttershy mighta just needed a bit more scolding.

I mean, Pinkie didn't take a bite either. Heck, she guarded the cake.
They don't really need to be scolded, considering it would give a negative message that "When someone does somethign bad, the solution is to scold them"

They felt sorry afterwards and that's all that matters.

I do feel Pinkie could stand to be praised, considering she seems to be more honest than Applejack is half the time.

She said she was guarding the cake all night, but one look from twilight made her confess :3

Also, found this


it makes sense O.o

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333832175' post='5905422']
During Pokemon the first movie

Every pokemon was fighting

Pikachu was the only one who refused to fight

Does he not deserve praise? He deserves f*cking manly tears.

Different setting, same base.

That aside, ya know, not exactly like trophy-worthy, but, you know, SOMETHING for not succumbing to sin, eh?
They then used those tears to bring Ash out of his stony statue prison in the most cliche thing I have ever seen, [s]and I STILL tear up a bit.[/s]

Issun's right. Why would the element of [s][i]loyalty[/i][/s][i]honesty [/i]get rewarded for doing the honest thing? That's her deal, yo.

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I mean, just a light scolding really.

And I didn't watch that whole thing, cuz I know where it's going. Here's what I think:

The moral of Pinkie Keen is to have faith in your friends. That's a good moral, and whoever wrote the complaint is obviously over examining things.

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[quote name='Jack of All Spades' timestamp='1333832691' post='5905436']
They then used those tears to bring Ash out of his stony statue prison in the most cliche thing I have ever seen, [s]and I STILL tear up a bit.[/s]

Issun's right. Why would the element of [s][i]loyalty[/i][/s][i]honesty [/i]get rewarded for doing the honest thing? That's her deal, yo.
[/quote]It was cliche...but f*ck, it was amazing <3

And considering AJ's normal levle of honesty throughout the show....

Tho in retrospect, it wasn't a matter of honesty. She did nothing wrong, thus she didn't say anything. I don't see that as honesty.

I see her doing nothing wrong as just a respectable act, more akin to, but even then, a tad far from, generosity.


I think so too

But it might come across as 'If you can't explain somethin, just believe it'

And that's...kinda bad

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[quote name='Jack of All Spades' timestamp='1333833272' post='5905443']
>mfw reading this
[/quote]....not that hard to understand

But k~

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333833163' post='5905441']
Although it seemed she felt very hungry for the deserts, she at least kept her title of the Element of Honesty, even if she didn't talk.

And I wonder if Dashie, Rarity and Fluttershy actually worked together to take their own bites...
[/quote]Would be interesting if they were all accomplices :3

And ya

AJ seemed to be the one most eager to try them


I wuv AJ

[s]And since AJ is also Sleepy, I don't mind that. At all[/s]

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