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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1333467410' post='5900095']
Good episode...

I want to kill Diamond Tiara.

We all do. But every episode, she gets what she deserves. Besides, she quotes that she doesn't care about anypony else's feelings. Does that mean she has no soul?

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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1333467410' post='5900095']
I want to kill Diamond Tiara.[/quote]
I find it amusing how her Cutie Mark + name, are what she wears
Kinda' raises a question on if Ponies can actually "buy" Cutie Marks.
(at least from my perspective)

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333469118' post='5900126']

I find it amusing how her Cutie Mark + name, are what she wears
Kinda' raises a question on if Ponies can actually "buy" Cutie Marks.
(at least from my perspective)

Their names always foreshadows their cutie marks. So if I was to be named my real world name, what cutie mark do I get?

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333469847' post='5900135']
>Concerned parents

They should at least find friendly websites and bookmark/favorite them and prohibit their children from finding other things. The they'll be happy.

BTW Gonna have to post this. Proves Spike is the luckiest dragon alive:


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non-pony related, but still made laugh a lot:


Oh and hi everyone!

Just so I'm not completely off-topic here, this other one's pretty cute.

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333472244' post='5900152']
Their names always foreshadows their cutie marks. So if I was to be named my real world name, what cutie mark do I get?[/quote]
Depends. Is your IRL name "Heat Vision"?

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333472244' post='5900152']They should at least find friendly websites and bookmark/favorite them and prohibit their children from finding other things. The they'll be happy.[/quote]
Exact scenario:

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1333472244' post='5900152']BTW Gonna have to post this. Proves Spike is the luckiest dragon alive:

That scene is rather exploitable.
The Axe tag is just an example.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333485928' post='5900380']

Depends. Is your IRL name "Heat Vision"?

Exact scenario:

That scene is rather exploitable.
The Axe tag is just an example.

There was one with a Brazzers tag as well. That was what I pretty much thought when I saw this in the episode. :3 And I'm not Cyclops from X-Men.

BTW hello everyone that came.

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Oh, right, I just remembered.
The fact that her name is Diamond Tiara, her Cutie Mark is a Diamond Tiara and she wears a Diamond Tiara is basically to show that she's a bland character.
Same with Silver Spoon.
Also, to what you said, that doesn't apply to a chunk of the mane six.
Balloons and the words Pinkie Pie have nothing to do with eachother.
Nor Lightning Bolts and Rainbow Dash.
Nor Rarity and diamonds.
And Applejack would more suitably have a bottle of, well, Applejack, if that were the case.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1333488172' post='5900436']
Oh, right, I just remembered.
The fact that her name is Diamond Tiara, her Cutie Mark is a Diamond Tiara and she wears a Diamond Tiara is basically to show that she's a bland character.
Same with Silver Spoon.
Also, to what you said, that doesn't apply to a chunk of the mane six.
Balloons and the words Pinkie Pie have nothing to do with eachother.
Nor Lightning Bolts and Rainbow Dash.
Nor Rarity and diamonds.
And Applejack would more suitably have a bottle of, well, Applejack, if that were the case.

Well that's true, but their names indirectly can foreshadow cutie marks as well. Rarity can refer to the rarity of diamonds and geodes.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1333488508' post='5900444']
Fair enough.
Of course, Minnuette, Colgate's real name, is a music term, and has nothing to do with Hourglasses.
There's quite a few more, I imagine, but yeah, you're mostly right.

But I thought Doctor Whooves had an hourglass cutie mark? is my theory no two same cutie marks wrong?

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are slightly relative but it requires a well detailed explanation...

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Yes, you are wrong, actually.
There are at least FIVE ponies with Hourglass Cutie Marks.
12 seconds in, there's one of them.

Also, there's some ponies with Compass Rose cutie marks like Bluebloods, and Sun cutie marks like Celestias in the same song.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1333485917' post='5900378']
Evening, friends.
And Sweet Celestia guys, if you believe ANYTHING alarming that's said on April First, you really ARE gullible.
I found it after April 1st and didn't think about it.

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So I read up, but didn't find anything worth commenting on, cept that Rainbow Dash-Fluttershy pic is super cute

But somethin more amazin happened in my class today, pony-related

So my group was discussing the script again, and we got into the topic of MLP again

And suddenly 3 of us are singing the MLP theme song in class

Then later, we got into a haloween topic, and discussed what we wanted to wear

I said I wanted to be a pony, cuz it'd be so fitting

So this one girl was like "So you're gonna be like, Rainbow Dash with a knife? XD"

And so I told her I was gonna be Pinkie, because fans think she's crazy

So she actually said "Oooh, you mean Cupcakes?"

Literally made me go "O>>>>>O" that someone here knew of Cupcakes.

Then this other guy was like "That's a fan-fic, bro xD"

Made me go "O>>>>>O" even more

Regardless, yeah

So I told them I'd be crazy Pinkie with a huge knife in haloween

...is it sad I'm considering it?

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That is just.. INCREDIBLE. owo

Lovely day, I can imagine.

[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333498159' post='5900679']
So I told them I'd be crazy Pinkie with a huge knife in haloween

...is it sad I'm considering it?
Not at all. In fact, it sounds brilliant. :3

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333498743' post='5900699']
It's so amazing~ :3

Like..I am STILL surprised, nay, downright astounded that they had heard of Cupcakes

Imagine if YOUR classmates knew about MLP to that extent... OAO

Most bronies/pegasisters know about Cupcakes, even though they might have no read it.

But are you really gonna dress as a homicidal maniac?

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Well... it's fairly strange that you're considering it, but I guess not.
Speaking of people knowing about MLP, my friend is supposed to be getting here sometime soon, so if I vanish sometime soon, you'll know what happened.
Anyway, I still doubt he'll like the show, but hey, I'll have him watch five episodes, and we'll see where it goes from there.

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