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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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What image? oh wait that one. Yeah April 1st is the day of the year when you just can't trust anything. The problems start when you try to trust that everything is a prank. Then it turns out that the fact it wasn't a prank, was actually the prank.

oh wait!

Oh speaking on switched mod names, how come Evilfusion is still Evilfusion, while Oopal is Evilfusion? =0


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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1333378638' post='5898879']
What image? oh wait that one. Yeah April 1st is the day of the year when you just can't trust anything. The problems start when you try to trust that everything is a prank. Then it turns out that the fact it wasn't a prank, was actually the prank.

oh wait!

Oh speaking on switched mod names, how come Evilfusion is still Evilfusion, while Oopal is Evilfusion? =0


Probably because Opal placed a character symbol in the name that made it look like that letter, but it doesn't count as it. But it would be so confusing to have two Jeremys...

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[color=#ee82ee][font=comic sans ms,cursive][quote name='Wingal Brave' timestamp='1333376421' post='5898832']
We'll be careful, Opal. [s]Now could you give evilfusion his name back please?[/s]

Can't. I used up my name changes for the prank and changing it via the admin CP isn't working. At least not for me.
So I'll have to stick with this for a few more days. /ok

Also, the actual evilfusion was supposed to change into Roxas who was supposed to change into Flame Dragon or something. But due to people being unable to get online at the same time, it didn't really work.x) Although getting PM's with DN requests was hilarious.=D

And yes, some letters are Greek letters that look the same, but aren't really the same.

Anywy, just wanted to let everyone know that I don't know how the posts got deleted.O_o Either someone messing with you or the old forum glitch.[/font][/color]

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[quote name='Wingal Brave' timestamp='1333379063' post='5898889']
Except I could tell who you were because of various typing mannerisms, personalities, etc.

...I think I've been on YCM too long, if I can tell people apart by how they post. ._.

I've memorized everyone's post count, reps, older names and stuff.


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[quote name='evilfusiοn' timestamp='1333379079' post='5898891']

Can't. I used up my name changes for the prank and changing it via the admin CP isn't working. At least not for me.
So I'll have to stick with this for a few more days. /ok

Also, the actual evilfusion was supposed to change into Roxas who was supposed to change into Flame Dragon or something. But due to people being unable to get online at the same time, it didn't really work.x) Although getting PM's with DN requests was hilarious.=D

And yes, some letters are Greek letters that look the same, but aren't really the same.

Anywy, I'll let you guys discuss things, just wanted to let everyone know that I don't know how the posts got deleted.O_o Either someone messing with you or the old forum glitch.

You guys are evil...

And we'll deal things here carefully Opal.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333379864' post='5898910']
KYM is being rather lulzy, and its only 11:17:

Geez I reached my limit on likes for the day and it's barely 8:20am D=

Soooo what are you people refering to when you mention "missing" or "deleted" posts? =0
Is that at this club?

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Next Saturday's episode seems to have potential. I always enjoy a good mystery scenario.

Pinkie pretty much has photographic memory.
-A book falls on her face and she actually remembers the contents and number of the page when Twilight wonders about it.
-She knows everypony in town by name and the exact time their birthdays are.
-Remembers what might be even hundreds of patterns that decodify her Pinkie sense.

It's not like she remembers random things, it's probably that she remembers everything. She suddenly sounds perfect for the case.

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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1333380921' post='5898926']
Next Saturday's episode seems to have potential. I always enjoy a good mystery scenario.

Pinkie pretty much has photographic memory.
-A book falls on her face and she actually remembers the contents and number of the page when Twilight wonders about it.
-She knows everypony in town by name and the exact time their birthdays are.
-Remembers what might be even hundreds of patterns that decodify her Pinkie sense.

It's not like she remembers random things, it's probably that she remembers everything. She suddenly sounds perfect for the case.

And obviously she can break the 4th wall as well as extend her body parts to great lengths and travel between dimensions. She's pretty much the cartooniest of the group.

And I hope the next episode won't be a stereotypical train mystery. But it's Pinkie Pie so you dunno what you can expect...

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Mystery episode? Sounds like da shiz.

Oh, and off topic, but I'm currently working on a MLP WWE vid series, so yea~


I'm done with 3 vids, and I'm working on number 4, which will be Twilight and John Cena. :3

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333382754' post='5898954']
Pinkie Pie is god-tier, except shes comic relief.
[/quote]It's interesting because she's god-tier in Fighting is Magic too

[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1333380921' post='5898926']
Next Saturday's episode seems to have potential. I always enjoy a good mystery scenario.

Pinkie pretty much has photographic memory.
-A book falls on her face and she actually remembers the contents and number of the page when Twilight wonders about it.
-She knows everypony in town by name and the exact time their birthdays are.
-Remembers what might be even hundreds of patterns that decodify her Pinkie sense.

It's not like she remembers random things, it's probably that she remembers everything. She suddenly sounds perfect for the case.
[/quote]...Oh god, you're right

If the episode's actually a mystery, I'll be looking forward to it.

Especially cuz Sherlock Pie sounds pretty damn epic.

Still can't wait for season finale tho

[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1333394722' post='5899110']
Mystery episode? Sounds like da shiz.

Oh, and off topic, but I'm currently working on a MLP WWE vid series, so yea~


I'm done with 3 vids, and I'm working on number 4, which will be Twilight and John Cena. :3
[/quote]....did that song say "A colt of personality?"


Also, tis epic :3

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he WUT

Also, forgot

Something epic happened to me

I was looking at my Fluttershy drawing

So this guy in my class is like

"Is that a pony?"
"Oh, so you watch My Little Pony?"
"Ooh, man, I heard a bunch of people are getting into that show, like, entire groups xD"

Me outside:


Me inside:


And then I went to join my group to work on our mini-play about health

And we have a nurse there, who sucks, and asks pointless question while the girl (to-be-patient) is like...keeling over in pain

And we're throwing question ideas around

So one of the girls in my group is like

"Do you like My Little Pony? Which one do you prefer, Pinkie Pie, or Rainbow Dash?"
"I'm dyiiing ;A;"
"I'll take that as Rainbow Dash"

^ her 'acting' this out

Apparently people know of MLP and its famousness even in Panama :3

Also, what happened to Twi was epic (in that, coincidences are lulzy)

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Yush, look up "My time is now" lyrics. :3

And it's always incredible meeting someone who knows about the show.

[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333397412' post='5899156']
"Do you like My Little Pony? Which one do you prefer, Pinkie Pie, or Rainbow Dash?"
"I'm dyiiing ;A;"
"I'll take that as Rainbow Dash"

^ her 'acting' this out
I can only imagine how amazing and hilarious it was seeing this. XDD

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I'm definitely gonna

And it is <3

And Im actually in charge of writing the play (have to do it today)

So I am gonna reference

Doctor Who (I'm the doctor, and I am having him with a british accent. He'll say "I am the Doctor.")

other stuff I think about

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We have the entire thing basically planned out tho, so won't be that hard :3

And lol


Anyone, gimme a pointless MLP-related question to ask to a dying person (something basic tho, like "Who's your favorite character in My Little Pony?)

I might use it in my script :3

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