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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1333077359' post='5894590']
[/quote]Oh my god





Showing my friend this shiz

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Well, um, anyway...
Why can't I have this already?!?![img]http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/fd82d3fc0e484b87cf1c9dd4e5df4c6b/158077%20-%20applejack%20apple_bloom%20berry_punch%20big_macintosh%20blueblood%20Bon_Bon%20braeburn%20cards%20card_set%20Carrot_Top%20celestia%20Crackle%20Daring_Do%20Diamond_Tiara%20dinky_hooves%20DJ_PON3%20Doctor_Whooves%20Fancy_Pants%20Flam%20Fleur_De_Lys%20Flim%20flim_flam_brothers%20fluttershy%20gilda%20Golden_Harvest%20granny_smith%20iron_will%20lily%20luna%20Lyra%20mayor_mare%20mr._cake%20Mrs._Cake%20Octavia%20photo_finish%20pinkie_pie%20Pipsqueak%20pokey_pierce%20pound_cake%20pumpkin_cake%20rainbow_dash%20rarity%20rose%20roseluck%20Sapphire_Shores%20scootaloo%20silver_spoon%20Snails%20snips%20soarin%20spike%20spitfire%20Sweetie_Belle%20Trixie%20twilight_sparkle%20Twist%20vinyl_scratch%20zecora.jpg[/img]

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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1333077359' post='5894590']

And now for something completely different:
Speaking of which, it looks like they just recolored filly Pinkie...

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1333082233' post='5894670']
Stuff from KYM:
[/quote]1st comic is ...wtf

2nd comic is...




A bit long

But lol

And I'd use Twilight set

Because honestly it's the best

Rainbow set is half kewl have eew

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333111712' post='5894864']
Goddamn, if I had seen those before I went to bed, I'd have gotten nightmares >.>

That shouldn't be the case xD.
Since it's from a Batman character, the thing it makes me think about is:


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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1333121146' post='5894927']

That shouldn't be the case xD.
Since it's from a Batman character, the thing it makes me think about is:


That Batman pic is just beyond vintage...

BTW Good morning everyone. ^^

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1333111712' post='5894864']
Goddamn, if I had seen those before I went to bed, I'd have gotten nightmares >.>[/quote]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8BZDwLExPI&feature=player_embedded]YOU KNOW YOU CANT UN-SEE IT[/url]

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