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[quote name='Doctor Whooves' timestamp='1328229573' post='5796126']
So guys... [url="http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Mann_Co._Supply_Crate#Series_.2338"]Crate #38[/url].

I can't freaking wait to get my hands on a Strange Quick-Fix.
I can't wait until I get a strange SMG (it's been long enough!) and a strange dead ringer.

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[quote name='Doctor Whooves' timestamp='1328585935' post='5801908']
So I bought a Eureka Effect for 2 scrap the other day, and I love it.

I also got a Sharp Dresser.

Poor Festive weapons, they won't be seeing much use now...
I got a Genuine Pip-Boy and a Eureka Effect for 1.33 ref. This was back when the Effect was still 1-2 rec.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1328580596' post='5801576']
4 Refined? Well the price will gradually go down. Like when I bought a Pomson from some guy for 1.33 ref, and the next thing it's down to 1 rec. Also, my life is not complete until thet make a Strange Tomislav. :3
Hopefully if they make a strange tomislav, they'll also implement the nerf from beta so it's a decent sidegrade. :D

Edit: Also the YER is still like 1.66 ref whereas the knife is only 1 ref, strange prices are stupid.

Edit 2: Apparently you can get strange SMGs for 3ref now.

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just got the game yesterday on steam. can't buy anything since my parents are annoying, but ne guy was nice enouh to trade me some cheap stuf form the shop.
and one question about sappers: why cant i put them on sentrys!!!

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[quote name='空の竜藩主' timestamp='1328637205' post='5802598']
just got the game yesterday on steam. can't buy anything since my parents are annoying, but ne guy was nice enouh to trade me some cheap stuf form the shop.
and one question about sappers: why cant i put them on sentrys!!!
You need to be right next to the sentry. Generally it's best to hold left click as you walk past (you don't need to tap it or anything).

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[quote name='Stylish Alastor' timestamp='1328652517' post='5803053']
I'll never get rid of my strange festive knife.


It's like, my new favorite virtual item.
Heh, nice. People with strange knives at a decent killcount are usually decent, but people with high-kills FESTIVE strange knifes are even better.

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Got Bonk Boy.

CRAFTED UNUSUAL BONK HELMET!!!11!!1!!!1!!1!!!!!1one!!!!1eleven!

My friend didnt see the point in stranges :/

This s*** is awesome! Now all I need is a Winger, then I got #1 Fan set done!
Dont bother trading me for a winger, I have a shortstop, now I need to get the rest of the materials, I think its 1 rec. IDK.

Whats the 1.66 Refined stuff? Can you even HAVE .66 of a single, impossible to divide entity?

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.11 is a scrap
.33 is a rec
.66 is 2 rec
1.00 is a ref

Um... I don't think you can craft Unusuals.

Speaking of Strange Machinas, one day I saw someone fall for the oldest trick in the book. They traded 8 keys for a normal Machina that had been renamed. XP

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[quote name='DemoPan' timestamp='1328654817' post='5803094']
Got Bonk Boy.

CRAFTED UNUSUAL BONK HELMET!!!11!!1!!!1!!1!!!!!1one!!!!1eleven!

My friend didnt see the point in stranges :/

This s*** is awesome! Now all I need is a Winger, then I got #1 Fan set done!
Dont bother trading me for a winger, I have a shortstop, now I need to get the rest of the materials, I think its 1 rec. IDK.

Whats the 1.66 Refined stuff? Can you even HAVE .66 of a single, impossible to divide entity?
It's a shame the winger is awful. Though if you want one, you'd be way better off trading for one - crafting is silly.


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[quote name='Pinkamena Diane Pie' timestamp='1328661884' post='5803288']
The Winger is terri-bad.

It needs a buff. Like the Razorback, DDS, RJ... and many, many more.

The RB doesn't need a buff as it's entirely useless.

All it takes are 2-3 shots from the Revolver to kill a Snipe.

Jarate is the way to go.

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