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Duel Academy: The Spirit Chronicles |Year 1| (Accepting/Started) [PG-16] Co-Host: Reina Soho


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Guest Justice Master

Oh. We'll be posting for two reasons. 1. DN is something i'm unfamiler with so I'd be confused and that would transfer into the RP. 2. Posting can do alot more to the plot and character relationships then just going to another website and playing with images.

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Guest Justice Master

Well, there is this trend among Yu-Gi-Oh! RPs to keep a list at the bottom of your post. Something like.



Turn: 7



Monsters: 1


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Card Name/Name as Student: Jenis, Lightsworn Mender/"Jenny"

Gender/Age: Female/14 - Freshman

Bio: Jenis is one of the youngest of the Lightsworns. It's not known where she came from, but she was found amongst the survivors of a battle against a dark force. She joined the Lightsworns late in their war, providing reinforcement at a crucial stage. Some time after the battle, they heard rumours of another Darkness, related to a human duel monsters school. Jenis was the one able to manifest as a human most easily, and coincidentally was the one most interested in learning about humanity and how they live. Thus she was sent to the academy, with a deck containing the spirits of her allies, to investigate these rumours.

Appearance: Similar to her card art, although younger-looking, and less developed. She wears a white shirt and long skirt, with either a white jacket or her academy uniform over it.

Personality: Jenis is somewhat immature, and very inquisitive, wanting to find out about anything and everything she can. She's friendly and rather open - or at least it would seem that way, but she is good at hiding her true identity. She is also a little insecure, but when she needs to be she can become rather serious.

Ability: Can summon her staff (see card art), which can generate light energy with either destructive or healing power. Can also communicate with the other Lightsworns, still in spirit form.

Deck Type: Lightsworns

Reason For Coming to the School: To investigate The Darkness, to learn about humanity.

Dorm: Ra Yellow

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Hmm... still a great human-spirit imbalance. Must fix!


Card Name/Name as Student: Alien Hunter/Wesley Hunter

Gender/Age: Male/7 human years (appears 14) - Freshman

Bio: Bred for combat, the Aliens have always been feared in the Aegis Galaxy, which they rule. Other species have tried to resist them, but have always been beaten down by the relentless Alien forces. However, some of the higher-ups in this galaxy have begun to suspect a conspiracy going on on the distant planet Earth, whose residents were known for their dueling supremacy. A veteran Hunter elite was chosen to go to the planet as a spy. Equipped with a deck containing the spirits of several of his underlings, he was genetically modified and disguised as an earthling, and enrolled in the most likely place that the conspiracy would originate from: Duel Academy. Little do the rulers know that he has plans for a rise in his own power...

Appearance: He stands rather tall for someone of his (supposed) age, clocking in around 5'6''. His hazel eyes have a no-nonsense look in them, and are backed by a chest-length mullet of an unhealthy green pallor (the same color as his scales), which is separated into several sharp locks. He wears his uniform during classes, but opts to put on his black military-esque coat when he can.

Personality: Wesley has a nasty superiority complex, always barking out orders at those he considers his subordinates. This includes the cards in his deck. However, he does tend to push things a little too far, sometimes resulting in his failure... in which case he will lock down. He always wants anything other people have that he considers better than him, and will attempt to take it if given the opportunity.

Ability: His spear (which he keeps hidden in his closet) contains a series of poisons and gimmicks designed for catching runaway slaves. They also prove rather effective in combat. If things get desperate, there is a serum inside it that will revert any biological changes to whoever it injects--allowing him to become an Alien again.

Deck Type: Alien (primarily field control, but has a fair bit of beatdown potential)

Reason For Coming to the School: Listed in the bio.

Dorm: Ra Yellow (though he always tries to shoot for Obelisk Blue)

Sin: Envy

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Card Name/Name as Student: Jester Lord/Chester

Gender/Age: Male/ 17

Bio: Its uncertain exactly where the Jester monsters came from, some speculate they have been around since Toon Monsters dawned, but never made their presence known to others, not even other monsters. Being the lord of the Jester-like beings, Jester Lord decided it was high time for him and one other to appear in card form, his friend Jester Confit. During the great darkness, Jester Lord defended his home, but was gravely injured, and was forced to flee into the world of the humans, hiding in plain sight so to speak. Not a day goes by though that he doesn't think of the other Jester a toon monsters he had to leave behind. He hopes some day to return, to see the friends he had once again.

Appearance: Pic

Personality: Chester is a very laid back individual, and takes a laxidasical attitude towards any situation. He's calm 98% of the time, but other times, he laughs when he doesn't mean to, almost exposing who he really is. He doesn't mind a challenge but does prefer to take easy ways out of certain things if he can.

Ability: Can create illusions to get out of jams if the need arises.

Deck Type: Saturday Morning Madness

Reason For Coming to the School: Forced to flee for his life

Dorm: Slipher Red

Sin: N/a


Hope its ok

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Guest iCherry

Would like to reverse as a Duel Spirit.

Question though, do we get to use Anime Effects for cards? If so, I'll be a Number. If not, I'll just get something else.

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Guest Justice Master

Well, I've already allowed one guy to be a teacher, so I'll add it to the apps. Shadow duels will be pretty simple, just high stake duels. And Turbo duels, well we don't have those, but that could be a future Ark.....

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Guest iCherry

Card Name/Name as Student: No. 39 Aspiring Emperor Hope/Imperia Kotei

Gender/Age: Female/16/Sophomore


Bio: Imperia is a “Number” Monster, special cards from another universe. This is the information humans received. In reality, she is from an alternate universe with other fellow Numbers and other special Spirits. It is similar to a higher plane of the Spirit World. Being able to oversee some of the events that occur in that world, she learned of Duel Spirits going to a school within the human world. Yet, knowing of how they're simply used for this card game in that world, why would they want to go? So they'll have a life among humans instead of their own kin? But why? She couldn't understand... she was eventually approached by her close friend: Revise Dragon after he also learned of this. He explains that one of the superior numbers have given them permission to go and observe the human world first hand by also being there as a human herself. This is solely because of information about a certain evil that threatens the human world, and it's by their own kind. Imperia was sent out with out Number Comrades to investigate thoroughly.


Appearance: Imperia has a rather voluptuous body along with long purple hair and red eyes, similar to her Monster Form. She also has a red '39' mark on her shoulder, as a symbol of who she is. It's usually covered by her clothes. When she isn't wearing her Duel Academy Jacket, she wears a small, thin, red sweater jacket. A cardigan, if you will. She wears this on top of a yellow shirt and blue jeans.


Personality: Imperia, by nature, is a kind woman who seems to respect most around her. Whether they be human, spirit, good, or evil. Outside of duels anyway. During duels, she is rather sadistic and goes out of her way to inflict as much damage as possible all at once, or prolong the duel to make her opponent suffer more. This mood swing seems almost non-existent while not dueling. ...Almost. It comes from any large amount focused hatred she can use on her opponent. Like a human who uses duel spirits “for fun”. She can also be very protective of people she comes to deeply care about, to the point of using her powers, regardless of consequences. Somewhat like a Big Sister instinct.


Ability: Can conjure up powerful shockwaves from her hand that pushes a target(s) away from her. The closer her hand is to the target(s), the more effective the attack is and they'll be thrown farther away.

Deck Type: Aquatic Masterpiece (Shark/Yuma Hybrid with more Exceeds.)

Reason For Coming to the School: To observe humans and learn why her kind is being used for the game. Also wants to learn why her kind is traveling to the human world to begin with.

Dorm: Slifer Red

Sin: N/A


This good?

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