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Duel Academy: The Spirit Chronicles |Year 1| (Accepting/Started) [PG-16] Co-Host: Reina Soho


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Mr. Ishtar has arrived!! *evil Laugh* *clears throat* now umm back to buisness

Name: Zaius Ishtar

Gender/Age: Male/15 (Sophomore)

Bio:(4 lines minimum)

Appearance:(Pic or Discription)

Personality: Zaius is a person of hate and pure cruelty, he cares for no one. He doesn't have any friends nor wants any. All he cares for is his deck of cards, which are all insane. This is the complete opposite for girls he has an interest in though. While in a duel, Zaius tends to laugh menaically a lot. He talks to his monster card spirits all the time, people around think he's crazy and is talking to himself.

Deck Type: Torture

Dorm: Ra Yellow


Can i finish this later???

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well i was talking to justice and we had talked about possibly limiting the number of people shown in the first episode so as to not to cause overcrowding. justice and i discussed maybe showing, at least at the beginning of the episode, his, reina's and my character and then perhaps half way through the episode introduce a couple of others, and then each episode maybe try and introduce others to prevent everyone from showing up all at once.


I realize that this may come with some criticism but it seems like a better idea than having all our characters do a made dash at the very start of the rp and everyone showing up in a huge mess of introductions and character interactions.


Your thoughts are welcome, but please give some kind of reasoning and logical view as to what you say instead of just posting "That idea sucks."

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We just went over that it doesn't exclude people from playing, and we've gone over why it's the logical thing to do as well. In fact, if anything, it allows more people to participate as a whole and interact together more so than otherwise.


Hmm, this is true justice but that may be somewhat too large of a number at the same time. Also we should probably figure out the frequency at which everyone is able to post.

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Re: Episodes


The idea is, in theory, useful, since it reduces the interactions at any given moment. The issue, however, is that if someone isn't featured for a couple of episodes, and those drag on, they aren't playing. However, if we were to have 'A' and 'B' (and possibly more) episodes, running together, more people could post at the same time, and you'd be able to have more than one event going on at the same time (eg a villain moves in on a victim whilst the rivalry of two other characters comes to a head, and possibly an interlude with someone without anything to do struggling with a tough desicion or homework or the like), which would no doubt help the plot along. As long as the different episodes have an easy to remember classification, which can be put at the start of the post (or section thereof concerning that 'episode'), It shouldn't be too hard to follow, and certainly it would be easier to locate posts relevent to your character than in the average RP.


Whilst I expect we'd need a few introductory episodes to avoid a mass influx of characters, once they're done things will speed up, and if people feel they can do so without taking over the plot, a couple of yet to be intrduced characters could make cameos in those episodes anyway.


As for mine, I'd like one of them (preferabbly Jenis) to be introduced fairly early, since having something to do would probably help get me to come here.




On another note: Stalfos, Aivea apparently has a twilight deck. Since IRL those tend to include Lightsworn monsters, and one of my characters is a Lightsworn representing the rest of the group, I just want to check to what degree (if in fact any) lightsworns are used in her deck. Unless it's 'Lightsworns + Blue-eyes + a couple of DARKs', I don't have a problem with it - although I'd prefer them used at a minimum - it's just so I can think about some other stuff.

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So sort of like how a show has two plot lines going on? as in "Meanwhile..." type of thing? Or are we talking two separate episodes dealing in a single plot line? (i.e. Episode 5A and episode 5B)


It seems to all really depend on the amount of people we actually have going to rp, how often they can post, and how active they'll be.

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To clarify, I mean having two sets of characters conducting 'separate' episodes, like a TV show may have one episode centered around one character, and the next centered around another during that same time period, only doing them together (with clear indication of what is part of what) so people aren't waiting. It also means that if all you have to do in one episode is introduce something at the start, rather than sitting idle for the rest of the episode, you may be able to do something in another plot thread.


Also, since I'm not sure who's in or not: Who (else) has duel spirit characters, and has anyone else created a villain yet?

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