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Create an Xyz Monster! Free template here! By WH

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Hello, I created using GIMP a template so you guys can make Xyz Monsters.



This template is FREE. You CANNOT use this in shops, competitions or in other sites. Do not claim as your own and do not edit without asking ME first. If you see someone breaking these rules, PM me and I will reward you. There is something wrong with the font used for the Type / Xyz and the [] appear as (). I'll solve it out with the next version. I have not enabled layers to edit the Serial Number, Edition and Set. Who cares about those? However, if a lot of people demand them I will edit and include them.

This how a card made with my template looks like:
Direct link if the image doesnt work: [url="http://i54.tinypic.com/9qbgid.png"]http://i54.tinypic.com/9qbgid.png[/url]

How to use section.

1. Open it up in GIMP.
2. Open as layers your image, crop it, resize it etc, so it fits the border.(Place the Template above the image.)
2.1. If you dont know how to use the crop, rezise etc. just save your card and open that up. However, note you may have to edit that too.
3. I have Attributes, Stars, Text etc. in layers.
3.1. For [b]Atrribute, [/b]delete the layers with the attributes and leave the one you want. OR put them to non-visible.
3.2. For [b]Stars, [/b]delete the layers of the stars you dont want OR put them to non visible. (Ex: If you want a rank 4 Xyz, delete stars 8, 7, 6, 5)
3.3. For [b]Text, [/b]just edit the layers I have placed. You will need Matrix Regular Small Caps, Matrix Bold Small Caps Thin, Matrix Book Medium or any other font fitting. For the name, you might want to scale it a bit to make look bigger.
4. There you are. Save as .PNG and upload.
5. Have fun.

BETA 1.:

The base card for Xyz is Number 39: Utopia. All attributes and base card from Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia.

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There is already an Xyz template (XyzV5).
Use [ and ] instead ( and ), it makes them look unrealistic, the Attribute looks weird, and is almost invisible, also the corner stamp looks just like a plain gray square, and the ATK and DEF value font looks odd. The color of the lore text is too bright, and doesn't blend into the background lore.

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