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Xyz monsters 2

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You havent been waiting that long. You created your account in 09. Xyz's were only anounced this year...safe to say around...July(At least in TCG)? And ther format was finalized then too. The people didnt start getting around to making them till around that time or before as well. Also you havent been active enough at all so you most likely weren't waiting to long.

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it's been a year and a half. don't tell me to wait.

A year in the half. Where the hell did you get that number? They were announced in February. In the OCG they were out in March. They only came out in the TCG mid-July, so like a month and a half ago. So seriously, while we've known about them for a good while, it is hardly any time at all.


So be a good member and wait. They will get here when they get here.

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