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My Heaven Is Your Hell


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3 Effect Veiler
3 Goblin Zombie
3 Reborn Tengu
3 Tour Guide From the Underworld
2 Summoner Monk
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Mezuki
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Sangan
1 Zombie Master[/color]

3 Gold Sarcophagus
2 Book of Life
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Creature Swap
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn[/color]

2 Call of the Haunted
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Trap Dustshoot[/color]

15 WIP

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Birdman is irrelevant, run Bulb though it has insane combos with Tengu and you can go ZM > Ditch Bulb > Goblin > Trish. I would suggest Call over Book of Life because you can chain it to MST when you have Goblin/Sangan for pluses, also helps if you turn 1 Tour Guide but don't see Goblin. However more spells is better for Monk so your call really.

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[quote name='Akira' timestamp='1314744224' post='5480305']
Birdman is irrelevant, run Bulb though it has insane combos with Tengu and you can go ZM > Ditch Bulb > Goblin > Trish. I would suggest Call over Book of Life because you can chain it to MST when you have Goblin/Sangan for pluses, also helps if you turn 1 Tour Guide but don't see Goblin. However more spells is better for Monk so your call really.
Birdman is does funny moves. Insta-Level 7 with Birdman, or moves like Leviair -> Detach Sangan, SS Mezuki, fetch Birdman -> Bounce Mezuki for reuse

I completly forgot about Bulb TBH. Space?

I like Book more with Monk

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[quote name='Akira' timestamp='1314744673' post='5480338']
Maybe Foolish, I don't really use that in Zombies anymore because I'd rather get Mezuki/Plague to hand and use them in conjunction with ZM/Brio.
It's still handy at times, but I can try.

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[quote name='THE GOD OF OSIRIS' timestamp='1314745592' post='5480381']
You need more outs for turn 1 Leviathan Dragon, like Creature Swap/Enemy Controller/etc

Start with -1 MST and +1 Creature Swap

Then cut Mind Crush for Call of the Haunted. Call of the Haunted has too much utility here.
Ok, testing:

-1 Foolish
-1 MST
-1 Crush

+1 CotH
+1 C-Swap
+1 Bulb

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[quote name='THE GOD OF OSIRIS' timestamp='1314745883' post='5480395']
Uh, definitely cut both Crush for two Call instead of just one.
Well, ok
[quote name='THE GOD OF OSIRIS' timestamp='1314745883' post='5480395']
Also taking out Foolish seems like a bad idea.

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