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YCM Awards - Council Poll (Closed)

Fusion X. Denver

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The YCM Awards of 2011 are starting soon and I need a council who can dedicate some time to talking things over with me about the awards and helping with running things.
The most I really need you for though is at the beginning and the end of the whole thing.

What times can you NOT log on here:
Why do you want to help?:
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event:

I'm looking for 5 members wanting to help out.
Mainly because 6 people is the most that can partake in a PM.
I'm going to try choosing people who can all be online at the same time and with different ages/genders (or not, do we need to take this THAT seriously?), so if I don't pick you, it is NOTHING personal and I am in fact saving you from the evil that is SHEER BOREDOM.
So who wants in?

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hi i want in yes plz

What times can you NOT log on here: Erm, erratic times throughout the week, though i can hop on. mostly mornings/before 4 o'clock though I sneak on.
Why do you want to help?: I like helping out with events
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: ouioui

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I'd love to help.

What times can you NOT log on: On the weekdays, I can't be on from 7:00 to 11:00 and 6:00 to 10:00. On weekends, I'm free all the time.

Why do you want to help: Obviously I'm very nice, plus I've made the fan-fic section my home.

Would you be willing to advertise: Yes. As long as it doesn't require spamming E-Mails.

EDIT: I can't GFX to save my life.

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What times can you NOT log on here: For the rest of the week until Friday I can't from 1 to4 Eastern Standard time. Next week I start school so then it will be about the time I go to sleep (10) until after school ends which is 4.
Why do you want to help?: This is the first time I'm going to witness YCM awards and it seems like a lot of fun. ^_^
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: Of course.

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What times can you NOT log on here: Kinda unguaranteed on weekdays because of work and stuff like that, but I can sometimes. Weekends is pretty most of the time except GMT 3:00 - 5:00 on a Saturday.
Why do you want to help?: Because I love YCM as a community and I can never turn down a boring organizing job :3
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: Yep. GFXer, roam round every section, pretty easy.

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this looks kewl
What times can you NOT log on here: When the sire is down... other than that i come very often
Why do you want to help?: This looks kewl and I want to help xD
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: Hell yeah I would

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What times can you NOT log on here: Usually 12pm - 10am GMT.

Why do you want to help?: The YCM Awards have a huge history and I would love to help out with the ins and outs of the Awards. I also believe that as a Veteran of YCM, it would be great to have more experienced Members on the Team :)

Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: Of course, I would have a Advert in my Sig as well as a Status Update each and every day to encourage other Members to join in on the fun.

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You could use some help from me, if you wish...

What times can you NOT log on here: During my vacation, when the site is down, when I'm in bed or when I'm out shopping. That's it.
Why do you want to help?: I've joined YCM since 2008 and I know what things are like there. I am willing to help with anything possible.
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: Yeah, why not?

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What times can you NOT log on here: well if im grounded not at all. 11:00 PM to 5:30 AM on weekdays. weekends is anytime.
Why do you want to help?: Bored, need something to fill my thoughts
Would you be willing to help in advertising this super special awesome event: ya i guess.

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Since there haven't been any new posts for a few hours, I'll pick from these guys.

Black: You're like, always on. You're in.
Devil: I've seen you getting anxious about the awards before anyone else. And I can tell you want to help (well duh), you're in.
Sekiiro: You seem peppy. I like that. You're in.
J-Max: If I had to pick 3 people who really love this site, you'd be one of them. You're in.
Angel: I wouldn't mind a veteran's perspective and if you've been around this long, I'm guessing you like this site. You're in.

@Inferno and Cursed-The only reason I didn't pick you guys was because you 2 are already on my GFX team, so I wanted more people to be able to participate. But if you two have any ideas you want to contribute, please feel free to PM me them!
@Golden and Liquid-Bros, trust me, this wouldn't be doing you any favors. Ahead of the council is monotony and time wasted on others' entertainment. But if you two have ideas, please, PM me bros. Also, I'd recommend Duel Monsters Genesis or Dungeon Fighters Online. Heard those get rid of boredom.
@Daemon-I actually was wondering if you'd be interested in signing up for my GFX team. I made a thread in Requests and I think you'd be an excellent addition to it, if you're interested. And it'd probably sate your boredom to GFX then running council stuff.

Thank you all for volunteering, I love you all! [/no homo]
I'm going to PM the council momentarily and the awards should start preeeetty soon.

And hey, feel free to tell your buddies about this.
Or casually mention it in passing.
You know, dropping hints here and there =P

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