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Phantom's Smexy Answer Machine~! [Dead? There an app for tha... no, wait, no there's not... RIP STEVE!]


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[center][i]It's totally kawaii~![/i][/center]

No, not really. Anyways, salutations mortals and welcome to my Answering Machine. I'm positive this has been done before in a nicer way, but I want to peer into your personal lives and [s]pretend I [/s] care.

[spoiler=Teh Rulez, n00bies]
[b]I.[/b] Ask me a question, advice, about the future, etcetera, etcetera, and I'll give you an [s]troll of an[/s] answer. Just be glad I'm not bugging you for money, jerks.[/spoiler]

[size="1"]Nothing personal, its just troll.[/size]

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[quote name='Ã…tman' timestamp='1314733075' post='5479803']

*Bites your hand* 'CAUSE I'M A PRICK.

[quote name='Lunar Origin' timestamp='1314733828' post='5479823']
What is love?

Well, it is three things:

1. A song.
B. Based on the fact you're on YCM, something you don't have.
III. A stupid question.

[quote name='Raving Star' timestamp='1314734764' post='5479865']

Sorry it had to be done. Good question though.

What is the meaning of life?

[url=http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/volcanocams/msh/errorlog/images/404-error.png]Sure, that's an easy one...[/url]

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[quote name='Ã…tman' timestamp='1314741775' post='5480147']
*white glove slap* I DEMAND SATISFACTION. *pulls out gunblade in gun mode* The standard 10 paces?

*Shrugs* I dunno. I think that'll be spamming on here...

[quote name='Marco Polo' timestamp='1314803890' post='5481569']
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Ugh. Stupid questions... Yeah it makes a sound! WTFunnel cake you expect?!

[quote name='Unownguy' timestamp='1314804226' post='5481572']
What... Is your name?

What... Is your quest?

What... Is the average carrying capacity of a swallow?!

ThatPhantomGuy or Phantom.

My quest is to make Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's hilarious with a fan fic I'm writing, called Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: REDUX. /shamless advertizing [size="1"]And make this stupid answer thread.[/size]

Heh, heh. A WHOLE lot. Heh, heh.

[quote name='Lunar Origin' timestamp='1314809924' post='5481673']
Why is my child addicted to crack?

Because you dun goof'd.

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[quote name='Raving Star' timestamp='1314814648' post='5481804']

If it falls in the forest and it doesn't make a sound how do we know it fell? What if it just appeared there on the ground one day?[/quote]

Moar stupid questions. As they say, a stupid question deserves a stupid answer... But I don't say that.

Alright. *Ahem*

[size="1"]Let's say you're taking an extraordinary s[b]troll[/b] through the Forest of Stupid when you, literarily, stumble arcoss a tree that was on the ground because of your incredibly poor eyesight. Now we must assume that somewhere at some point in time this tree was in its natural upright position, as all trees are. Therefore must also assume that at some point something caused the tree to be on the ground, wether by a strong storm, beavers, a big sweaty lumberjack who was in a vexed mood, and/or etcetera. Whatever caused the tree to end up on the ground matters little. The tree must have made a noise, for as far as I am concerned, trees generally make noise when moved, either the wind in its leaves or twigs/branches snapping.[/size]

Quite silly.

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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314912609' post='5484758']
What would you do if you have a very thick hail of magic bullets fired by your Girlfriend flying at you?


[quote name='Chaos Bakugan' timestamp='1314918184' post='5485115']
Why did they stick an X in the middle of ZeXal if the X is not pronounced?

Because only the cool people pronounce it like "Zex-al".

[quote name='Lunar Origin' timestamp='1314919912' post='5485246']
Why is the sky green?

Because you are colored blind. Please go see your optical specialist as soon as possible. [size="1"]Side effects may include dizziness, headaches, nausia, an uncontrolable desire to play card games, and/or death.[/size]

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[quote name='Two-Hundred And One' timestamp='1315033193' post='5488507']
Why do I enjoy watching the enclosed video?

[spoiler="Enclosed Video"][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8coX8VkUKY8&feature=player_detailpage[/media][/spoiler]


[quote name='Chaos Bakugan' timestamp='1315087549' post='5489723']
Why isn't Xyz called Exceed?


[quote name='Nu-Mou Knight' timestamp='1315243574' post='5493984']
Why so serious?

Because no one can take a freaking joke...

Without copying it.

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