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Monsters (19)


1 Evil Hero Malicious Edge


3 Cyber Dragon


1 Elemental Hero Stratos

3 Elemental Hero Wildheart

3 Elemental Hero Sparkman

2 Elemental Hero Clayman

2 Giant Rat

3 The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells (16)


1 Future Fusion

3 Miracle Fusion

2 Dark Calling

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Premature Burial

2 Reinforcement of the Army

2 E-Emergency Call

1 Smashing Ground

2 Shrink


Traps (5)


1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Call of the Haunted

2 Royal Decree



I was running out of ideas, so I randomly threw in a double Shrink. >_>

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*cough* Fusion Deck *cough*

Fusion Deck (37)

34 Rare Fish

2 Fusionist

1 Flower Wolf


This looks a whole lot like a deck I once made' date=' except it had Hero City 2, bladedge, and a few other differences ((mainly because there was no such thing as Dark Fusion back then)). I think that this is pretty much the only type of E-Hero deck that should be ran, other than Big City.



Yeah, this is the closest thing to a playable E-Hero Fusion-based deck that I've managed to come up with. It would be difficult to play before Evil Heroes, since Bladedge is harder to Tribute Summon and you can't have more than 3 Miracle.


Obviously, this deck will be different once Prisma comes out in the TCG. Clayman and Giant Rat will be gone, for instance.


Also, I haven't found any pre-Prisma E-Hero Fusion decks that are even half-decent that don't use a setup that is something like this (Breaker and Malicious Edge are sort of teched in, but the rest of the monsters are fairly rigid). I suppose you could try removing Clayman and Giant Rat for something, or maybe throw in a The Earth for its Rat searchability, but it's still going to look something like this if it's going to be even half-decent.

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Look on here:


[spoiler=The List of Instant Fails V1.01]

In General:


Vanilla/Normal monsters (outside of dedicated decks)

Lack of Staples (unless you have a VERY good reason not to run them)

Reload (unless the deck's specific goal makes it significantly more useful)

Magical Mallet (see Reload)

Tribute to the Doomed (especially over Smashing Ground/Fissure/Lightning Vortex)

Lack of theme (also known as "Holy Pile of Random, Batman!")

Mixing incompatible decktypes (LADD and Six Samurai, Perfect Circle and Macro, E-Heroes and Neos, etc)


With Monarchs:


Lack of Raiza

Lack of both Zaborg and Thestalos (replace Zaborg with Caius after his release)

Mobius in main deck (belongs in side)


Lack of Treeborn Frog (unless Macro)

Less than 3 D.D. Survivor (if Macro)


With Perfect Circle Monarchs:


All applicable general Monarch instant fails

Lack of Destiny Hero - Disk Commanger

Less than 2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

Lack of Premature Burial

Lack of Call of the Haunted

Lack of Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

3 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

Less than 2 Destiny Draw

Lack of Elemental Hero Stratos

Lack of Reinforcement of the Army

Lack of Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

Lack of Foolish Burial


With Gem Beasts:


Rainbow Dragon

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

Cobalt Eagle

Emerald Tortoise

Less than 3 Rare Value

More than 2 Traps

Lack of Abundance

Lack of Summon Priest

Less than 3 Sapphire Pegasus

Amethyst Cat without Rescue Cat

Promise over Beacon/Blessing

Lack of Rainbow Ruins

Continuous Spells

Equip Spells (other than Prem and Release)

Destiny Board


With Fusion-based Elemental Heroes:



Any Vanilla that isn't named Sparkman or Clayman

Clayman in the absence of Giant Rat

Any E-Hero that requires a tribute (Malicious Edge is permissible)

Lack of Stratos

Fusion Gate

Lack of Wildheart

Lack of Cyber Dragons

Lack of The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

Lack of Miracle Fusion

Lack of Dark Calling


With Big City:


Lack of Stratos

Lack of Ocean

Lack of Wildheart

Any E-Hero other than Stratos/Ocean/Wildheart

More than 10 monsters

Lack of Skyscraper 2

Lack of R-Righteous Justice


With Neos:


Running a Neos deck

Lack of O-Oversoul

Lack of Neos Alius



With Chimeratech OTK:


Less than 3 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon

Less than 3 Metalzoa

Less than 3 Trade-In

Less than 3 Reasoning

Less than 3 Monster Gate

Less than 3 Cyber Dragon

Lack of Dark Magician of Chaos

Lack of Overload Fusion

Lack of Card Destruction

Morphing Jar


With Zombies:


Lack of Zombie Master

Macro Cosmos

Dimensional Fissure

Banisher of the Radiance

Banisher of the Light


With Dark World:


The Cheerful Coffin

Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World


With Standard Six Samurai:


Less than 3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Less than 2 Great Shogun Shien

The Six Samurai - Yariza

Not having exactly 1 The Six Samurai - Kamon

Less than 3 Reasoning

Less than 3 Cunning of the Six Samurai

Less than 2 Reinforcement of the Army

Less than 3 Solemn Judgment

Lack of Cyber Dragon

Lack of The Six Samurai - Zanji

Lack of The Six Samurai - Irou

Lack of The Six Samurai - Yaichi

Tribute-requiring monsters (ones with self-Special Summoning effects notwithstanding)






You'll see that running Polymerization with E-Hero Fusions is an Instant Fail.

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