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GPS Roleplay Reviews [Currently Reviewing: Digimon: Paladins of the Boundary by Hydra of Gentlemanliness]

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[quote name='*~Dark~Magician~Girl~*' timestamp='1321416898' post='5645684']
DK: Well.. There was that University RP by MKS.. Sancta, kinda-ish, even-though nothing really happened there. xD And I think that's it outside of the Heaven S realm. Lol. Not sure what's going to be going on in Wishing. .--.;

I'm bringing out my seperation character. <_<

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[quote name='*~Dark~Magician~Girl~*' timestamp='1321416898' post='5645684']
DK: Well.. There was that University RP by MKS.. Sancta, kinda-ish, even-though nothing really happened there. xD And I think that's it outside of the Heaven S realm. Lol. Not sure what's going to be going on in Wishing. .--.;
No worries, I'm not going anywhere near romance in WoaS. Not for a lo-o-ong time.

But, as Kyubey mentioned,lets try and keep this on topic.
[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1321407243' post='5645220']
The switch is long and slow. Please be patient. I'm not enjoying this any more than you are.
Well, I'm sure we can all be patient, especially since, I assume, next season will have much better quality reviews.

[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1321415556' post='5645607']
201: Maigo Keishi: A New Era by *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*
202: Glyph- The Mark of the Soul by Gabriel Maeso
203: ~Digimon: Paladins of the Boundary~ by Hydra of Thunder
2__ (finale): Star Wars Episode i: The Subtle Nightmare by Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac
Well, that is indeed a sweet line-up. But how will you do the last one without being biased, if it does occur?

I was considering joing your Star Wars RP, but I realized that I'm not as into Star Wars as I think I should be before I join such an RP.

[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1321418637' post='5645788']
I'm bringing out my seperation character. <_<
I wouldn't bother. My RP isn't accepting until next season (and as explained before, no romance on my behalf for the time being), AC Generations there is a huge age difference, and she isn't even in the last RP I am in.

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[quote name='*~Dark~Magician~*' timestamp='1321433112' post='5645996']
Well, I'm sure we can all be patient, especially since, I assume, next season will have much better quality reviews.
[b]Well, I'll try, but I wouldn't expect anything too different.[/b]

Well, that is indeed a sweet line-up. But how will you do the last one without being biased, if it does occur?
[b]I won't. I'll admit my biases and do my best to analyse my own faults. Which is easier to do than it sounds; I can already rip apart the first post for being way too crowded.[/b]

I was considering joing your Star Wars RP, but I realized that I'm not as into Star Wars as I think I should be before I join such an RP.
[b]Join anyway. Don't worry; if you play a human, I've included all of the information you'll need. [i]All[/i] of it.[/b]

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Alright, last time i suggested an RP for review it was Bleach: Darkest Days.

Now, I'm suggesting the semi-reboot of that which I am currently co-hosting and playing the Captain Commander in. Bleach: Fragments of a God. Fair warning, the ooc thread is a bit disorganized. While I'm at it, I'd also like to mention that I personally would love to hear a review of Titanomachy: Judgement of Terra by Ekiken mainly because I'd like to hear someone's oppinion on how awful my own god moding in that was or wasn't.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There were... technical difficulties. >_>

My new microphone sucked so horribly I had to get it replaced, and after managing to re-record it with my old one, Audacity started crashing on me while I added the effects back in. Oh, and it takes half an hour to apply five minutes' worth of echo effect. >_> Add the time spent in school and/or sleeping, and it's a week between my finishing recording and actually posting the review. This is a new record. Oh, well. It's up now, and if Flandre Scarlet gives me the okay, I'll tear into the Flatspace RP during the timeframe given during the review.

EDIT: This section is dead as a doornail! [i]Subtle Nightmare[/i] is still on the first page! The Flatspace RP is almost as dead, so I'll find something else to pick apart for you all. Stay tuned.

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No kidding this section's died down. I can only assume it's because of people on vacation or something... eh.

In any case, that was actually a bit more positive than I expected. I suspect a number of the issues cropped up from the fact I was trying to railroad us slightly and didn't give much room for the characters to come up with their own actions, but... well, somebody complained about a lack of direction so it was the best I could do.

As for Footmon... no idea. Dresden has a bad habit of procrastinating on actually writing his applications, so I could only guess at what his purpose in the plot was supposed to be- from a meta standpoint, I [i]did [/i]ask him for a reason to introduce Spiritual Energy and evolution through such, though, so maybe the fault really does lie with me. I [i]think [/i]he's supposed to be a Representative and was trying to goad the group into breaking their human-forms, but I can't be sure- I don't think he was supposed to be an actual antagonist for longer than that scene, though.

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The echo annoyed me for a bit too, though I got used to it after a minute or so. The main issue is that it combined with your accent to make a few parts utterly indistinguishable to my western ears. It wasn't totally horrible, but I still had to rewind a few times to actually make out what you were saying.

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[quote name='Justice Master' timestamp='1326073742' post='5755556']
@All Echo Haters:He was doing it IC for the review since one of his favorite RPs of all time was a Digimon one.
[/quote]This is correct. I figured since he was a ghost, a bit of dramatic echo was in order. I guess I overdid it, though. :/
I can't really un-echo it, but I can post the script if it helps. It certainly won't be coming back until another Digimon review comes along, and I'll be sure to tone it down if/when that happens. (Although, Rinne, I think your headache is more due to the pitch-shifting than the echo. Ytidens's voice is more nasal than Linkara's. >_>)

Next is The Final Armoury by Gabriel Maeso. Be prepared. :o

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No, I'm fairly certain most of us knew [i]why [/i]he was using echo, it's just that having a reason doesn't make it any less annoying, really. There are plenty more ways to distinguish between different personas without resorting to filters that distort the audio, especially since SG is still relatively new to vocal recording and can be a little difficult to discern at times normally.

Like I said, I got used to it after about five minutes, but I honestly might have bailed out early if the subject matter hadn't concerned me personally. Admittedly, I have a somewhat lower tolerance for vocal gimmick than other people do, so take that with a grain of salt.

Aside from that though, I liked the pacing in this one a lot, and the jokes didn't come out half as forced as previously. Splitting up the gradings into more sections is always a good thing, because a simple grading point scale isn't quite elaborate enough when you consider the difference between [i]theoretically [/i]good roleplays and [i]technically [/i]good rps.

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