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The World of Dragonia [Started (Chap 0)/Accepting]

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Name: Ro-Selena (rose-leena)
Age: 116
Side: The Serias
Area: Forest of Elvenkind
[spoiler=Elven Hearing]
The hearing of Ro-Selena has greatly been increased as she has been hiding one her own, she has hearing 6x that of a Human this brings a downside as she avoids loud noises and doesn't fight if it is loud.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Elven Sight]
Since she was born she had seen things differently to all others, she see's things in thermal, this trait gives her the advantage at night time. Again this comes with a downside, she avoids large moving objects.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dead Eye]
Her experiences on her own in the forest and armed only with a bow and some throwing knives her aim is extremely accurate and hence hardly ever misses and she can generally hit delicate areas either crippling people or killing in, often, 1 throw.[/spoiler
Profession: Assassin
Weapons/Equipment: Dagger, Throwing Knives and Bow of Ro-Selena
[b][spoiler=Special Weapons][/b]

Name: Bow of Ro-Selena
Effect: It appears as a stick then with the push of a button it transforms to a long bow.
Damage: 30
Other: The bow doesn't use normal arrows instead it takes the suns light and transforms it into an arrow, hence needs light to work so if in a cave/forest with thick canopy or at night it doesn't word [/spoiler]

Combat Efficiancy: 60%. (no abilities or weapons affect this)
Durability: 90%
Bio: She was born into a very rich family, the 4th child, and thanks to her tribes beliefs the 4th child must be named after a flower and her families flower was a rose hence, [b]Ro-Se[/b]lena. But her families happiness of the new born was short lived, her tribe was attacked her mother made sure that 'the Flower' was safe so hid her in their house and every since then she has been on her own travelling between tribes. trying to find who was responsible for her tribes downfall.

Personality: Her personality frequently changes mainly because of her strange childhood her usual personality is extreamly shy (thanks to her abilities), she ocasionally changes into an aggressive side of her when anyone near her is in risk of being hurt. She is also very easily upset.

Appearance: She wears a cammo robe with a hood with one obvious belt of throwing knives her daggers are stored inside the robe. She is very tall and is light and slim making her agile her hair is brown and her eyes emerald green and she is very light on her feet.

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[size=3]Name: Spike[/size]
Age: 25
Race: Humani
Side: Serias
Area: Utopia
[spoiler='tech thought']Able to put a machine together in his head without having to take notes or drawing it out. Also he can take it apart in his head learning were the design flaw in it is at.[/spoiler]

Profession: Engineer
[spoiler='Six Shot']Name: Six Shot (Right Hand)
Effect: does basic ranged damage
Damage: 15
Other: can only shoot 6 bullets at a time with a wait time of 1 second in between each shot.
[spoiler='Dagger Pistol']Name: Dagger Pistol (Left Hand)
Effect: Basic damage.
Damage: 20 damage when fired, 10 damage when used as a dagger
Other: can only fire one round then needs to be reloaded.
[spoiler='Blindside']Name: Blindside (2Hand)
Effect: Increases his shooting range when out.
Damage: when completed 30
Other: not finished yet he’s still looking for parts to finish it. Think of it as a sniper rifle
[spoiler='Spell Bound Bullets']
Spell Bound Bullets:

Name: Thunder Round
Effect: Does basic Thunder Damage
Damage: 5 extra damage

Name: Ice Round
Effect: Does basic Ice Damage
Damage: 5 extra damage

Name: Fire Round
Effect: Does basic Fire Damage
Damage: 5 extra damage

Other: for all Spell Bound Bullets to be made a Mage needs to put a Spell onto the bullets before the gunpowder is put into the bullet.

[size=3]Combat Efficiancy: 55[/size]
Durability: 60

[size=3]Bio: Since he was young Spike has always been into the technological advances of the world. So when he finally moved to Sky Kingdom he would always be found wandering the streets of Utopia, then when he was old enough he took on as an apprentice, finally able to create things that he loved Spike would always have the next best thing in his head, his next move was to take those ideas and make it into reality.[/size]

[size=3]Personality: When he sees technology he wants to take it apart to figure out how it works so that he could implement it into his own pieces of art. When he’s building something he is always to himself and sometimes isn’t seen for days at a time. When someone likes his work he can’t help but blush and say thank you. His current work of art is a sniper rifle and if all things go to plan as he sees it, it will increase his ability to shoot at people hundreds of yards ahead of him. The only thing stopping him from this is missing ingredients in his master plan.[/size]

[size=3]Appearance: He wears a leather overcoat, black short sleeve shirt, blue jeans with grease stains on them, cowboy boots, and two belts on his waist each with a gun holster, a belt going across his chest with 32 bullets on it, and a cowboy hat. 5’10, medium build, Caucasian, dirty blond hair that’s pulled back out of his face in a ponytail, blue eyes.[/size]

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old dragon is old

Name: Kimu

Age: 100,000

Race: Dragon

Side: Seria

Area: The Sky Kingdom

Kimu can communicate with any living being with his mind, this also allows him to read the thoughts and emotions of any being he communicates with, allowing him to predict movement[/spoiler]
Kimu can breathe a large amount of fire at any time at his will[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Profession: Battle Advisor

Weapons/Equipment: Long claws, large long sharp fangs

Combat Efficiency: 58%

Durability: 78%

Bio: Kimu of course was born way before this war. He spent most of his life in peace. He is known as a very wise dragon, although in his youth he lost his left foreleg in an accident he prefers not to talk about. The rest of his past is unknown to everyone but him. With the conflict between Arrcorn and Serias, Kimu will preferably be a battle advisor, but when the time comes, a powerful weapon.

Personality: Kimu is very intelligent, and since most of his life was a peaceful one, he prefers to avoid conflict. Like all dragons, he will eat meat most, so while during his hunting, he would use his telephathy to decrease the dificulty in hunting, so he adapted to this and uses it in battle. He also has high pride for his race.

Appearance: Kimu is an incredibly massive golden-scaled dragon. Measuring at 100ft tall with his old age, and yet to continue growing until his death. His pure-white fangs larger then full-grown men, the same for his pure-white claws. His wings are the size of two large houses. His left leg missing from past events, which proves to be a major weakpoint.

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Hunderas, yours is great.
SSD, your too old. If you are a Fire Dragon, which is what it sounds like, you only live till about 7,000. Also, I need a profession. Mage, maybe. Dragons dont live forever in this game. Unless you want to work out plans with Windriser, you need to be younger. That means you will see almost NO combat time.

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