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[REQ] Rescue Rabbit Club Banner/Sig

Mecha Love

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[u][u][b]Requests must contain:[/b][/u][/u]
[b]Request: [/b]I'm requesting a Sig/Banner for my club.
[b]Size: [/b]Just a size that can be used for a Club Banner as well as a Sig.
[b]Render/Stock you want using[/b].
[spoiler= Render]
[code] [color="#000000"][url="http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/16/rescuerabbit.png"]http[/url][/color][url="http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/16/rescuerabbit.png"][color="#666600"]:[/color][color="#880000"]//img685.imageshack.us/img685/16/rescuerabbit.png[/color][/url] [/code]
[b]How much you're willing to pay[/b] [i]Negotiable[/i]
[b]Other: [/b][i]Light colours and make sure that the render can be seen and stands out.[/i]
[b]Text:[/b][center][center][i][size=4][b][u]Eripere Cuniculus ~[/u][/b][/size][/i][/center][/center]
[center][center][i][size=4][b][u]The Church of Rescue Rabbit[/u][/b][/size][/i][/center][/center]

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