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[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: More of a darker feeling probably
[b]Source[/b]: http://i55.tinypic.com/2wd0hs0.png it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: Whatever looks good
[b]Source[/b]: http://i55.tinypic.com/fkmb80.png it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: Whatever looks good
[b]Source[/b]: http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y308/Toot4/5848_render_SasNar.png it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

The sizes are flexible, I just think it looks good.

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[quote name='Glitch' timestamp='1315166905' post='5492104']
[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: More of a darker feeling probably
[b]Source[/b]: [url="http://i55.tinypic.com/2wd0hs0.png"]http://i55.tinypic.com/2wd0hs0.png[/url] it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: Whatever looks good
[b]Source[/b]: [url="http://i55.tinypic.com/fkmb80.png"]http://i55.tinypic.com/fkmb80.png[/url] it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

[b]Size[/b]: 450 x 200
[b]Style[/b]: Whatever looks good
[b]Source[/b]: [url="http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y308/Toot4/5848_render_SasNar.png"]http://i1024.photobu...nder_SasNar.png[/url] it's already a render
[b]S[/b][b]et[/b]: ?

The sizes are flexible, I just think it looks good.
Do you have stocks?

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[quote name='Wahrheit' timestamp='1315159522' post='5491800']
[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1315155500' post='5491640']
[b]Size[/b]: 400x120
[b]Style[/b]: I don't care, I don't want to limit you.
[b]Source[/b]: [url="http://i56.tinypic.com/14slglv.jpg"]http://i56.tinypic.com/14slglv.jpg[/url] or [url="http://i54.tinypic.com/331oc2o.jpg"]http://i54.tinypic.com/331oc2o.jpg[/url]
[b]Scheme[/b]: Dark/black and red
[b]Set[/b]: (please include .ttf/etc for nonstandard) I don't really know what this means, but w/e you want?

This is more realistic so.... =D
I like gundams. I also know they make models of them. Do you have a nice hi-res picture of a model of that mech?[/quote]
These are what I've got.

You can use whatever you please.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1315170549' post='5492248']
These are what I've got.

You can use whatever you please.
Good enough for me.


Legend Zero
Glitch x 3

[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1315170917' post='5492269']
[spoiler=You think you could work with something like this?]
Yeah easily.

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1315173518' post='5492366']
[b]Size[/b]: 1024x768
[b]Style[/b]: Surprise me
[b]Source[/b]: [url="http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/ld/nytdvcbyrtshghdfjbsvnegtndtyfgjhkjsd.jpg"]http://media.wizards...dtyfgjhkjsd.jpg[/url]
[b]Scheme[/b]: Surprise me
[b]Set[/b]: ...sorry, but what? XD
If you want a wallpaper it would be cool if you picked a bigger image, that's pretty small.

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[quote name='Glitch' timestamp='1315191194' post='5492903']
Sorry, no.
But these are renders. Aren't I just saving you trouble?
But, no, I don't have renders.
I actually prefer stocks as stated in the post, but okay. I'll see what I can do.. again not the hugest anime buff.

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Double Order~ [i]:[/i]D


Size: 400 X 120
Style: You can decide!
Source: [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/258/1/a/roxas_by_llano-d2ystok.jpg"]http://fc00.devianta...ano-d2ystok.jpg[/url]
Scheme: Whatever colors are in the picture~
Set: Not to sure what you mean. [i]:[/i]I Sorry.


Size: 1600 X 900 (the standard size of my computer screen. :/ Hope it isn’t to big)
Style: Something…amazing. [i]:[/i]D
Source: [url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/331/4/f/Roxas_Wallpaper_by_F1amedude.png"]http://fc04.devianta...y_F1amedude.png[/url] [Don’t want the logo part though, Thanks. [i]:[/i])]
Scheme: Whatever colors are in the picture~
Set: I’m sorry, I have no idea what this is. DX

I only have two questions.

What do you need for the "Set" part? I have no idea what a ".ttf" is. .-.

And Do I need to pay you now? [i]:[/i]D

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