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[REQ] Game Logo/Title Screen (Could pay up to 1,000 points)

John A. Zoidberg

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I'm looking for the title screen of a video game I'm making.

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/ley.png/ Best I can do. That is the background of the title screen. The game title is:

Rise of the Beastmen: Starlit Solace

Try to make it look good.

Here's a full list of what I want:
1. The background linked to.
2. An acceptable logo. Rise of the Beasmen should be very large, and Starlit Solace should be smaller, but readable.
3. The initials DM in the bottom right corner.

If you really impress me, you'll be paid 1,000 points AND be credited in whatever way you want in the games credits.

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