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Lunar Origins

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Smart person, yes I like anime, and if thats garazza, I really do know him alot, mainly by status posts if I'm thinking of the right person.....But anyhow, I've seen you around, here, there and so on... Pretty decent person, doesn't troll RC, [[size=1]its so fun though, lol[size=4]] and so your a very intelligent person, and so maybe you'd know the anime's I'd like the most, pretty obvious truthfully. [/size][/size]

[size=1][size=4]One game related[/size][/size]
[size=1][size=4]One is scrambled "Ledneg of Karro"[/size][/size]
[size=1][size=4]and [/size][/size]
[size=1][size=4]Last is [/size][/size]
[size=1][size=4]Inyu_ _ _ _[/size][/size]

[size=1][size=4]Anyone can try, lol.....[/size][/size]

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If that's you in the "post a picture of the real you" thread:
Girl look at that body.=O

EDIT: Cherry Blossom - I think you're a consistently positive presence on the site who occasionally brings a smile on people's faces.
I've always liked your username and even though I only see you in Games or with Garazza and Spike, you're definitely someone we need around here.

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I think you were NINJA'D

OT: O Hai thar Garazza.
You're a cool yet funny individual. Alice thinks you're boring in this thread lol. But I wouldn't know since I don't post in here that much.
But just like Opal said about Cherry. You seem to spice up a thread and you're really nice. To me anywayz lol. But you're cool. One of
my close friends here on YCM.

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I always thought you were a ressourceful and funny member who actually makes me smile sometimes.
You don't seem to care much about looking like...anything most of the time and you just seem to like whatever the hell you like, full stop.
The closest to Gangnam Style one can get on this site, except God Machismo!!!. :D

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