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[MtG] Gideon Jura


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Got box of M12 with friends. I wanted him, friend wanted Garruk.

Friend pulls this, I pull shiny Garruk. We swap.

Looking back I could have sold the Garruk and bought a non-shiny version and a Gideon. Sigh, hindsight is 20/20. At least I gave to friend unlike friend that sold a Chandra I wanted >_>


OT: Card is great. Kill stuff. Bash at the opponent. Super fog. What not to love?

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My friend bought one of those nine pack things and pulled this. Next day he bought another and pulled another.
I hate going against this since I run green aggro, but my friend isn't really a good enough player to use his sacrificing effect...

Protip: If you go against my green aggro deck, and I have a card in my hand, its overrun

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