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Kuro no Akuma [Chap 0 Started/Accepting]


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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314413452' post='5471631']
You could make it have a Double Edged Blade, Dealing an amount of Damage to yourself as well as your enemy

@ TFM: Varaunaku will also have another item in her pocket, but she cannot use it in battle... It's a special Tent that ends up being like one of them Harry Potter Tents...

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[quote name='The First Mohican' timestamp='1314373034' post='5470289']
Oh, and Murar, you have an attack with a power over 30,with no drawback. Also, it would have to be a major one, considering that that attack has over twice the maximum power.

Cooldowns are drawbacks. So is reduced accuracy.
That should do.

[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1314413549' post='5471639']
Hmm...my app is giving my some troubles. Running out of unique ideas.

Pick from a Franchise. Or an old character. Colby-boy was a character I like to use... and also a very recurring one. He's based on Gen. Rex, sadly.

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[spoiler='Real Life Identity']Name: Garret Clark
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Has no life so he spends most of his time sitting down and playing the game. In the morning he goes to college to become a computer tech then at noon when he gets home he locks himself in his room and doesnt come out until the next morning.

Appearance: Fair skin, Glasses, Green Eyes, Dirty-Blond Short Spiked hair, light build.

Bio: When he was young his parents divorced and he went to live with his mom, this caused him to have abondement issues with his father, so whenever his father came to see him he never interacted directly wiht his father causing him to become almost antisocial to people significantly older then him. He got into alot of fights because of this saying that all relationships always come to a drastic end like his parents. His mom became sick two years ago and has been in and out of the hospital up to a month ago when she died now living with his father he has become even more antisocial to his elders.

Country of Origin: USA

Other: N/A[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Virtual Persona']Name: Twin Dragon (Drago for short)
Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears a mask that resembles a dragon skull Silver hair thats spiked down away from the mask, wearing a Black Coat with a Yellow/Blue Tribal Dragon on the back, Blue jeans, White T-shirt, Blue sash running from right shoulder to left hip that holds his sword. he walks upright and no matter what he doesnt remove his mask leading him to fight against those that wish to "see" him.

Race/Species: Human

Primary Element: Denki

Secondary Element: Ryu[/spoiler]


Magic Offense: 60
Melee Offense: 110
Defense: 40
Agility: 190
Regeneration Rate: 0

Origin Town: Akuma Citadal

[spoiler='Attacks']Attack Name: Plasma Bolt
Cooldown Period: 1 turn
Special Requirements: can only be used during a thunder storm or near something that can generate lightning.
Effect: Shoots a bolt of plasma towards the enemy causing shock and stun damage.
Accuracy: 30%
Power: 30% Magic
Element: Denki

Attack Name: Self Replicate
Cooldown Period: 5 turns
Special Requirements: None
Effect: Using super speed he esentially replicates himself causing the opponent to see 2 of him. When he strikes, the opponent receives two times the damage instead of the normal.
Accuracy: 90%
Power: 15% Melee
Element: Sora

Attack Name: Thunder Slash
Cooldown Period: 2 turns
Special Requirements: close/mid-range
Effect: Channeling energy into his weapon he slashes at the opponent causing a Lighting bolt to spring from his blade. afterwards it leaves static in the air.
Accuracy: 50%
Power: 10% Magic
Element: Denki

Attack Name: Transformation: Denki Dragon
Cooldown Period: 10 turns
Special Requirements: Must be low on health
Effect: Transforms into a Denki Dragon gaining Magic (+50) and Speed (+50) as the turns go on this effect slowly turns itself off losing Magic(-5) and speed(-5) each turn until hes back to normal
Accuracy: 100%
Power: 0% Magic
Element: Denki/Ryu

Attack Name: Denki Claw
Cooldown Period: none
Special Requirements: Transformation:Denki Dragon/Close range
Effect: slashes at the opponent with his claw
Accuracy: 50%
Power: 10% Melee
Element: Ryu

Attack Name: Denki Breath
Cooldown Period: 2 turns
Special Requirements: Transformation:Denki Dragon/ mid-to-far range
Effect: Lowers the head and lets out a Fire/Electric combo attack that may cause burn and stun damage.
Accuracy: 60%
Power: 20% Magic
Element: Denki/Honu

[spoiler='Equipment']Equipment name: ThiShadow Ganadora
Effect: Has the ability to stun whoever it slashes.
Appearance: a Long sword that looks like a dragon where the tail is the blade, head rest below the hand.
Body Area: Back, Handle pointing over right shoulder. Held in the Right hand, swings with both hands.

Equipment name: Reap Gauntlent.
Effect: Reaps the flesh off of the opponent.
Appearance: Gauntlent with claws on it.
Body Area: Left hand

Equipment name: Dragon Tail
Effect: Used to charge up electricity.
Appearance: Just a normal Bull Whip that's white.
Body Area: Left Hip. Held in Right hand.

[b]Equipment name:[/b] Frozen Dragon Blades
[b]Effect:[/b] +30% melee offense, +20% agility, if bearer is Sui, it gains an additional +50% melee offense, if user is Denki or Kaze, it gains an additional +40% Agility, the cold of the blades wards off any heat disadvantages
[b]Appearance:[/b] Pale blue dual blades that are both 6 inches long
[b]Body Area:[/b] Back handles pointing over left shoulder. Held in both Hands (Dual blades)[/spoiler]

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[center][center]I would like to apply, reserve. Ask any questions you may have. I'm a bit forgetful[/center][/center]
[center][center][color=purple][size=4]Real Life[/size][/color]

[color=purple][size=4]Name:[/size][/color][color=black][size=4] Jack James Rohnson III[/size][/color]
[color=purple][size=4]Gender[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Male[/size][/color]
[color=purple][size=4]Personality[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Your average spoiled rich kid. He thrives on making himself seem better than others. Trying to catch him doing anything “undignified” is next to impossible and he wont touch a job application with a ten foot pole[/size][/color]
[color=purple][size=4]Appearance[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Died blonde hair to look red(makes him “stand out” from his family). He wears very clean pants with a polo shirt or sweater vest. That’s casual. Very often, he’s wearing a tuxedo or cloths you would normally wear to a high-class award ceremony. [/size][/color]
[color=purple][size=4]Bio[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: At the age of 10, Jackson was groomed into the perfect snobby rich kid. Being spoiled rotten in elementary school (private) and having bring in a swimming club (private) made him forget his “old” his habits like going to the park (public… haha jk. That was private to). The only heir to the largest American fortune, Jack knows a lot about what he cares about, and nothing about what he sees as below him. Very isolated, Jack has his butler bring him his food and information of the rest of the world. [/size][/color]
[color=purple][size=4]COO[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: America[/size][/color][/center][/center]
[center][center][color=purple][size=4]Other[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Jack can be found online at all times. Even if he’s AFK, hes still signed in[/size][/color] and has the best tech. From processors to mics, hes got it all.[/center][/center]
[center][center] [/center][/center]
[center][center][color=blue][size=4]Virtual Persona[/size][/color]

[color=blue][size=4]Name[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Bane Carriage[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=4]Gender[/size][/color][color=black][size=4]: Male[/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=4]Appearance:[/size][/color][size=4]5’6”, red hair that extends 4 inches past scalp, covers eyes partially. Brown eyes and tan skin. He wears a vest made of strong leather with various gold, silver, and bronze medals and pins on it over a dark purple shirt. The medals were obtained from fallen enemies who wore them after winning tournaments. He has two six-inch obsidian blades. His pants are made of magical silver that can fit him perfectly and deflect some attacks[/size]

[color=black][size=4]Race: Human[/size][/color][size=4] Primary Element:[/b] Yami [/size][size=4][b]Secondary Element:[/b] Hamu [spoiler=[b]Statistics[/b]]Max. Allowed for total is 400%[b]Magic Offense:[/b]0[/size] [size=4][b]Melee Offense:[/b] 250 [/size][size=4][b]Defense:[/b] 75 [/size][size=4][b]Agility:[/b] 75[b] Regeneration Rate:[/b] 0[/spoiler][b]Origin Town: Swords Town[/b] [b][spoiler=Attacks:[/b]][b]Attack Name:[/b] Slash[b]Cooldown Period:[/b] 0 [/size][size=4][b]Special Requirements: None [b]Effect:[/b] Slashes out at opponent [/b][/size][b][size=4][b]Accuracy: 8 max. Lower at different range [/b][b]Power:[/b] 15 Melee Lower at different range[/size] [size=4][b]Element:Yami[/b] [/size]</pre>[/b]
[b][size=4][b]Attack Name:[/b] Dead rising [b]Cooldown Period:[/b] 1[/size][size=4][b] Special Requirements: Must have Obsidian Blades[/b][/size][b] [size=4][b]Effect:[/b] Calls upon any dead organic object in the area. It then does the user’s bidding[/size] [size=4][b]Accuracy: 10[/b][b]Power:[/b] ? Concentration determines power. Resurrected being/item determines type [/size][size=4][b]Element: Yami[/b] [/size][/b][/b][b][/spoiler][/b]
[b][b][spoiler=equipment] [size=4][b]Equipment name: Gift of the Wicked[/b] [b]Effect:[/b] Melee Damages opponents and calls upon the dead[b]Appearance:[/b] 2 6-inch obsidian blades/black sheaths. Sheaths have white dragon going up them[/size]</pre><pre>[size=4][b]Body Area:[/b] Hands(both, L, or R)depends on how many blades are being used[/size]</pre><pre></pre><pre>[size=4][b]Equipment name: Trophy Chest [/b] [b]Effect:[/b] Protects Wearer[/size]</pre><pre>[size=4][b]Appearance:[/b] Leather vest with various awards won by victims[/size]</pre><pre>[size=4][b]Body Area:[/b] Chest[/size]</pre><pre></pre><pre>[size=4][b]Equipment name: Mystic Iron [/b] [b]Effect:[/b] Protects Wearer[/size]</pre><pre>[size=4][b]Appearance:[/size][/b] Silver lrggings that instantly bend to the wearer’s legs and deflect minor attacks</pre><pre>[size=4][b]Body Area:[/size][/b] Bottom</pre>[/spoiler]


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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314503019' post='5473985']
The max total percent is 400%, you have a total of 810%, lower some of your stats

oh and his personality makes him a prime Mess target
umm ok. I thought it was 400/per, sorry. And what is Mess? I edited the app.

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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314291892' post='5467867']
[b]Attack Name:[/b] Mess
[b]Cooldown Period:[/b] 2 posts
[b]Special Requirements:[/b] None
[b]Effect:[/b] It places the target under a severely angry and confused State, Making the target not able to see who's friend or foe, making it run after random people.
[b]Accuracy:[/b] it always hits, chance of Resistance is (Magic Offense/9)
[b]Power:[/b] it does not deal damage by itself, it lasts for 2 posts
[b]Element:[/b] Ryu

This is her Stun Spell, and she could use this and Wall to troll Swords Village

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[quote name='Hunderas' timestamp='1314506361' post='5474096']
just don't try taking my guys mask off and well be fine XD[/quote]

KTJ: -walks normally with Hunderas-
Me: lol! -Messes KTJ-
KTJ: -randomly hits Hunderas, kills him with 1 hit-
Hunderas: Dammit!!
Me: trololololol
KTJ: -randomly hits and 1 shots me-
Me: D=

that's the typical situation when I use Mess

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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314507913' post='5474155']
KTJ: -walks normally with Hunderas-
Me: lol! -Messes KTJ-
KTJ: -randomly hits Hunderas, kills him with 1 hit-
Hunderas: Dammit!!
Me: trololololol
KTJ: -randomly hits and 1 shots me-
Me: D=

that's the typical situation when I use Mess
that made me lol

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[quote name='Flandre Scarlet' timestamp='1314507913' post='5474155']
KTJ: -walks normally with Hunderas-
Me: lol! -Messes KTJ-
KTJ: -randomly hits Hunderas, kills him with 1 hit-
Hunderas: Dammit!!
Me: trololololol
KTJ: -randomly hits and 1 shots me-
Me: D=

that's the typical situation when I use Mess
*leans over side ways to Hun and whispers* Dude... always. wear, armor, around me. Always. *peeks over at Flan*

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