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A friend of mine is starting up on youtube and needs a Background and Icon. I have no use for my points so I might as well use them helping him :P

Icon: 88x88 Pixels
A Red Background that is like what you see in every youtube Icon, with a Venusaur Render ([url="http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd308/mainpokemonhangout/3venu.png"]http://i220.photobuc...ngout/3venu.png[/url]) and some Text that says "AMEC~Too"

Background: Black in the middle (I'll link a Background of a youtube channel to show how big the black in the middle needs to be) [url="http://i3.ytimg.com/bg/nfHf6Orr9_y47xBjttGdfA/108.jpg?app=bg&v=4e548c99"]http://i3.ytimg.com/...p=bg&v=4e548c99[/url] And on the edges of the Black need to be a Venusaur ([url="http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd308/mainpokemonhangout/3venu.png"]http://i220.photobuc...ngout/3venu.png[/url]), Gengar ([url="http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr62/DarkTitanUltima/Renders/094.png"]http://i470.photobuc...Renders/094.png[/url] Unless you can find a better one...) and Moltres (Left) and a Articuno, Zapdos and Mewtwo (Right) Then behind The Pokemon on the Left and Right needs to be [url="http://www.runescape.com/img/main/kbase/downloads_and_wallpapers/media/concept_art/Runescape_12.jpg"]http://www.runescape...unescape_12.jpg[/url] (Mainly the part with the Portal) (left) and [url="http://www.runescape.com/img/main/kbase/downloads_and_wallpapers/media/concept_art/Runescape_11.jpg"]http://www.runescape...unescape_11.jpg[/url] (mainly the part with the Dragon) (right)

2500 Points, need before August 30th.

Kthnx :D Also, if you can make sense of what I said, you are a genius.

Also I cannot find renders for the Pokemon :S

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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1314187661' post='5465494']
Plain black background, or something a little more stylised (highlights, etc.)?

[b]I guess something more stylised. But do what ever you think looks good.

Edit: Also, I've realised the two images you want behind the pokemon are rather small.

[b]Just make the bottom of the images fade to black :3

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[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1314534450' post='5474502']
Sorry for possible low quality. The images were just a bit hard to work with.




That is Awesome :)

Thanks soooo MUCH!

Sending 2.5k points now.

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