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Soul Battle Colosseum [OOC] (Not Started/Accepting)

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Welcome to the Soul Battle Colosseum! Here we have a Duel Monster Card! When this card is inserted into the Soul Machine its effect and starts are taken and created into an Avatar that the duelist controls in Combat! Who is ready for the blood rushing, heart pounding, and sweat dripping combat of the Soul Battles?!?!

Do not post cards on this forum
PM me with any questions, do not post questions on this forum
fill out the application properly
all YCM rules apply
no Godmodding
What i say goes

Duelist Name:
Archtype Name:
Duelist Bio (Include Personality, history, and looks):

[spoiler=Archtype App]
Each person applying to this RP must create a 5 (monster) card archtype (with 1 Field Spell) all five of these cards will turn into an avatar for Arena Combat and the 6 card will modify the terrain in some form. PM me the info for each card in this format.


Field Spell:

(I will create and post the Cards on here, i will do any fixes to OP or UP cards and if needed ill change the pics.)

[spoiler=My App]

Duelist Name: Johnathan Underwood
Archtype Name: Ledakan
Duelist Bio (Include Personality, history, and looks): Johnathan is an arsonist. He loves fire and burns everything in site. He is thick skulled and love to take things head on. He follows in his fathers foot steps and is in love with bugs. He lit his fathers cards on fire only to see them turn into Ledakan (Explosion) insect cards. He has dueled with them ever since and thought they would kick butt in a virtual Arena battle. Jonathan is short with Red hair. He has a boxy head and likes to wear heavy clothing.
(still making the Ledakan Cards)
[spoiler=Ledakan - Terror]
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