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Computerized Duel Monster Failure

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Guest se15fy

THE PLOT: Kaiba has created a new way to Duel. You get the upgrade for your Duel Disk and use it. It throws you into a strange dimension where YOU are a Monster, and you fight along with other monsters you Summon. Unfortunatly, something went terribly wrong. Everyone who went in, never came out. Kaiba researched long and hard but couldnt find a solution. So he sent out a call for help.

The Idea: You are a Duel Monster in the strange DuelWorld. You need to find the missing Duelists and retrieve them. Unfortunatly, you dont know whats causing the strange happenings and you dont know if your coming out.

THE RULES: All YCM rules apply, no G-moding, and all that.

The App.


If you wish to be on the Bad Guys side, PM me and I will fill you in. But If you choose to be bad, you have to stick with it. You cant take it back.

This is the duelist that is going in.






Monster Personification:

[spoiler=Availible Monsters]

Dark Magician

Dark Magician Girl

Red-Eyes B. Dragon

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Light and Darkness Dragon

Gandora the Dragon of Destruction

Elemental HERO Neos

Elemental HERO Absolute Zero

Elemental HERO Terra Firma

Destiny HERO Malicious

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Goyo Guardian

Gaia Knight the Force of Earth

Master Hyprion

The Splendid Venus

The Big Saturn

The Tyrant Neptune

Winged Kuriboh


Gravekeepers Visionary

Dragunity Arma Leyvaten

Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg

Junk Warrior

Number 39: Utopia

Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

Majestic Star Dragon

Majestic Red Dragon


Any Monarch (exept Mobius)

Phoenix Gearfried

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Endymion the Master Magician

Buster Blader

If you wish to be a monster that isnt listed here, PM me about it.

Your representation monster should tie into your deck somehow.



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Guest Kyng of Ice

Well, firstly you joined our club, then Admiral mentioned doing a Yu-gi-oh RP, which had these key issues, and no you've made an almost identical copy?


Please, enlighten me.

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