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The Official Mass Effect Series Discussion Thread *MASS EFFECT 3 DEMO RELEASE TODAY, HORATIO THANE INCLUDED*


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[quote name='Horus' timestamp='1315170718' post='5492255']Interesting update gaise.

ME3 wil have 57 Powers, 60 Levels and 178 points.

Hell yes. Especially the 60 levels.[/quote]
I reached Level 30 somewhere in the Shadow Broker DLC... and didn't even care. When I reach Level 90 in Diablo II, yes, [i]that[/i] is an achievement. At least for my playstyle, Levels where almost completely meaningless... could be because I played an Infiltrator and never really cared for skills, except for the different Ammo types and an occasional Cloak. Sniping down everything in sight is much more fun :D
The only skill I was kinda happy to have in my party was Chiktikka :P

So yeah... is there any point to more points (*lolpun*) in other classes? Is it really that big of a deal?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I beat ME2 (360), then I got ME1 and DLC for free because Gamestop ripped me off on LBP2. Here's my ME3 save...

-Male Shep.
-Saved Ashley
-Spared Wrex
-Killed the Council and put in Anderson
-Ashley Romance
-Everyone survives the suicide mission
-Romance with Tali (I think)
-Destroyed Collector Base

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  • 4 weeks later...


Although it's actually [i]old[/i] by now. I didn't bother with links, because I'm sure no one looks at them. Google Mass effect 3 in news, you'll see it.

ME3 [i]will[/i] have Co-Op multiplayer. So it's pretty much confirmed that EA have BioWare by the balls and that the game was delayed for three months specifically for this reason.

What are your thoughts on this?

Personally, I think that, considering the quality of past games, that it could end up a slight flop that doesn't bother the main single player experience, or it will be good fun for a second playthrough with a mate. I am anticipating a video of gameplay.

ALSO, the squad AI in ME2 was never...amazing, so this could work VERY well.


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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1318670748' post='5580681']
I love playing MP, but ME never were and will never be a multiplayer game. At least not for me. I just hope they don't focus too much on the Co-Op mechanics and actually make the story as interesting and good as the past games.
Well, if it means anything, ME3 will have 40,000 lines of dialogue.
iirc ME2 had 30,000, but another source said the first two had 20,000 [i]combined[/i], so idk.
[quote name='Spoon' timestamp='1318670907' post='5580683']
Hurray, another useless multiplayer mode in a singleplayer experience! Reminds me of Bioshock 2...
Even if they manage to make this a decent addition, I personally couldn't care less.
Same, I'll probably do one playthrough in Co-Op with a friend, that's it.

Tbh, it can't harm the game too much, when you think about it. That 3 months extra dev time rendered the co-op irrelevant to the games quality.

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It seems people, including myself, misinterpreted the MP info.

You CANNOT tag along in Co-Op with a friends commander shepard. The Co-Op missions are completely seperate but help the campaign if you wish them to do so.

Don't fret! You can get the perfect (or disastrous, if that's what you want) ending WITHOUT Co-Op, it's simply an alternative method.


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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Ṝaine™' timestamp='1319846154' post='5605172']
Biotic > God
I love the ME series, I replay them every 3 months as tribute.

Same :3 I used to play it a LOT, but after I get ME1 for PC, I'll start from there and I'll have a proper playthrough for ME3.

The MP is [i]completely[/i] optional. [i]100%[/i] optional. You can get the perfect ending with just the single player, which is what I'll probably do for most of my playthroughs.

The MP system intrigues me though. It seems interesting. I always wanted to fight as an Asari :3

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[quote name='Horus' timestamp='1319846332' post='5605177']
Same :3 I used to play it a LOT, but after I get ME1 for PC, I'll start from there and I'll have a proper playthrough for ME3.

The MP is [i]completely[/i] optional. [i]100%[/i] optional. You can get the perfect ending with just the single player, which is what I'll probably do for most of my playthroughs.

The MP system intrigues me though. It seems interesting. I always wanted to fight as an Asari :3

Ah, yes. The "Multiplayer", a race of unrelated game modes that in no way take away from the single player waiting in the heart of the series. ...We have dismissed this claim.

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[quote name='Ṝaine™' timestamp='1319847092' post='5605200']
Ah, yes. The "Multiplayer", a race of unrelated game modes that in no way take away from the single player waiting in the heart of the series. ...We have dismissed this claim.
lol xD
It actually isn't taking away from the SP experience, though. Another BioWare Group is designing it and the extra 3 months development time should improve things.

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[quote name='Horus' timestamp='1319847177' post='5605203']
lol xD
It actually isn't taking away from the SP experience, though. Another BioWare Group is designing it and the extra 3 months development time should improve things.

Your gonna trust BioWare's word after... *cringes* DA2.

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Asari Husks have been revealed.


D: and =>

They look amazing and quite horrible. Perfect!
More can be found here! http://social.bioware.com/2035423/blog/27871/

What do you think?

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[quote name='Aesirson' timestamp='1320100459' post='5609892']
I think I once saw one of those lovely creatures in a dream of mine.

'Twas a nightmare.
Must have been a beautiful nightmare. ;D

I am really looking forward to Salarian Husks, now.

Smart husks? Blasphemy!

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  • 2 months later...

Watch out, possible MINOR spoilers or semi-spoilers. Nothing ruined for ME anyway :s

Bump because it's out in a month and a week OMGWTHOIBDESDGHDTLKHFAGJLAERGBL

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So, yeah. I'm ridiculously excited for ME3. Preordering the Collector's Edition today.
My saves look like this:
[*]Male Shep named Dan.
[*]Romanced Liara.
[*]Let Kaiden die.
[*]Full paragon.
[*]Let Wrex live.
[*]Saved the Citadel.
[*]Saved the Rachni queen.
[*]Still Danny.
[*]All squad members survived, INCLUDING Zaeed.
[*]Everyone is loyal.
[*]Full paragon.
[*]Only half of the crew survived I think.
[*]Romanced Tali.
I'm probably gonna do another run of both games soon where Ash is my ME1 romance, I keep full paragon, let Wrex live, and pick Miranda in ME2. Just because that seems like the intended game set-up by BioWare, and I partially want to experience it.

Something tells me that ME3 will be like Dragon Age Origins in the sense that you have to do quests to get certain groups/races on my side. I really hope that the Rachni and Aria are involved.

Also more Yahgs would be nice.

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[quote name='Skizo' timestamp='1327863187' post='5787757']
The fanclub is back :D

I want to pre-order ME3 so much, but I just can't afford to do it.
[/quote]ikr :D it's amazing <3

Is it more expensive in your area? 67 here for PC, it's dear enough for ps3/360 :s

I will pre-order eventually. I'm playing through my paragon vanguard femshep again just to freshen up. I really hope Gibbed makes a ME3 Save Editor quickly, I don't want to but Arrival and Overlord for PC, I've played them on PS3 already. x:

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