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Fall of the Old, Rise of the New (accepting, based on Yu-Gi-Oh)

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Name: Velvin A.Steel
Age: 51
Appearance: White Hair , White Goatee , German , Wear black-lab coat with black leather pants, about 6ft and has lime green eyes.
Bio: As a young boy , Velvin Antonio Steel has always been fascinated with the Human Body. As he got old, his intelligence level increased until he became who he is today, a scientist. He experiments and researches on the human body. He also enjoys dueling, he says it helps him calm down and gain new ideas. One day, his company (Velvin Science Corporation) has been contacted by a mysterious group known as the "Elemental Lords"... Ever since, he started to gather information about cards that have power beyond most card's limits..that were rare and rarely seen.
Allegiance: V.S.C. (Which is working with the Elemental Lords)
Ace Card: F.H.D.
Deck Type: Cyberdark
Other Information: Unknown.

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I've changed the dragon in the app itself.

For my character, Type/Archetype specific cards would mean running off-theme cards to purely to support the dragon, which would disrupt the deck and make the signer dragon summoning predictable and potentially repetitive. In a deck that used the type/archetype in question, or at least something somewhat similar, it would be fine, in a deck that's running something else entirely, it's not something I'd be comfortable with (and thus means the character would simply never summon the thing).

I'll have a think and see if I can come up with a villain as well.

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Name: Oria Bakura
Age: 21
[spoiler=Appearance: (Large image)][img]http://safebooru.org//images/507/df48554a52cbbd57b8684ce6b3f770524a3f4fd4.png?508839[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: Oria is a descendent of Ryou Bakura and thus a bearer of the power of the great thief. However, with the millennium ring long locked away, he is unable to call forth the great thief, but shares all the talents and skill. However, unlike the great thief, he uses his skills for the good of others, and mankind. He does, however, have a somewhat split personality. He can very easily change his moods and when they become negative he acts like a totally different person altogether. Normally, he is calm and friendly, however should he be angered he engages an over-confident thug-like persona. He was born and raised in New Domino City, and taught of his blood-line's legend, along with the great thief and all his tales. Oria learnt from his family's past mistakes with their power, and promised to do good to his family's name.
Signer Mark: Claw (Hand)
Signer Dragon: Dark End Dragon
Deck Type: Fiends/Dark
Other Information: N/A

The deck will likely involve a large amount of custom cards, if you wish I can PM them, or spoiler them, but for convenience's sake I would prefer you trust my judgment.

I should also note that I will be away from the 27th to the 3rd, if this is an inconvenience then withdraw me if you feel the need.

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Feel like making a neutral just to speed things up.
Name: Ronald Aldurin
Age: 25
Appearence: He wears a black duster and a shirt with the peace symbol on it. He wears blue jeans. He has rather long hair and wears sunglasses that are like mirrors. He has a case of stubble.
Bio: Not much to say. Ronald grew up as a normal citizen, bought duel monsters cards, entered a few tournaments. Ronald eventually began to run a streetside Duel Monster stand where he sold and bought used cards. He also plays his guitar there.
Aligiance: Ronald just wants to live his life, find a nice girl, settle down, but with those damn Elemental things out there he cant do that. Mind you, he doesnt like the Signers much either. He doesnt like anything Supernatural. He sides with the Signers, but unwillingly.
Ace Card: Helios Trice Megistus/Caius the Shadow Monarch
Deck Name: Helios's Burning Hell
Deck Type: Banishers
Other Information: none.

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I've modified the appearance of my first character - I've modified her to move her away from the image I want for this one.

Name: Meredith
Age: 28
Appearance: Tall, with curves on her upper body, but straight and very slim legs. She has dark hair kept straight and down to her neck, as well as brown eyes. She usually wears tight black leather shorts and a short leather top, along with a unique blue leather mask around her eyes. She has black knee-high boots and a leather coat on top.
Bio: When growing up, Meredith was always told she was attractive, and not much else. Despite being a talented athlete and very intelligent, she was always 'the pretty one'. Caving to pressure, she became a model, and rather well-known in fashion circles, but she never really enjoyed it, since it was, to her, mind-numbingly boring. Things changed when she found the Elemental Lords. The possibility of actually doing something, rather than just being paraded in front of people, was very appealing, and she took it up, revealing the ruthless strategist she could be.
Deck Element: Water
Xyz Monster:
Deck Type: Legendary Ocean Beatdown - Use the level reducing effect of A Legendary Ocean to easily summon big monsters. Also has some low-level monsters with powerful effects for support.
Other Information:

Can we use a custom Xyz? None of the current WATER ones offer anything to support the primary goal of the deck. I can use one, but it would be part of the backup strategy rather than an ace as such. I've put it below. If it's OK, I'll add it, if it need to be an existing one I'll work out which one fits best.

[spoiler=custom card] Neo-Gagagigo
Rank 5/WATER
2 Level 5 WATER monsters
The Xyz Summon of this monster uses the original (printed) level of the appropriate Xyz Material Monsters. When this card battles: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card before damage calculation; destroy that monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the difference between the ATK of the two monsters.
ATK 2650/DEF 1700[/spoiler]

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Name: Jack Ryder
Age: 20
Appearance: 5'8", blue jeans, short brown hair, brown eyes, plain white shirt, and a Disturbed Hoodie on.
Bio: (I honestly can't think of anything.)
Signer Mark: Whatever is left.
Signer Dragon: Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Deck Type: WATER
Other Information: Meh?


Name: Seth Hughes
Age: 23
Appearance: 6'1", dark scowl upon his face, brown hair that reaches to his eyes, green eyes, and always wears a black trench coat.
Bio: (Again, I got nothing.)
Deck Element: LIGHT
Xyz Monster: Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Deck Type: Ojama
Other Information: Meh?

[quote name='Atomic Scrap Dragon' timestamp='1314407889' post='5471442']
for what element? (the xyz, i mean)

Well, I'm finding it hard to think of a good deck based on an element with a good Xyz. I want to run Ojamas with Gachi Gachi. I know the attributes don't match, but Gachi Gachi's defense and effect works well with the Ojamas.

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