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Card-maker Input Interface

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At first, [s]I was going to suggest a way to play with our custom cards to be added as a part of the site[/s],... but I [b]actually[/b] read the rules (what a shock that a [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/134713-site-suggestions-and-what-not-to-request-read-before-posting-v2/"]list[/url] was posted) and I agreed with the reasoning behind the rule so instead I came up with this suggestion.

The actual Yu-gi-oh cardmaker function does not have something that I think would benefit the less religious[regular] of cardmakers such as myself.

I know that I at-least [certain there are others whether you'll admit it or not] need to look up the types every time I [we] make a card because, well I [we] just don't have them memorized. Heck, I didn't even know that there was a physic type until last week!

So my suggestion is a drop down box, were the official types are listed, with a 'custom-type' option listed at the very top that when selected will activate a box below where you type in your new type.

This [for some] would reduce the unnecessary research time hopping from site to site looking for an appropriate type to go with a card, along with eliminate the possibility of the mis-spelling [typo] of an official type in a final [posted] copy.

Transition [if implemented] to the new method [I believe] should be all types are placed under custom with the original text, until changed by the maker of the card.

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Hmm... I think you need to edit and re-word your post, your making it very difficult for people to understand; At first I thought you were talking about the way cards are saved and ordered by the Set-ID and then I got that your trying to have a dropdown box for the types (not archtypes; an arch type would be an Elelmental HERO or Fabled).

But I don't really see this as a priority, people like to make their fake types and its sort of obvious for your type, they are not that hard to learn / remember when you need to; Aqua, Plant, Psychic, Beast, Beast-Warrior, Pyro, Reptile, Dinosaur, Rock, Dragon, Sea-Serpent, Fish, Fairy Spellcaster, Thunder, Fiend , Insect, Warrior, Zombie, Machine and Divine-Beast.

Also, your point about mis-spelling them.... if you are not able to spell Rock then you should be in school learning instead of playing a childrens card game.

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