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Things that happen on DN.

Alice Moonflowyr

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[quote][b] WinterKirby[/b]: gl
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: u2
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] eff
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: k
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] ss
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: eff
[b]Wagalashi: [/b]chain
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: eff
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] declare "evigishki soul ogre
[b]WinterKirby has lost 200 life points[/b]
[b]Wagalashi: [/b]-1000 cause of exxod
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: destroy
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: only for a flip summon
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] oh ok
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: destroy
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] only if it battles an atk position monster

(I attacked face-down monster [1400def] with gishki diviner [1200atk]. Face-down was cobraman sazuky. Read the following:)

[b]Wagalashi: [/b]check the ruel book man
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] I know the rules
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] eff
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] apparently not
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: if an atk position monster battles a def pos. monster with higher def, the attacking monster is not destroyed
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: w/e

I flipsummon Gishki Erial and begin search.

[b]Wagalashi:[/b] nope

(He uses Trap Hole)

[b]Wagalashi:[/b] stop
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] still get eff
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: no9
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: yes
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] heres why:
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: the summon wasnt negated
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] my trap hole resolves before your eff
[b]Wagalashi[/b]: and its destroyed
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] i have prio
[b]WinterKirby:[/b] and it doesnt negate my eff
[b]Wagalashi:[/b] read the rueld book, then come back
[b]Wagalashi has left the duel[/b]

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[quote name='TwinSeed' timestamp='1316834781' post='5536029']
I can't believe that I just now got that "eff" means "effect" and now "f***"....

[quote name='Discord' timestamp='1316834067' post='5536009']
[b]WinterKirby[/b]: if an atk position monster battles a def pos. monster with higher def, the attacking monster is not destroyed[/quote]
He thought that ATK > Higher DEF means attacker dies? That's like, one of the most basic rules in Yu-Gi-Oh! Btw, what are these "ruels" he speaks of?

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[quote name='Cindy ♥s You' timestamp='1316875871' post='5536845']
Gonna be the noob of the thread...

What's DN?
Duelling Network

i've had today:
- a guy add Cerburrel to his hand via Tuning, i said you can't and he quit
- a guy who NS'd Scrap Orthros when he had no other scraps, i said you can't and he quit the next turn

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Was he using a card like Eccentric Boy or Malefic Parallel Gear? Because those cards let you synch from the hand.

I once dueled a guy.
He played Urgent Tuning.
He ditched a Stardust and Formula... [i]From his Extra Deck...[/i] and the summoned Shooting Star.
I told humus couldn't, and he quit.

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WinterKirby: gl
rahman imad: HI
WinterKirby: um
WinterKirby: you cant summon that
WinterKirby: -________-
WinterKirby: cant summon any of those
rahman imad: -8000
WinterKirby: arcana force light and dark need to tribuite 3 monsters on the field. Astro Mekanikle needs to discard 3 meklords
rahman imad: you lose
WinterKirby: so none of those summones were possible
WinterKirby: lolno
WinterKirby: you cheated.
rahman imad: oh
WinterKirby: you wouldn't be able to summon any of those
WinterKirby: so all you can do is end your turn and put the 3 on the field back in your hand
WinterKirby: lol a watcher
rahman imad: oh
rahman imad: waw
rahman imad: hahahahahahaha
WinterKirby: -________-
rahman imad: hahahahahahaha
rahman imad: u lose
WinterKirby: lolno u cheated
rahman imad: what lolno
WinterKirby: I'll reiterate for the watcher: you can't summon any of those monsters. The 2 Arcana Force monsters need 3 monsters on the field to send to the grave. Astro Mekanikle needs 3 meklords in hand
rahman imad: ok
rahman imad: good
rahman imad has lost 1000 life points
rahman imad has lost 200 life points
rahman imad has lost 1000 life points
WinterKirby: dewdark has 2400
WinterKirby: preacher has 2200
rahman imad: end tun
rahman imad has gained 2200 life points
rahman imad has lost 1200 life points
WinterKirby: dewdark has 2400 atk
rahman imad has lost 1000 life points
rahman imad: oh
rahman imad: no
rahman imad: no
rahman imad: no
rahman imad: no
WinterKirby: -___________-
WinterKirby: wetlands
WinterKirby: gives both my monsters 1200 more atk
rahman imad: I am tired
rahman imad: bay
rahman imad has left the duel

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