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Things that happen on DN.

Alice Moonflowyr

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Surprisingly, I've never once had a problem with anybody on DN (since I typically play 1000+/100+ players), and the few lower ranked duelists that didn't know some rulings actually listened to me when I explained them.

...though I don't get the whole rating increase calculation at the end of each duel (lately I've been getting only between +3 and +10...

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[quote name='Devil's Advocate' timestamp='1314222226' post='5466227']
My opponent played Painful Choice (this was Trad once upon a time), and he got rid of 3 "Fabled Cerburrel", 1 "Darklord Edeh Arae", and 1 "Brron". I choose Darklord to add to his hand. Then he SS the 3 "Fabled Cerburrel", saying that they gain their effects since they were discarded to the Graveyard.

That's not entirely his fault, since he went with the text on the card - Painful Choice, like Needle Worm, have never been reprinted with the correct errata, so even on DN, the text says "discard"...though he should learn the rulings soon...

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Today, I dueled someone with like -300 rep
He played an awful version of six sams
He gets to 2 Shoguns, a Shi En, and a Kizan.
I duality, he negates.
I try to reborn his Kageki, he tells me I can't because I already activated a spell.
I tell him that because he negated it, I get to activate another spell.
He calls me a d***head about 50 times
A.S.S. and leave.

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[indent=1]Oh, that's how it goes? You can still play a spell after another is negated? Huh.[/indent]
[indent=1]Fought my doppelganger a couple weeks ago. He uses Dark World, I use Dark World. It ended in his favor, but it was fun enough that I asked for a rematch. Okay, we both play Watthydra Exodia on accident. He wants to avoid a mirror match, so he asks what deck I'll be using. I say Machina, he says Scraps.[/indent]
[indent=1]I play my Scrap deck and he plays his Machina deck.[/indent]
[indent=1]I wish I remembered his Username right now...[/indent]

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[quote name='~King Crouton~' timestamp='1314591455' post='5476569']Turn 1:

Turn 3:

Reptillianes? That's rare. More Gallis OTK impression?

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I played a pretty high ranked dude with my Trollbounce deck.. He was winning and I just happened to have flip summoned Guardian Sphinx and I kept flipping it whenever it was my turn. Then I summoned Swift Birdman Joe by tributing Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja. Field cleared and all I had was a monster with 2300 ATK while he had 8000 LP. He calls me a "faagot" and ragequits.

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Exodia deck users have ragequit on me just because I got to go first. We hadn't even drawn our hands yet, either. I only knew they used Exodia because it said so in their duel description.

I once got A.S.S.ed because I used Mirror Force and my opponent said it was a banned card.

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So I hosted a duel with the note "Umadbro?"
I click the first guy I get. We didn't talk the entire 2 turns the duel lasted.
He summoned magna drago, and actiavated some card that did 800 damage and set a card face down.
On my turn I used MST to destroy the facedown, and summoned GAF, two face downs, and equiped Mage Power and Axe of Despair... I attacked... he raegquit.[img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/244/b/8/dnraeqquitter_by_wynnrocks-d48iv10.jpg[/img]

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I face Geartown deck. I go first, set morphing. Opponent activates the continuous that gets a counter each time a monster is normal summoned and ends. I have monster reborn and some other stuffz face down. Flip morphing jar, monster reborn on his machine king, troll him with my rfg rocks and tour guide for leviar, summoning my removed rock. Best 2nd turn I've had on DN.

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Opponent played Level Limit A, putting my Rabbidragon into defense.

My turn, Birthright, Blue-eyes, Xyz summon Thunder End.

Opponent attempts to put it in DEF with Level Limit. I tell him no, that's not how it works. He doesn't believe me, but goes with it.

Later, when I detach it's last Xyz Material, my opponent tells me to destroy it because it no longer has any Xyz Material.

Uh, no...

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