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Things that happen on DN.

Alice Moonflowyr

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[quote name='~Burning Soul~' timestamp='1317567036' post='5554966']
just duelled a guy on traditional who used Rescue Rabbit on 2 Proto-Cyber Dragons.............i told him that it had to be Normal Monsters, he apologizes and quits

Fail at his part, but at least he apologized and didn't start raging. :/

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[quote name='TwinSeed' timestamp='1317580119' post='5555431']
Isn't Rescue Rabbit banned?

[b]No, Rescue Cat is. Rabbit is a new addition to the game.[/b]

&Why does it enforce the limited cards, but still let you add banned cards to your deck?

[b]Because Traditional Format is where Banned = Limited. If you have a banned card in your deck you can't use it in anything but Traditional.[/b]

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So far, when I first come on DN, 3 ragequits in a row. The first was when a guy quit cause he had a horrible lag. Second, the guy screwed up. Next, I face a guy, and used Limit Reverse on Formula Synchron while chaining with Scapegoat. After, I Synchro for Brionac and I made an accident that Limit Reverse was sent to the grave, so I left it there, but he said no. I tried to explain the difference between field removal and destroyed, and tried to test out the Call Admin button, but he ragequitted.

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I lost to a Black Wing deck because the person didn't read -.-

He activates Cards for Black Feathers (Remove from play 1 "Blackwing" monster in your hand to draw 2 cards. You cannot Special Summon during the same turn you activate this card. You can only activate 1 "Cards for Black Feathers" per turn.) on his first turn. Afterwards, he special summons one bird, then synch's another e.e If he didn't do that, it may've ended differently.

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I was facing someone who could speak English. Though he apparently wasn't very good at reading, because he somehow thought to Synchro summon a monster by banishing some synchro materials with Miracle Synchro Fusion, even though that's not even close to what the card does. I kept trying to explain, but he kept activating effects and things, so I just had to quit on the idiot.

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So there I was, engaged in a close match against some guy using Gadgets and Xyz's with a touch of Synchro and my plants. He has me on the ropes with less than 1000 LP for quite a few turns, but I manage to keep him at bay with a small, yet sturdy defense on 1 monster, a 2100 def. Just when I think that all hope is lost, I manage to get out and re-summon Gigaplant. Things start to go my way. I get my defense back from the grave, as well as a few others from my hand for a good offense from Giga's eff. He destroys my offense with a Mirror Force, but I still have Hedge Guard, Gigaplant (I kept him in defense) and Fairy King Truesdale; on the back row I have D2 Shield and Blossom Bombardment. Few turns later I have out Fallen Angel of Roses. His LP is down by now, near mine from Magic Cylinder against one of his Synchros and a few other factors. I attack his Marauding Captain with Angel, then chain Blossom Bombardment.

That was probably the closest match I've been in.

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[quote name='Tristan T. Taylor' timestamp='1317832227' post='5562276']

First ignorant player I've faced in a while... Would be nice if players knew the rules though, especially one with like... oh so he has about 200 wins to 500 losses.
Ah, Spell Speeds..... Nobody on DN seems to know what they are.

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