Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/260627-maigo-keishi-lost-heir-orig-rp-icstartednot-accepting/"]IC[/url] [img]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo261/AisuGhost/RP%20Stuff/MaigoKeishi-1.gif[/img] Welcome to the world of Thrae, where supernatural beings rule and humans are very scarce. There are many kingdoms within this planet and this story surrounds the Demon Kingdom. And before ya think about turning away from this rp thinking "I have to be a demon? Never mind, what else is there?" I'm gonna tell ya this.. You don't have to be a demon! You can be whatever you want, there are always a diverse range of races that live within an area. So feel free to be anything ya want. Anything from an angel to a uh... um... ZOMG sized robot? O_o? Anyways.. Thrae is much like our time, except the technology revolution has started about 50 years ago and has surpassed our own.. So like I've stated before, you can be anything ya want and use any weapon ya want. [spoiler=The Plot]A clergyman demon (ironic, I know. Lol. But not all demons are bad. Not in this RP anyways...) slips out from a room as he wiped his hands. [i]"I... I'm sorry.. But the King.. He's dead.."[/i] The group of servants that were outside of the room all gasped, some cried, some went in denial, some shook their fists to the air, others were on their knees. Simply put, everyone there was in grief. Except for one person. This person was the King's right hand man, Keiz. Keiz was around the corner, leaning against the wall as he had a smug look on his face. [color=#8b4513]'Finally! The kingdom is MINE! With no heir, there will be a power gap and I shall claim the throne to be MINE! ALL MINE!'[/color] He let out a small chuckle as he left to see the King's psychic.... [i]"An heir lives.. He is but a seed.. But he will grow and his roots shall rip you of your reign.. Enjoy your reign while it lasts... For it will be sh-"[/i] The psychic was cut off as Keiz stabbed a sickle through her throat. [color=#ff0000]"Tsk, tsk, tsk... You were one of my favorites... But with a prophecy like that... I can't let you live and tell the kingdom of this.."[/color] Keiz had a wicked smile on his face as he slid out the sickle, letting the psychic bleed to death. 21 years has passed since the death of the King. Keiz continues to rule the kingdom under an iron fist as the citizens within a day's ride live in fear. Establishments on the edge of the kingdom live with little fear, knowing they could easily slip into the neighboring kingdoms and into safety. It's within a city, at edge of the kingdom that meets with many of the other kingdoms, that a boy was grown up into a young man. His name is Alliaster and his life is about to change... This is where you come in... Will you be an assassin for Keiz, trying to secure his reign with Alliaster's death and lead the kingdom into a dark future? Or will you be an ally of Alliaster and help to claim the throne and to lead the Demon Kingdom into a brighter future?[/spoiler] [spoiler=Rules] 1) All YCM rules apply. You should know them... e__e 2) I am the host. 3) Kyng of Ice is co-host. 4) Erase sections of the app that you do not fill out. 5) Personality and biography both call for a min. line limit of 4. 6) To prove that you read the rules, you muct change the color of the gender to the opposite sex's color. This means, if it's a male, change male to a red/pink color. If it's a female, change it to a blue-like color. 7) To further prove you've read the rules, erase the (pictures accepted) from the spoiler section. [/spoiler] [spoiler=App] Below is a copy and paste version of the app... All you need to simply do is finish off the spoiler coding with the [. Username: Character's name (last name not required): Age: Gender: Sexuality: Race: Side: spoiler=Personality:] /spoiler] spoiler=Biography:] /spoiler] spoiler=Appearance (pictures accepted):] /spoiler] spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: Secondary (optional): Misc (optional): /spoiler] spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] (Erase this once you've read it and filled out this part. This is where you put down any skills or abilities your character has. Examples: alchemy, teleport, lock picking, magic (list the spells), etc.) /spoiler] spoiler= Misc. Info:] (Erase this once you've read it and filled out this part. This section is completely optional. This is where you put down info about your character that you feel didn't fit with of the other categories.) /spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Accepted Apps] [spoiler= *~Dark~Magician~Girl~*] [spoiler= Allister] Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Demon Side: Good [spoiler=Personality:] Alliaster mostly keeps to himself, following the policy of "speak softly and carry a big stick." Though, in his case, it's a fist. Alliaster isn't a fan of weapons, thinking that they can give a person an unfair advantage in a fight. "Fight's should be fought in fisticuffs, where the only variable is your skill... Not weapons..." is what he normally says when people make remarks about him bringing nothing to a gun fight. Alliaster likes to change his persona to match the situation, allowing him to manipulate the situation if called for. Alliaster is also a quick learner, which explains why he took to alchemy quickly at such a young age... [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]Alliaster was born as a b*stard child. This means he was born from an unmarried couple. He knows nothing about his father, nor does he really want to. He figures that if the father won't put out effort into being with him and his mother, he won't put out the effort into getting to know him via secondhand. Because Alliaster was born as a b*stard child, he was picked on a lot and bullied. This is what lead to him to being a quiet person and a good fighter. He's made a small handful of friends, mostly people who are outside of the demon race because they're the people that don't really care about if you're an orphan, a regular child, a b*stard child, etc. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u259/jayaja/crazyguy.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: Fisticuffs Secondary (optional): Temporary gauntlets/gloves he creates via alchemy. Misc (optional): Various items he creates via alchemy when they're needed. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:]Alchemy and some magic. Alliaster's magic surrounds energy, allowing him to perform spells like force push, force shield, etc. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Keiz] Age: 263 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Race: Demon Side: Bad [spoiler=Personality:] The best way to describe Keiz: power hungry. Ever since his childhood, he's craved the power to manipulate and control people, doing what needs to be done in order to get that power. He would bully, bride, harass, etc to whoever he needed to in order to show people he's top of the dog house. Even though he's reached the pinnacle of power, as most people see it, Keiz craves even more power than what he already has with the Demon Kingdom. Keiz can have his charming moments. Though, he only has them when he's trying to seduce woman or thinks he can benefit more from someone by being charming, rather than a tyrant. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]Demon's have a long lifespan. It's almost 10x longer than a normal humans with their bodies fully maturing by the age of 30, the latest. Keiz fully developed when he was 17, allowing him to quickly become the "alpha dog" of the area. Despite his strength and speed, many demons challenged him for dominance. It was during of these fights, when he was 168, that the King watched the fight. Keiz was greatly outmatched in a 3 on 1 fight with stronger demons, but he was still able to become victor. Granted, it did take a few hours to do so. The King was impressed with Keiz and made him the leader of a platoon. He quickly climbed the ranks, becoming the King's right hand man at the age of 215. Despite being the second highest authority within the military, it wasn't enough for Keiz and he eventually craved for the crown.... [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb370/AnonymousLolita/Angels%20and%20Demons/Yama.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: Twin sickles. Secondary (optional): A 7' by 3' scythe he uses primarily for mid. range combat. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:]Keiz has amazing speed, allowing him to disappear and quickly reappear somewhere else without using a teleport spell. Other than this, Keiz just has a natural talent for fighting. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Kyng of Ice] [spoiler=Darius] Age: 26 Gender: [color=#ee82ee]Male[/color] Sexuality: Heterosexual Race: Revenant Side: Alliaster [spoiler=Personality:]Darius suffered from amnesia as a child and thus has developed a quiet nature that is often mistaken for aloofness and emotional detachment. In truth, however, Darius is a kind and compassionate man, though his amnesia has caused him to develop a tough outer persona. Though he remains somewhat aloof, Darius will become more sociable and friendly to his allies, often willing to shield them with his life. He also shows a soft spot for puppies and cute things. He is very trustworthy and trusting, willing to put others in front of his own safety.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]Darius Romero knows little about his past. The day he can remember up to is when he was a living and breathing man, who had a beautiful lover and a life worth living. Upon discovering his corpse he found stab wounds, which made him believe he was murdered. This was confirmed when Darius's lover soon perished to the very same fate. Darius has been thought of as a menacing and feared spectre, yet many are deceived as he only seeks revenge on the assassin that took both his and his lover's life. Darius then later found this assassin and took control of him, causing him to kill himself but first he destroyed his life as he did to Darius. He killed the man's lover as he did to Darius and then Darius had the man hung. Since then Darius has been at peace, yet he did not ascend from the world. Why? When a ghost had fulfilled their duty they leave the world, so Darius's continued existence clearly meant he had another task at hand.Darius soon later discovered Alliaster and has since kept an eye on him, believing he could be the true reason behind Darius's continued existence.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.iaza.com/work/110819C/iaza15504688269000.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:]Primary: Phantom's Blade - A sword Darius once wielded as a living and breathing man, it "died" and became this Soul Sword. Unlike any other weapon, this unique blade attacks the soul of the victim as well as their body. Misc: Spectral Powers - Darius can use limited spectral abilities, such as possession, confusion and others. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Deep Concentration: Darius can enter a state of severe and often unbreakable concentration. Super Spectre: Darius, unlike most ghosts, has the ability to possess a spiritual and corporeal form.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Time Psyduck] [spoiler=Donna] Age: 321 Gender: [color=#0000ff]Female[/color] Sexuality: Demi-homo-romantic Grey-a pansexual. Race: Fairie Side: Good [spoiler=Personality:]Donna is self-confident and independent. She is intelligent, as well as being physically adept, more than the average being, and she is very much aware of it. Lacking humility, she is usually arrogant - at best she is rather cool to others, at worst outright offensive. She refuses to lie, but cannot be called honest - she considers having to use untruths beneath her, but will twist her words to give others a false impression. As part of a race in close harmony with nature, she tends to prefer rural areas, but has no great fondness for plants or wild creatures, and has no issue with cities and technology - at least not in principle.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]Donna was born, and saw out her childhood, in a hidden settlement on the edge of the demon kingdom. When she was very little, the settlement and it's surrounding lands were made an independent state, not under the rule of the demon king. Despite this, the settlement maintained solid links with the kingdom, and it was through these links that Donna would enter the kingdom's courts. As part of a magical lineage, Donna was taught fey magic from a very young age, spending decades perfecting it before she ever left her birthplace. Once she had, however, she was sent to the demon kingdom as apprentice to the then ambassador in the demon king's court. Whilst there, she began to study other magics, as well as more about the world as a whole. As a result, well over a century ago, she set out to experience more of the world. Now, as Keiz dominates the kingdom and the heir to the demon king comes of age, she has returned. A oppressed demon kingdom will be bad for her own people, but if the true heir can be moulded correctly...[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:]Donna is slightly over 6 feet tall, and is very slender - most humans would be envious of her figure, but it is a common trait to her species. Her body seems almost delicate, but that appearance is deceptive, since body is tougher than it looks and small muscles give no indication of her true strength. Her limbs are long, and her extremities, as well as her ears, seems to appear sharp without being pointed. Her hair, a bronze colour reminicent of autumn leaves, is fairly long, and wavy, and she has deep green eyes. She usually wears robes, usually in various shades of green, although the colours vary depending on the time of year. It is secured by a clasp with a leaf design, and in addition to simple boots (without a distinct sole), she has a small pack, which usually blends in with her clothing and goes unnoticed. Finally, she has a hooded cloak, which varies in colour depending on her surroundings.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: A staff, which serves as a conduit for magical powers. A piece of purple stone, with bands of various shades and intensities, sealed within a large cut diamond, is mounted at one end. Secondary: Donna also carries a bronze knife, mostly for general use, but can be used as a weapon if required.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Flight (innate magic), enhanced senses. Key spells: [i]Starflash:[/i] Emits a light of variable intensity, which can be controlled by the caster. [i]Fey Arrows:[/i] A number of arrows appear in mid-flight, aimed at the target. The number of arrows can be adjusted, depending on the size/number of target(s). [i]Treewhisper[/i]: Allows the control of plants and, to a very limited degree, plant-based materials such as wood. The ease of control depends on the nature of the material. [i]Gift of Fate:[/i] The target has increased luck. When fighting, they will land blows easier, and hit critical points more often. At other times, they may more easily avoid people, or win contests. The effects usually only last for a few minutes. [i]Bird's Eye: [/i]Conjures magical birds, similar to a crow. A single bird can be used for spying or scouting, and the caster can seen what the bird sees. A larger group can be used to mob enemies. [i]Howling Winds:[/i] Forms a wall of strong wind around the caster. Other people and objects can also be surrounded by the winds. [i]Regeneration[/i]: Allows the healing of others. The energy required from the caster increases exponentially in proportion to the severity of the injury - scratches are no issue, but healing serious injuries can be fatal. Harms the Undead. [i]Stonewash:[/i] Makes rock and stone structures fluid. Once the caster ceases to concentrate, the stone will re-solidify in 5-10 minutes. If cast incorrectly, the stone can be detonated, however this explosion is uncontrollable. [i]Orion's Thunder:[/i] A electrical attack. A small arc forms between the caster and target, however the main blast comes from above. This can also disable electronic equipment.[/spoiler] The spell list is liable to change at some point, as this isn't all the magic she will know, just what she uses most often. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Shooting Star Dragon] [spoiler=Akarui] Age: 18 Gender: [color=pink]M[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Human-Dragon hybrid Side: Neutral [spoiler=Personality] Akarui is what would be expected of a human-dragon hybrid, he acts as human while unprovoked, but his aggressiveness is far beyond that of a normal human when he is. Though at times, his dragon half takes control, slaying all those nearby in a frenzy of destruction. Though that rarely happens unless his willpower is faltered. His human half is one to avoid conflict unless highly necessary, and is also one not to take any crap from anyone, also preferring to leave everything and everyone alone until he's reached his destination; the kingdom. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography] Akarui has traveled from a far-off kingdom. His childhood is all a blur, and he intends to find out more about it. All he knows of it is his birthday, he achieved his master swordplay during it and that he served directly under the king from said far-off kingdom. He assumes that it has to do with him being half dragon, but the whole "king's heir" mess has stopped him. He has recently realized that he could use this to his advantage in finding out more to his childhood, he could fake being this king's heir and somehow link every kingdom in Thrae, knowing one of them must know of his childhood. With those thoughts in mind, he continues.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance] Akarui's eyes, instead of normal eyes, are those of a dragon, slits. That is the only noticable difference between him and other humans until his diamond-hard skin is touched. Though when his dragon half takes control, his skin changes form and becomes covered in scales and his eyes becomes normal human sky-blue eyes. He prefers to keep everyone else in idiocy by wearing a white cloak in which the white hood covers his eyes, so none may see his eyes but he may see everyone else. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: A skinny longsword with a sketch of a dragon on it written in blood Secondary: A retractable blade hidden in a piece of armor on his left forearm Misc: A bow and quiver with 50 arrows strapped to his back [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities] Non-magic: 1) Increased hearing: Akarui can hear up to 6x the amount normal humans can, this also being a vital weakness in stunning him 2) Increased sense of sight: Akarui can see 2x as far and 2x the detail of normal humans 3) Increased strength: Akarui has 3x the strength of the average human bodybuilder (lol) (this includes leg strength for increased height/distance in jumps) 4) Akarui's skin is hard as diamonds, although it bends/expands such as normal flesh (does not mean unbreakable) Hybrid-Magic: (meaning magic in his dragon half) 1) Control over fire: Akarui can create fire in either of his hands or take a already blazing fire nearby, or he can shoot a powerful stream of fire from his mouth for a less-accurate more powerful attack 2) Transformation: Akarui can transform into a dragon measuring at 40ft tall at 20ft wide, the added and removed abilities are: a) Akarui can only shoot fire from his mouth, but with 3x the strength b ) Akarui's skin becomes less hard, but still hard to break c) Akarui is given the ability to fly d) Akarui's speed, strength, eyesight and hearing are further increased e) Akarui's bulk disallows him to see enemies who have gotten underneath his stomach/belly f) Akarui's weak point is the less-armored by scales part of his body, the stomach/belly 3) Creation: Drawing blood from a wound, Akarui can create a baby dragon, but this would require Akarui to drain all his blood from his veins, resulting in his death soon after the new dragon is born. The only way to save him is to refill his veins with blood, if it is not Dragon blood, he will become a normal human. But if he wishes, he may become this new dragon, a form of rebirth, it seems.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Misc. Info] He also carries a book of dragons with him, it also has spells written within which he dares not to use. It is written in a text that only dragons and dragon-human hybrids can understand.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Lunar Origin] [spoiler= Luna Solen] Age: [color=#008000]22[/color] Gender: [color=#0000cd]Female[/color] Sexuality: [color=#008000]Straight[/color] Race: [color=#ff0000]Demon[/color] Side: [color=#ff0000]Bad[/color] [spoiler=Personality:] Luna has a very black-and-white personality; At some times she may be calm and collected, but at others she can be explosively volatile. She is also very forgetful; She could get into a heated argument with one of her fellow assassins, but at a later date she wouldn't recall anything about the scuffle. At many times she may even begin to contradict herself, earning the nickname "Luna the Lunatic", to which she does not take kindly to. When not provoked, she can be a very nice person- but don't expect her to put on that smile until she's off the job. She takes her assignments seriously, and won't let anything get in the way of her finishing them. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:] Luna was born into the prestigious Solen clan, an upper class "family". Their front is that they institute philanthropy by donating money to charitable causes, but in reality they are a group of nothing more than liars, cheats, and cutthroats. Giving their firstborn child to the Kings military was a tradition in the family- Luna just happened to be given to the Kings army before Keiz seized power. Luna was a prodigy when it came to fighting, particularly using magic- she would easily be able to take on people who were more than double her size with ease by the time she was 10. At age 15 she would be the youngest person to be given the prestigious position of Hand.(Another word for assassin, maybe?) As Luna grew older, though, her urging to fight began to decrease- At 18, she resigned from the military to give herself time to think. Her hiatus did not last long though- after 2 years of hiatus, she was called back to the military under direct order of the king- She would be given the position as his bodyguard, and by his side would be where you'd fine her today. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] I'm too lazy to write something for this- I guess that's not a good sign. [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100710223302/blackrockshooter/images/thumb/4/4e/01.jpg/723px-01.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: She primarily fights with her hands amplified by an extreme amount of magical force. Secondary (optional): She has a large, bulky cannon that hovers around her at all times- though it is not generally noticed, because it is not visible at most times, and people can walk right through it without noticing it is there. At her command it can instantly materialize, and she wields it with deadly proficiency. It absorbs magical energy from her body and amplifies it to very, very high levels - though firing it even once can tire Luna out. Misc (optional): She can form copies of small objects, like daggers, by concentrating magic over the original object and solidifying that magic. This skill is very difficult, and even with her proficiency in magic she cannot copy complex items. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] She can manipulate magic to such an extent that she can utilize it in many ways, both impractical and practical: Shielding - She can shield herself from an attack, but if the attack is of magical origin, this shield is next to useless. Voice Amplification - She can manipulate the air around her to better carry her voice, and as such will amplify it. Compression - She can compress the magical energy surrounding her into a small ball about the size of a marble, and fire it at near mach speed. The ball gains magical energy as it passes through the air, and rapidly increases in size until it hits something - which has devastating results. This type of magic requires a lot of concentration and stamina, but it can disastrous for anyone caught in the way of it. [/spoiler] [spoiler= Misc. Info:] Her blood is acidic due to the concentration of magic flowing through it.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Yu Hansung] [spoiler=Siki] Age: 1074 Gender: [color=#000080]Female[/color] Sexuality: Bisexual Race: Shade Side: Technically Neutral, but will join Alliaster later. [spoiler=Personality:] Siki is ruthless and apathetic in battle, showing no mercy against her opponents and will fight in any way. She doesn't have a sense of honor in fights, not fighting fairly sometimes. It's not about fighting for the honor to her, but fighting to keep herself and whoever she is protecting alive. Outside of battle she is kind to those around her, always lending a helping hand wherever possible. She takes it upon herself to help those in need, and protect those who need it. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:] Siki has been wandering the world of Thrae for a long time, helping those in need and protecting herself from the odd bandit or two. She participated in some of the old wars, but she has forgotten them over the years, not being able to die so easily. Few weapons could touch her, and the few that could she avoided usually (Basically, elemental based weapons or spells can hurt her). She knew that she would meet her fate eventually but she would do whatever she could to continue living as she went on. She currently is travelling within the Demon Kingdom, hearing about how the King rules with an iron fist. She doesn't plan to take him on or anything but just help relieve the stress of the people a bit for the while that she is there. She abhors the fighting though, usually trying to make any fights she gets stuck in end quickly. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] yeah, I reused it from ~N~'s rp...it's an awesome picture though xD [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/075/1/1/Shade_v2_by_Ruskul.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: Shadow Blade (She creates a blade from her body itself, using it to fight with) Secondary (optional): N/A Misc (optional): N/A [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Since Siki is a Shade she can do quite a few things.[list] [*]She can dissolve into the shadows, thus vanishing from sight. She still has a form that can be hurt, and she can be found easily if someone uses a light source to get rid of all of the natural shadows. [*]She can use the shadows to hold down someone, thought she can only restrain them, not kill them or hurt them directly. [*]She can summon simple weapons out of the shadows, using them to fight with. [*]She can use the shadows to protect herself, creating a barrier in front of her. The barrier is weaker the bigger it is, or the farther away it is. [*]She can make herself become non-corporeal, due to her natural form of just a shadow creature. [*]She can spy using the shadows because they "speak" to her usually. [/list] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Misc. Info:] Siki isn't looking for a relationship at the moment, afraid of commitment. Also, she doesn't like bright light that much.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Holy Descent] [spoiler=Vun Doom] Age: 35 Gender:[color=#ff0000] Male[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Human/Possessed Side: Keiz Assasin (His a priest though >: D) [spoiler=Personality:] Vun is synical and thought of as beyond insane, although his persona juedgiong by his constant undermining smirk and half opened eyes, appears to be that of someone who is calm, he is in fact a maniac. Vun will often not care about anything or anyone, feelings don't compute to him. He will often belittle people and will almost never lose that cocky grin of his , unlesof course soemthig happens that catches him off guard. He always gives his opinions and considers them facts and adds a ring sounding of politeness when he talks, however it is merely his contempt for others. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:] Vun grew up in a church in a small religious town. From the age of 8 he was brought into the church, his father was the head priest of the church and his mother died giving birth to him. From an early age Vun grew up isoolated, he seemed to prefer to hang around on his own, he constantly claimed to hear voices in his head, evil voices that told him of horrible things. It was due to his isolation that his father merely considered him talking to an imaginary friend, which at the age of 8 wasn't something to get to concerned about. When Vun turned 10 he was still always by himself, there seemed to be an eerie presence about him, he always appeared depressed and other children's parents didn't want their kids playing with him. Vun was overcome with loneliness and sadness when he started hearing the voices again, the voices were still telling him horrible things like murder, unable to cope with the voices any longer Vun approached his father and the 7 other priests at the church. His father once analyzing the information of the voices he'd been hearing considered that he was possessed and that maybe they should perform an exorcism. When the 8 gathered around Vun the demon was shown to flee once they had started chanting. A few months later although the voices had gone away, all the kids still did not like him, all the parents still did not trust him. His father seemed to also isolate himself from Vun often not seeing him for a few days consecutivly. The priests of the church didn't like the existance of Vun as he was the embodiment for a demon. On a cold rainy night Vun was crying in the corner of the church for a few reasons, he had no friends, he had felt distached from his father and he had no mother, he then started hearing the voices again.[color=#4b0082] "See...no one will accept you...accept me....and I will accept you..."[/color] Spoke the sinister voice, truth is the demon never really left, but stayed dorm in Vun's heart. Vun still denied it even when he was at his thought to be his lowest point. It was right then that his father walked into the church and began praying at the alter, Vun tried to approach him but was scolded at by his father, who had hid the fact that he blamed Vun for his wife's death and truly hated him. after this almost at the exact same time a storm arose, it was after his father's hate speech that Vun's will power dropped allowing The demon known as Kyroo to possess his heart. A long black claw like hand sprung from Vun's back and lifted his father off the ground by the neck choking him to death, at this point the other preists of the church came in and were also slaughtered, this night was annually mourned as Eclipsed Night. Vun fleed the town after the tragedy and was thought to have dissapeared.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance][img]http://i51.tinypic.com/3469i0h.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: A Golden cane that he walks around with that has an upside down cross on the top. Secondary (optional): His long black scythe that spawns once his inner demon is released. Misc (optional): [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] As a human he has 1 ability, he can make an exact replica clone of himself however it can not physically harm anyone, he can also however teleport outside of battle through a dark gate summoned by himself. Also Vun is possessed by a haunting demon known as Kyroo. When Kyroo is released he gain the folowing abilities[list] [*]Shinigami eyes: He can see people's greatest fears and create illusions of them [*]Kyroo's Right arm: The long arm of the inner demon appears from Vun's back and rises over Vun's head. The arm can stretch and reach up to 10 metres. [*]Kyroo's Malice Scythe: The long arm holds a large black scythe over Vun's head. [*]Illusionist: Vun can create whatever atmospher in the room he likes, foggy, pitch black or whatever, he ca illusionallize scenes from an individual's mind and bring them to life, however they cannot physically harm anyone, this act is aimed at paralyzing the individual in fear. [*]Kyroo's Tome: This is an ability he can use while he is and isn't in his inner demon form. The tome of Kyroo is full of saying that allow him to ressurect the dead into zombie like ghoul creations. (Only used outside of battle) [/list] [/spoiler] [spoiler= Misc. Info:] To come[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dwarven King] [spoiler=Ferod] Age: Doesn't age, but appears to be 22. Gender: [color=#ee82ee]Male[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Dwarf! ....nah, just kidding. I'm actually an Angel turned Fallen/Grigori...or however you explain it. Bio will help. Side: Unknown [spoiler=Personality:]Ferod is very cautious, but can get irritable when angered. He absolutely despises sitting around doing nothing, but it perfectly fine with waiting. So long as the waiting ends with him doing something. He also has a hate for people who reap the benefits of other people's actions for their own personal gain. However, Ferod tends to be a hypocrite at times when trying to accomplish the "greater good". He is aware of this, but disregards it nonetheless.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]When God first decided to send Angels down to Thrae to watch over mankind oh so many years ago, Ferod was originally part of the group. But at the last minute, God decided to have Ferod take on a different position within Heaven. He reluctantly agreed. Eventually, the Angels God sent vanished and mankind began to deteriorate. Ferod quickly went to God and asked him to aid mankind, to lead them off the path of destruction. God refused. He claimed that if mankind wished to forget him and destroy themselves, then so be it. Eventually, mankind became a scarce race, and other races came forward to become dominant giving the world it's divers races seen today. Soon after, Ferod saw signs that these new races were heading down the same path as mankind did. Once again, Ferod wen to God. This time, God claimed these new races knew nothing of him, therefore he had no reasons to aid them. This, combined with the first refusal, infuriated Ferod more than anything. He began pointing out to God all of his flaws and why mankind forgot him in the first place. The continued insults angered God and caused him to banish Ferod from Heaven. Just before Ferod was cast down to Thrae, he threw one final curse at God. He told him that he would make the world a better place...then he would bring him and Heaven down. A few months after wondering around on Thrae doing what little help he could, Ferod ran into the last person he expected to see before him. Death. Death sympathized with Ferod. He too was disappointed in the downfall of mankind because of God's laziness. That, and his realm only contained the souls of deceased humans that neither went to Heaven or Hell. As mankind slowly vanished, so did his realm. Soon, the egotistic God would be able to take over. Death would not allow that. And so, he and Ferod teamed up. They made plans of their own. First, they would aid all the races in existence along with bringing mankind back and making a better world. Then, from there, they would take over Heaven. To help with this, Death taught Ferod everything he knew and sent him back to Thrae, to do what he could. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://b.pcc4.fubar.com/54/15/3265145/2400251047.jpg[/img] (he hides his wings with a bit of magic and a black trench coat)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: Two, twin Katanas Secondary: M16 Viper...Ferod's favorite long-distance weapon. Misc.: N/A[/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Flying (wings) Magic: Darkness - Can surround a small area with utter Darkness Black Weapons - Can pull any type of blade imaginable from his own shadow. Drastically drains his energy and only used with needed, like surrounded by lots of enemies. Skeletal Summon - Summons three Skeletal Warriors from Death's Domain. Dark Summon - Summons three Shadow Demons from the pits of Hell. Leaves him weakened and nearly passed out. Deathly Summon - Summons Death himself. Can only be used THREE times.[/spoiler] [spoiler= Misc. Info:] Ferod is in possession of ONE Death Coin. A Death Coin may only be used ONCE. When Ferod dies, he may give Death the Death Coin, and in return Death will bring him back from the dead. The Death Coin was given to him by Death himself in hopes that it will help keep their plans on track.[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=~N~] [spoiler=Stornia Mayflower] Age: At least 500 Gender: [color=#0000FF]Female[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Valkyrie Side: Alliaster [spoiler=Personality:] Stornia is a normally honorable fighter, and will almost never make the first attack on an enemy, either waiting for a command to attack, or waiting for the enemy to attack her. She will never take advantage of an enemy that can't fight back, unless she was the one that made it that way. Stornia rarely ever speaks, usually only when she needs to, or after she is given an order. One of the few times when she speaks on her own accord, without needing to, is when she tries to warn enemies not to get in her way, and to taunt enemies that have nearly fell from her blade. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:] Stornia, before she died, was a valiant warrior, back in the age before most modern technology, and therefor, when she died, was brought to Valhalla as Valkyrie. In Valhalla, she spent her days dueling, becoming an even better warrior, enjoying the fighting, and having a feeling that, one day, she may actually have to use her skills again. Many years later, around the present time, she knew it was time, and after appealing to the gods, was granted temporary life, and went back down to Thrae, still as a Valkyrie, and waited for the time when she would be needed for whatever was about to happen. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://downloadpokemongames.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ValkyrieProfileAngels.jpg[/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] Primary: A plain, one handed, steel long sword Secondary: A shortsword made from a florescent pink metal known as Gravitite, which, because of it's special properties, can make whoever it strikes, fly backwards and float slowly back down to the ground. Misc: N/A [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Flight, short range teleportation [/spoiler] [spoiler= Misc. Info:] N/A[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Se15fy] [spoiler=Sinn Alldin] Age: 37 Gender: [color=#CC33CC]Male[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Human Side: Keiz [spoiler=Personailty] Sinn barely talks due to his training. He had learned that to listen and learn is better than to speak. Unless he actually has something to say, he says nothing. He doesnt agree, he doesnt disagree, he brings up his own unique points in a conversation and says it in the least amount of words possible. I said above that he doesnt agree. This is a big point. He prefers "No" and words like "Possibly" and "maybe" instead of a straight out "yes". The complete opposite of a ladies man, he prefers to keep anything romantic out of his life as he belives as long as he keeps anyone besides his liege, and his family, out of his life he will be more powerful than the Demon he created his Pact with so he can destroy it. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio, long] Sinn was born in a town where it was dog-eat-dog, kill or be killed, rob or be robbed. Sinn exelled at the art of Assassination, which his parents also specialized in. His sister was a master thief. His brother was a general thug, arrested more than 5 times. While his sister made most of the money, he became a contract killer in the Demon City sending half his earnings to his parents. Soon after he moved to the Demon City, sickness hit his hometown, Yran. His mother, Alice, escaped without harm but his father and brother died. Nothing was heard of his sister. Sinn and Alice found Keiz and, desperate to find their lost one, began to work for him. Eventually, on a mission far from the Demon City, Sinn found his sister. Or, part of her. Her arm, with the birthmark of a saber, was found in a cave, along with bones. But a trail of blood said that she escaped. He followed the trail and found her, weak and dying. His sister, whose name is Wisteria, had an infected wound. Sinn finished his job quickly and headed back to the Demon City, to find the King had died. He struck a deal with Keiz to help him keep the throne if Keiz helped Wisteria. Keiz did all he could, but nearly failed. Sinn struck a pact with a demon to give him dark powers. He healed Wisterias arm completely, but at the cost of his sanity. After a few months of help, he was back. But he knows the demon isnt done yet. It will cause trouble at the least convinient moment, he knows....for it whispers dark secrets in the back of his head, torturing him.............[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearence] Face: Sinn has a scar on his face that cuts diagonally across his whole face. His eyes are nearly black, they are so dark, with barely any whites. Hair: Black hair, buzz cut. Physique: Slightly on the large side for an Assassin, Sinn is quite muscular and has great strength, although most of it is from his Pact. Clothing: Sinn wears a black hooded cloak, with black leather armor with a white design on the back. He wears dark red gloves and boots, and has a black belt with a silver belt buckle with a demonic design. Marks: Like his sister, Sinn has a birthmark on his left arm. It is the shape of a serpent. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons] Primary: Two Obsidian Scimitars that are all he has left of his father. Secondary: A steel short sword. Tertiary: Shruikans made of an odd metal. A present from his sister. Fourth: He wears a sash that has 3 Obsidian Daggers in it from his mother. He also keeps his money there. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Abilities] As a result of his Pact, he has extraordinary healing powers. But anything beyond broken bones and severely bleeding wounds costs him a shard of sanity. He doesnt know yet, but when he is in the shadows, he can cast demonic spells.......for a cost... [b]Silent Blade[/b] When used, allows Sinn to throw/attack with one of his daggers, without a sound. [b]Demon Scales[/b] Conjures up a wall of scales. Doesnt last long. [b]Shadowport[/b] When used, for 24 hours Sinn can walk into one shadow to appear in another one within 100 feet. [b]Black Soul Rope[/b] Fires a rope out of Sinns hand. It wraps around the target, binding them. Only useful against Undead/Ghosts. [b]Disguise[/b] Allows Sinn to change his facial features slightly. [b]Cloak[/b] Sinn becomes, not invisible, but unnoticed. Uneffective against people with strong magical powers[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Admiral_Stalfos19] [spoiler=Countess Noah Lyman] Age: 16 Gender: [color=#800080]Hermaphrodite[/color] (a proper one... y'know, with both reproductive organs) Sexuality: Asexual/Homosexual (seriously, if she has sex with girls, she's a lesbian and if she has sex with guys, she's gay. Therefore, she's a homosexual person no matter what way you look at it D:) Race: Vrykolakas Side: None [spoiler=Personality:]Noah can be very flirtatious around any gender of beings, even females. Once she gets the blood she needs from them though, she'll more often than not want nothing more to do with them... at least not in another 24 hours. However, if at least 72 hours passed since her last feed instead, she'll suffer from a dehydration that only blood can truly quench. If she tries to drink anything else, it'll only come back within seconds. At this stage, Noah will drop the flirtation and adopt a more desperate approach.[/spoiler][spoiler=Biography:]Various mutations in Countess Noah's body have seemed to greatly weaken the genetic flaws in the stereotypical vampire. Because of this, she isn't going to be warded away from a particular place any time soon. For example, placing a mirror in front of a door doesn't even work against her, and she won't be fooled by the mustard-seeds-on-roof trick. Crufixices are better off being thrown at her as well, especially if they're sharp around the edges. Luckily for those who're desperate in keeping her away, she still suffers light-triggered migraines. She's also allergic to wild roses, garlic and hawthorn plants, and is actually capable of suffering hypothermia when holy water is splashed on her. However, the absolute second best way to save yourself from her wrath is to get your ass over to a consecrated ground... 'cause that's the one thing she [i]hasn't[/i] managed to get over, mutation or otherwise. But she could just snipe you, which is why the best way is to make sure you don't piss her off.[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/230/0/4/manga_commish__soupy182_pg5_by_enjelia-d472z0q.png[/img][/spoiler][spoiler=Weapons:]Primary: Canine Fangs - Used to draw blood from the victim. If Noah has recently fed off another being, the fangs will be size of a regular human's, but they'll grow to thrice that size within 24 hours. Sometimes a lethal venom will develop in Noah's fangs, particularly when she hasn't fed for days. In such a case, Noah will bite in one place of the body to deposit the venom, which is injected immediately, and then bite once more in an area of the body well away from the initial bite for feeding. Secondary: Mosin Nagant: A sniper rifle that fires tranquilliser darts. Noah will only use this when she suspects her targets would try to evade her by the time she gets there. [/spoiler][spoiler=Skills/Abilities:]Abilities: Like all vampires, Noah has the ability to transform into a bat. She also can pick locks and disarm electronics, and cannot be detected via heartbeat sensor or thermal scope. She has silent footsteps and levitates above the air too. Spells: Shed Skin: Exactly as it says in the tin. Wild Tornado: Gale-force winds surround the Countess and blow away anything nearby. Tough Love: Blows a kiss that transforms into a heart shaped projectile. Bewitches anything that gets hit. VenoShock: Poisons the enemy with a dangerous venom. NightGlow: A column of darkness erupts underneath one enemy.[/spoiler][spoiler= Misc. Info (If you're offended by what you see, it's your own damn fault):]She gets an erection while she's feeding :3[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Trials (credit to Raine for thinking these up)] *~For these trials, I want you to think on, so your prepped for the posting when we come to them. Each character traveling with Alliaster will face the trials independently.~* A trail of self-sacrifice; where they are forced to either kill an innocent to save themselves or let them live and they die. Rig it to if they let them live they survive too. A trail of greed; an object of great power or value that is visible after navigating a precarious obstacle like jumping from rocks perched over unfathomable depths that is rigged so anyone who goes for it will be killed. A trail of power; an item of great power is presented to the takers that gives them near unlimited power but after a minute the item begins damaging their bodies and mind after 5 minutes they die from the item. A trail if they are desperate for power they will do anything to get it. and they get so absorbed by it they can't let go. A trail of sin; a trail where each is placed in a magical illusion where they will be forced to question themselves as the illusion will try to break his/her will by using information and things they are sensitive to. Loved ones they couldn't or can't protect, power they can't control, losses so great they could not bear to lose it again, etc. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Reserve, making APP now XD Username: Black of Broken Hearts Character's name: Dawn Eclipse Age: 22 Gender: [color=#ee82ee]Male[/color] Sexuality: Straight Race: Undead >: D Side: Keiz's assasin [spoiler=Personality:] Dawn Eclipse is an uptight strict assassin, he is obediant to the very word and he will force his will and the will of the king on anyone, he is merciless and heartless, he doesn't consider mercy and he will always result in fighting prior to negotiating. Anyone that disobeys his orders, he will kill. One aspect that stands out about Dawn is that he doesn't take his existance to be of any meaning or value, he is a puppet or as he refers to himself, a Tool, a tool of the king. Based off his past, he will always obey the king, even if it was to end his own life. Dawn will never run from a battle unless told to by the king. His mind is not easily swayed, however he has been noticed to listen to anyone, he will allow someone to finish what they are saying before he intervenes in when they finish. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:] Dawn was originally born as a servant of the first king's palace, after displaying great skills with the sword he was requested to join and eventually in-part co-lead the army, after the king was betrayed Dawn was furious and emotionally stricken, he had thought of the king as a father, he was left at the palace as a baby and was taken in as a servant, however both the king and Dawn respected each other immensly. Dawn however unable to be controlled by the betrayer was killed by Keiz. Keiz then ressurected Dawn's body, on the morning of an eclipse, hence his name "Eclipse". He however is not mind controlled by Keiz, Dawn resented death and was ressurected by although a man he hated, he felt as if he needed to serve, like the former king he took him in when he could have cast him to the streets, this caused Dawn to be loyal to the king and since his ressurection, loyal to Keiz[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance:] Body Type: 6"3, 79kg, muscle toned/lean physique with a greyish skin tone Head: Dawn has short Light black hair that spikes on an angle, it's flat at the back and doesn't go any lower then his neck. He also has a few strains going over the left side of his face. Eyes: Dawn's eyes are shrouded by dark black encircling the edges of the dark blue pupils. Torso/Arms: Dawn wears a Black tight, but torn up, long sleeve shirt that covers his whole upper body Shoulders: Dawn wears a black pauldron on his left shoulder, the pauldron is in a semi circle shape and rises to a quarter of his neck in height, it also has a croocked spike coming from the top of it. Hands: Dawn Wears a black glove that covers his whole right hand, his left hand however has no glove. Legs: Dawn wears long black jeans with a long white sheet of torn clothing that starts from his right hip and sinks down next to his right foot, the sheet covers the whole right side of his leg. Shoes: Dawn wears black tight fighting shoes, his pants aren't tucked into the boots [/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:] This is basically an in depth analysis of them, If I was to categorize them as primary and Secondary it would be: Primary: White Yin Blade Secondary: Black Yang Blade Karma Justice: Karma Justice are 2 blades his possesses and are Dawn's main source of strength/power. Due to his past, the twin blades known as Justice White or Justice Yin, and Justice Black or Justice Yang, became hosts to a powerful Frozen energy that infiltrated the mechanical innards of the blades. The weapons are of a late future appearance and function, they stand at 1.5m in length, with 30cm being the Black and white thin circular handle. Yin: Yin is a lighter blade that focuses on swift movements and quick reflex dodging/parrying. The blade of Yin is 15cm wide and 5cm thick, the blade is well sculpted and rises to a flat top.at the bottom of the handle grip a long thin Black sheet hangs. Yang: Yang is a heavier blade that focuses on powerful swings and repelling various attacks. The blade of Yang is 15cm wide and 5cm thick, the blade is jagged on the sideand rough, however the cntre of the blade is smooth and of a clean appearance, the blade rises to form a Triangular peak that although is still of a broken appearance and jagged on the edges. Yang often has a white sheet covering the entire blade. Weapon Name: Duel Blades, "Karma Justice" Weapon Weaknesses: Struggle against ranged opponents, little defences more offensive, the blades, event he light one, are still quite heavy and this take a tole on Dawn after a long battle. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Weapon Abilities: 1) Frost Aspect: When used, his blades glow blue for a smal period of time allowing Dawn to add a frost aspect to his attacks 2) Yin Aspect: His White Yin Blade seperates into 2 white glowing equally looking blades, Dawn becomes faster in this state however his strength decreases. 3) Yang Aspect: His Black Yang Blade seperates into 2 black glowing equally looking blades, Dawn becomes stronger and more durable in this state however his speed and stamina decreases. 3) Complete Karma.: The blades both come together forming a Dark purple blade with both strength and speed as its main attributes. It's 2m long and half a metre wide. Spells: - Cloning, however there can only be 1 clone at a time, and it cannot physically harm anyone, it dissapears after being hit. - Teleportation, can't be used in battle, this is used when he is to send a message to someone or go to a distant place, I repeat he cannot use while in battle XD - Frost Endurance, his icy veins allow him to not feel the coldth of the frozen artics[/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Woot! Firsty! xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Username: Kyng of Ice Character's name: Darius Age: 26 Gender: [color=#ee82ee]Male[/color] Sexuality: Heterosexual Race: Revenant Side: Alliaster [spoiler=Personality:]Darius suffered from amnesia as a child and thus has developed a quiet nature that is often mistaken for aloofness and emotional detachment. In truth, however, Darius is a kind and compassionate man, though his amnesia has caused him to develop a tough outer persona. Though he remains somewhat aloof, Darius will become more sociable and friendly to his allies, often willing to shield them with his life. He also shows a soft spot for puppies and cute things. He is very trustworthy and trusting, willing to put others in front of his own safety.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Biography:]Darius Romero knows little about his past. The day he can remember up to is when he was a living and breathing man, who had a beautiful lover and a life worth living. Upon discovering his corpse he found stab wounds, which made him believe he was murdered. This was confirmed when Darius's lover soon perished to the very same fate. Darius has been thought of as a menacing and feared spectre, yet many are deceived as he only seeks revenge on the assasin that took both his and his lover's life. Darius then later found this assasin and took control of him, causing him to kill himself but first he destroyed his life as he did to Darius. He killed the man's lover as he did to Darius and then Darius had the man hung. Since then Darius has been at peace, yet he did not ascend from the world. Why? When a ghost had fulfilled their duty they leave the world, so Darius's continued existance clearly meant he had another task at hand.Darius soon later discovered Alliaster and has since kept an eye on him, believing he could be the true reason behind Darius's continued existance.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.iaza.com/work/110819C/iaza15504688269000.jpg[/img][/spoiler] [spoiler=Weapons:]Primary: Phantom's Blade - A sword Darius once wielded as a living and breathing man, it "died" and became this Soul Sword. Unlike any other weapon, this uniqe blde attacks the soul of the victim as well as their body. Misc: Spectral Powers - Darius can use limited spectral abilities, such as possesion, confusion and others. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] Deep Concentration: Darius can enter a state of severe and often unbreakable concentration. Super Spectre: Darius, unlike most ghosts, has the ability to possess a spiritual and corporeal form.[/spoiler] HA! FINISHED FIRST! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Holy: Is his name Dawn Eclipse or Dawn Dusk? Name and personality says 2 different things. Kyng: Clean up your app and re-read the rules. K? :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Tidied and polished off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 haha yes sorry my bad XD Fixed "Dawn Eclipse"Bio's a tad short but not too bad IMO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Damn. I got to go soon. ¬_¬ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Kyng: Accepted.. About time! Gosh! First ya forget the coloring. Then ya colored it wrong! xD I was afraid for a moment as I though I was gonna have to ban my own co-host. o: xD Nah, I'd never do that. Holy: Okay. :3 God thing I spotted that, eh? Lol.Kyng: Same here, dun worry. Except, my departure is within a few minutes. Once I finish putting up your app. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyng's Old Account Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Thank goodness! I posted it before I had to go, plus it got accepted before the host had to go! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 2 birds with one stone~ Awwww ye*shot* Ow... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 kool, this looks to be interesting XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 19, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Well, I'm off! Take it easy everyone! :3 Future readers: And I better come back to lots of apps... Or I'ma have Keiz kill you in your sleep! >:] Lol. [s]Jk.[/s] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Username: Admiral_Stalfos19 Character's name: Countess Noah Lyman Age: 16 Gender: [color=#800080]Hermaphrodite[/color] (a proper one... y'know, with both reproductive organs) Sexuality: Asexual/Homosexual (seriously, if she has sex with girls, she's a lesbian and if she has sex with guys, she's gay. Therefore, she's a homosexual person no matter what way you look at it D:) Race: Vrykolakas Side: None [spoiler=Personality:]Noah can be very flirtatious around any gender of beings, even females. Once she gets the blood she needs from them though, she'll more often than not want nothing more to do with them... at least not in another 24 hours. However, if at least 72 hours passed since her last feed instead, she'll suffer from a dehydration that only blood can truly quench. If she tries to drink anything else, it'll only come back within seconds. At this stage, Noah will drop the flirtation and adopt a more desperate approach.[/spoiler][spoiler=Biography:]Various mutations in Countess Noah's body have seemed to greatly weaken the genetic flaws in the stereotypical vampire. Because of this, she isn't going to be warded away from a particular place any time soon. For example, placing a mirror in front of a door doesn't even work against her, and she won't be fooled by the mustard-seeds-on-roof trick. Crufixices are better off being thrown at her as well, especially if they're sharp around the edges. Luckily for those who're desperate in keeping her away, she still suffers light-triggered migraines. She's also allergic to wild roses, garlic and hawthorn plants, and is actually capable of suffering hypothermia when holy water is splashed on her. However, the absolute second best way to save yourself from her wrath is to get your ass over to a consecrated ground... 'cause that's the one thing she [i]hasn't[/i] managed to get over, mutation or otherwise. But she could just snipe you, which is why the best way is to make sure you don't piss her off.[/spoiler][spoiler=Appearance:][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/230/0/4/manga_commish__soupy182_pg5_by_enjelia-d472z0q.png[/img][/spoiler][spoiler=Weapons:]Primary: Canine Fangs - Used to draw blood from the victim. If Noah has recently fed off another being, the fangs will be size of a regular human's, but they'll grow to thrice that size within 24 hours. Sometimes a lethal venom will develop in Noah's fangs, particularly when she hasn't fed for days. In such a case, Noah will bite in one place of the body to deposit the venom, which is injected immediately, and then bite once more in an area of the body well away from the initial bite for feeding. Secondary: Mosin Nagant: A sniper rifle that fires tranquilliser darts. Noah will only use this when she suspects her targets would try to evade her by the time she gets there. [/spoiler][spoiler=Skills/Abilities:]Abilities: Like all vampires, Noah has the ability to transform into a bat. She also can pick locks and disarm electronics, and cannot be detected via heartbeat sensor or thermal scope. She has silent footsteps and levitates above the air too. Spells: Shed Skin: Exactly as it says in the tin. Wild Tornado: Gale-force winds surround the Countess and blow away anything nearby. Tough Love: Blows a kiss that transforms into a heart shaped projectile. Bewitches anything that gets hit. VenoShock: Poisons the enemy with a dangerous venom. NightGlow: A column of darkness erupts underneath one enemy.[/spoiler][spoiler= Misc. Info (If you're offended by what you see, it's your own damn fault):]She gets an erection while she's feeding :3[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The White Wolf Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 oh hell yes reserve me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Yeah, reserve me to Aisu. I'd make my app now, but the entire OP is f***ed up for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 19, 2011 Report Share Posted August 19, 2011 Yeah, I'll work on the app as I can =/ In the meantime DMG, if you may slap in a reserve for me please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guineapig1016 Posted August 20, 2011 Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 Username: Character's name (last name not required): Age: Gender: Male-red? IDK what you where taliking about to prove i read this >.> Sexuality: Not gay nor stright nor bi. (asexual) Race: Yaksa - demon Side: ???   spoiler=Personality:] hes the type of guy you think is shy and quite but once you know him he become a pest. he is also Brash( only when sleepy), silly, Smart with no common sense some days, lethargic(some days), LOves foOD. weird ( he say's stuff like, "I wanna know what a womans ____ taste like!"), without reason, loving /spoiler]   Raised in the wet and clammy streets of POVERN. Being in a cold and money tight world, he is often mugged for his belongings. He never made any relationship with any humans. he only befriended mice and other aboms. His great became jagged, mean, and cold. his eyes where often clout and distant, like as if he was in another world. One morning on a cool and slick street, I met man today on the ruff streets of Pay. He had looked like a frail old man, but as i stared into his eye i seen 37 snakes and viper readying to snap. Hes face was soft and bagged and had many deep scares. His physic looked brittle like stacked sticks however he had a stance of stone. I met a Demon today, and for his name he did not say. He picked me, without consent, and tossed me in his car. Who knew a fail old man could toss me in his car? I did not struggle, I did not speak, I did not fear what was happening to me >.>. as we pulled off i climbed onto the soft coussions with my knees and started spectating the wonderful colors and lights. the street seamed warm from a distance. He pulled up to a building made eye dismay. It was large and scary. the large brown was scary with tall with many shapes, rooting from the ground, they where bent twisted and curled. The shape had short and parched limbs. There where blackend soaring rats in the sky--he does not know what birds are....city boy -- hovering above the brown. There was coarse green and brown hair-like figures patruding from the ground. My insides begain the knock against my inner chest. sweat begain to pour down my face. The Old man begain to laugh maniacally. His laugh grew loud and horrid. he threw his hand behind the set as if his arm was not his own. in discord, his head be gain to turn, slowly. His arms becames wild and violent until they begain to trash. I could no longer tak anymore, i wanted out the car. I wanted to go back to my rats and my bags! I could see half of his face, it begain to boil and fester. Unbeknowest to me the man had a sharp tiny object in this hand, sliver. I begain to fall alseep. ~~I had awoken on the ground about 15 feet from the car. my eyes where staring into the twilight sky. Dark crest of gray began to form clusters which produced water. I no longer wanted to open my mouth as i did before. I had knew i had blacked out like before but this time i felt cold. The rain began pouring and drenching me. The rain became warmer and heavier with each drop. i slowly closed my eyes and thought about things i always have: people, stars, animals, water, and the bright sun. I could fell a smooth warmth cover my body. I knew i would no longer wake up, just like some rats havent--he calls them what people call them when they see rats ....LOL. (i would fix it up and add more but >.> lazzy like how he tried to eat a rat. LOL it pissed in his mouth. /spoiler]   spoiler=Appearance Cute .... genderless looking guy... kinda like haku (zabuza) in naruto. /spoiler]   spoiler=Weapons:]Primary: He blacks out Secondary (optional): N/A Misc (optional): /spoiler]   spoiler=Skills/Abilities:] To never die. immortal. /spoiler]   spoiler= Misc. He's a fallen angel /spoiler]name is hei = demon or hate or black Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 Guinea: Read the plot to understand the whole side thing. The gender thing, look at everyone else's to understand what to do for that. Also... I'll take it that this is your way of saying ya want a reserve? Lol. Also, personality needs to be longer and appearance, too, if ya can. If not, include a pic with it and just tell us what's the difference.. And yes... A clean up would be very nice. :3Also... Wtf is up with the weirdness replacing ",', and extra spaces? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 20, 2011 Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 He probably just copied and pasted without paying attention. Your OP has done that as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 I seen than.. Fixed it.. I wonder why it did that? D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 20, 2011 Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 Don't ask me *shrugs shoulders* Notice how I'm controlling the only character that's even [i]close[/i] to female so far? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elƒie Posted August 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 N's gonna have a Valkyrie... <__< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted August 20, 2011 Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 Yeah, but he hasn't actually put it up now, has he? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted August 20, 2011 Report Share Posted August 20, 2011 BECAUSE OF THE GLITCH WITH THE APP! I'll get working on it right away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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