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mmmusic contest<<<!!! :D


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CONTEST IS OVER. Just to refresh your mems the prizes are...


the prizes are...

1st prize - 4 reps OR 150 points

2nd prize - 2 reps OR 100 points

3rd prize - 50 points


3rd place...bastionsgirl. I've never even heard of the artist you entered but oh well, the cards were quite good nonetheless :)

2nd place...icemasteralex. The better out of the 2 Green Day sets (no offense to element :) )

1st place...konthestuffedbear. Now Hendrix rules in 2 ways :D


Prizes will be distributed in due time ('cause I have to know what you guys prefer :D )

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awesomeness guys!!! and one more thing: ive got no limit on how many people can enter. but unlike my 1st contest, when i say 3 to 7 cards I MEAN 3 TO 7 CARDS!!! thats all cause last time i said 1 entry and some ppl entered like 5 cards! and guess what, the 3 that entered 1 card won!!!


just keep this in mind guys...ok

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