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Live by Honor, Die with Pride ~ Swordsmen/Samurai RP (OOC / Accepting / Started)

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Eh, I tried to work on the app last night but I just couldn't figure out a good power for him and gave up the little work I had done so...as soon as I figure out a good power I'll really get started. Pst...what power would be good for a antihero mafia hitman? I was thinking shadow but then that was taken and i didn't like the idea of wind since I already have a character in another RP who uses wind.

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Illusionary effects; hide in plain sight, create a doppelganger, control the battlefield, fear tactics. Ultimate as like a heavy complete illusion.

Harmonics and Vibrations, uses bullets and sword swings to echo sound waves that destroy objects, fracture bones, injure organs.

Spirit lines, connect with targets forcing under control. use them as medians for short range transportation, micro blades, puppetering

Black Lightning? >_>

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Well fire is already taken (close enough) and he's going to be a hitman so no.

[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1313703796' post='5453493']
@Raine: XD Last time I checked...I'm a guy. But that's cool dude, go on ahead.

*Remembers that one conversation in the Vongola.* Sure you are. :3
[quote name='Raine™' timestamp='1313704010' post='5453500']
Illusionary effects; hide in plain sight, create a doppelganger, control the battlefield, fear tactics. Ultimate as like a heavy complete illusion.
[b]That could work well for him. I kind of want to make him bloodthirsty and a bit twisted so he might create terrifying illusions to torture people. Definitely an option[/b]
Harmonics and Vibrations, uses bullets and sword swings to echo sound waves that destroy objects, fracture bones, injure organs.
[b]Meh. Thought about it actually. Not a big fan when it's used.[/b]
Spirit lines, connect with targets forcing under control. use them as medians for short range transportation, micro blades, puppetering
[b]I did think of something like micro blades for another character and there's a guy with mind control already so no.[/b]
Black Lightning? >_>
[b]Electricity is kind of already taken but I did think of like Black Wind would be pretty cool. I just kind of want to avoid elements.[/b]

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Well...uhhh...I wasn't able to figure out anything so I spent the last few hours readin this Manhwa. Coming back I realized how bad of an idea the character I had in mind was for a few various reasons. Honestly, he wouldn't be that bad but the situation just doesn't call for another just another guy with some of his qualities. But no need to fret. I already have another character in mind.

Edit: Actually, some things might stay. MIGHT! But only the things that were different from the other charaqcters and would explain why he does someother things.

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Name: Ryusei
[b]Nickname:[/b] [color=#ffff00]Lightning[/color] Theif
Age: 28
[spoiler=Appearance: ]
[spoiler=Personality: ]Ryusei thinks verry highly on pride, however more than anything he considers the life of those close to him to be more important than anything. While he considers the life of others to be important, he thinks of his own life as rather meaningless. This often results in him doing things that put his life in danger, often without hesitation. He always has a tendency to look on the bright side of any situation, and rarely gets depresed.
[b]“The melody of the wild dance, responds endlessly”.[/b]
[spoiler=Bio: ]Ever sence Ryusei was a child he was fastinated with the art of swords. At first he learned by watching television and used sticks to train, but when he was 10 years old he met a master swordsman who taught him how to fight. Although he was far from what somebody would consider a genious, he still pushed himself hard until be got to where he is. When he was 19 years old he got married to his masters Daighter, he currently has 2 daighters and a son of his own. When he heard about the tornament he was hesitant to join, but eventually agreed to go. When his family was threatened he tossed aside his pride and sided with Gandrake without so much as a seconds hesitation.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapons:] [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41VK0QZTN8L._SL500_AA280_.jpg[/img]
[spoiler=Abilities: Lightning-]
1~By snaping his fingers he can propell lightning from his fingers (Think a lightning version of 'Mustang' from FMA)
2~By shooting lightning in to a rain cloud he can cause a thunder storm. (This lightning is much faster and more powerfill than the fake lightning that is produced by Ryusei)
3~Can insert lightning in to objects by touching it with his hand. The lightning can eather be used as an attack of he can insert the lightning in to the object for various effects.
3.5-By placing his hands togeather he can serge lightning through his own body, however doing this is verry dangerous and will kill him after 5 minutes.
2x3.5-By using real lightning he can give himself a much stronger boost, however doing this will kill him if used for more than 30 seconds.
4~Can propell himself forward by shooting lightning from his feet.
Weapon Transformation: Shoots lightning in to the air to create a Real lightning bolt. He will then raise his sword in to the air and when the lightning hits it will be absorbed by his sword. The result will Increase the cutting power of the blade as well as give a powefull electric jolt to anything that it cuts.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Theme Song: ]
~Going Through Hell-Rodney Atkins

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