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Yet another weird game.....

Master White

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Say or Post Blue without using the word blue, or use it in a context of a sentence......Once to 20 posts, someone chooses a different color and continues on. Once we get to 3 stripes of a Rainbow, we give the last person a +rep and continue...

It don't have to be the exact color, only similiar to the posted color....

Ex 1:

"She was a [b]depressed[/b] little girl..."

Depressed is usually similiated by blue or brown, hence saying the color without saying it.....

Ex 2:

"Sky Blue"

Ex 3: "[color=#00ffff]Green"[/color]

Basically, do anything without actually just saying the word, you can post it, you put it in a sentence, you can color it, you can post a background image(Please follow YCM Rules) and hence forth, as long as you are not suggesting blue, it will fit with the game....

[s]Ex 4: Blue Wrong, Facepalm[/s]

Now I hope you understand, so I'll start it off on the color.....please bold or indicate somehow wherever you have the color or word representing the chosen color....

While [b]White[/b] went to the store, he saw something fun to play with....

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