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Guest Kyng of Ice

After some intense thought, I've decided to make Hibeki about 22 years old. That fits Nobu's background best.


Thanatos, I've no idea whatsoever, I just like ice.

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It's not that, besides, you don't even need to control and element, the one with the powers is your creature partner and some creatures don't even control elements. Also, it's recommended that you don't have similar powers so everyone can be unique. Btw, have you RP'ed before Thanatos?


Kyng, great, I'll add that info to the "Characters" spoiler


Hotaru, you deviant >;3

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It's not that, besides, you don't even need to control and element, the one with the powers is your creature partner and some creatures don't even control elements. Also, it's recommended that you don't have similar powers so everyone can be unique. Btw, have you RP'ed before Thanatos?


Kyng, great, I'll add that info to the "Characters" spoiler


Hotaru, you deviant >;3


No I have no idea what i'll be doing so you'll have to walk me step by step through the rules of it.


Yesh, just not on this site much. *cough*withmyfriendduringclass&onaRPwebsite*cough* Damn, I must be sick. :/

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Okay, but a rule of my RPs is that posts are usually pretty meaty in content, meaning they should be detailed... a lot xD So just to let you know that, I know Desu, Hotaru, and Kyng can handle detailed posts easily.


Mohican, after reviewing your app and giving it some thought, I'm afraid to say that I can tell by your app that your posts won't be very good in content. I'm not trying to be rude so please forgive me.

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Guest Kyng of Ice

I don't mind sharing a few tips if it'll help, but really all you need to do is be creative.


And that family structure works wonderfully! XD

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lol Desu's the abusive uncle!


Well I guess it's because I haven't seen you in the RP section so I just wanna make sure you know what you need to know, but don't worry, if your app checks out, we'll whip you into shape, actually Desu will whip you


Hotaru, ikr! Bring on the jealousy Desu >:3

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