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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1327870085' post='5788117']

Yeah, let's go with that ^-^

BTW, speaking of Spike. Did anyone else notice he was with Rarity when they were buying the cyder? Rarity has this interesting look too.

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[quote name='~Applejack~' timestamp='1327867967' post='5788008']

Rainbow Dash = Fudo Yusei
[b]Dashie is more of yuki Judai in my opinion[/b]
Twilight Sparkle = Yuki Judai
[b]Switch places with Dashie[/b]
Pinkie Pie = Tsukumo Yuma
[b]I can picture her do kattobingu already...[/b]
Fluttershy = Mutou Yugi
[b]Nah. Fluttershy deserves Yusei's place, or maybe Applejack.[/b]

Rarity = Seto Kaiba
Applejack = Manjoume Thunder
[b]I can't imagine someone like Applejack being Judai's rival...even though he becomes a friend later on.[/b]
Derpy Hooves = Kaito Tenjo
Discord = Paradox
[b]I think of him more as Z-ONE.[/b]

or something like that. The main characters are appropiate IMO, but the rest are debatable xD

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[quote name='Ζ-ONE' timestamp='1327873205' post='5788265']

Dash is the "speed" character here, and no one really is serious enough to be Yusei anyways. I keep my view of Dash = Yusei. Unless you want Scootaloo or something.

For Applejack, it would fit her more to be Jack in my theory because Rainbow is Yusei, but I dislike Jack Attlas the most among all rivals,by far. I wouldn't do that to Applejack no no..

Z-One, I thought of that but couldn't quite decide.... yeah, that sounds right.

Derpy = Epic. Kaito = Epic so Derpy = Kaito =P

This sums up this last past episode for Applejack nicely(though AJ looks ugly-ish in it IMO):

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327887864' post='5788707']
Where the hell did you think her name came from, the cereal?

And it's, conveniently, made by concentrating hard cider.


@Summer Rain: Apparently they are. The writers are telling bronies it's the beer of ponyville.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327888394' post='5788736']
What was the face all about?

As if I didn't know where the term Applejack didn't come from.

[quote name='IceDorago' timestamp='1327888440' post='5788740']

Of course! That's the special Apple family touch!

I was thinking it's either an alcoholic substance or Applejack's juices...

Once again I'm f****d up.

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