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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1325966723' post='5753069']
Watched the new episode and loved it. A few things I'd like to say about it.

1. Big Mac uttered a complete sentence! Yay. :3
2. Granny Smith talking to the jars was hilarious.
3. Diamond Tiara is still a pampered b****.

Inorite? I utterly agree with all of those. But I was thinking, Diamond Tiar and Silver Spoon's cutie marks are a tiara and a spoon. What kind of talents are those? : /

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Well I bet the Dragonequuses are a near extinct race. Since they represent disharmony, [s]Celestia must have banished them to the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON[/s] Celestia must have defeated them or sealed them, while Discord was the most powerful one and the last of the Dragonequuses. At least that's what I theorize.

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I assume that they are just an extinct species, but since you can't kill gods (Probably) Celestia and Luna had to settle for turning Discord to stone.
Which, if you think about it, is a much worse fate, because Discord was conscious the entire time, suggested by this quote:
"It's awfully lonely being sealed in stone for so long"
Or something like that.

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My god...


Somehow, I think Discord, PC, and PL had enjoined their company.

Discord somehow got angry of the two, and made chaos rain [color=#ffffff]chocolate[/color]. Then after maybe 100 - 1000 years later, with the whole moon thing, along with the loss of Discord, Luna lost her will, and became Nightmare Moon.

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[quote name='Ζ-ONE' timestamp='1325980346' post='5753348']
You can't kill gods. They are immortal and have a divine appearance. Hence the title of god.



What made PC and PL? If they are Princesses, who were the King and Queen?

And what happened to make them Alicorns if there were no King and Queens?

Just a 1/10000000000000000 chance of an Alicorn when a Pegasus and Unicorn mate?

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There doesn't need to be a King nor a Queen.
It's called a Principality. A kingdom ruled by Princes and Princesses.
Which is probably what the Mushroom Kingdom is.
And also Equestria.
As for what created Celestia and Luna... They probably just popped into existence. Born from the spirits of the Sun and Moon, like Discord is the spirit of Chaos and Disorder.

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