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Well, I was going for the more direct approach that he was a Hairy Potter, but Dumbledore works too.

As for the symbols on the flags, maybe, and I'm about to go off on a big theory thing here, so be prepared:
Celestia and Luna weren't physical goddesses yet, just someponies that the Unicorns worshiped as gods, and had those as there assumed appearance, and used their powers, through inheritance, borrowing, or simply them being the only ones who, through the use of magic, could speak to them. When Discord came, they obviously had to retaliate with physical forms, and took on the manifestation of what everypony believed they looked like.
It's a bit of a stretch, but hey, who knows?

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The play also makes me think many theories about Alicorns, which don't seem to be classified as a Tribe, and only Luna and Celestia exist in that category anyways.
Since all the members of that species [i]happen[/i] to be the rulers of Equestria, maybe it has something to do with rank? Something achievable like Cutie Marks but a lot more uncommon.

[quote name='Nomadic Artiste - Issun' timestamp='1324176930' post='5714287']
Well, I was going for the more direct approach that he was a Hairy Potter, but Dumbledore works too.

As for the symbols on the flags, maybe, and I'm about to go off on a big theory thing here, so be prepared:
Celestia and Luna weren't physical goddesses yet, just someponies that the Unicorns worshiped as gods, and had those as there assumed appearance, and used their powers, through inheritance, borrowing, or simply them being the only ones who, through the use of magic, could speak to them. When Discord came, they obviously had to retaliate with physical forms, and took on the manifestation of what everypony believed they looked like.
It's a bit of a stretch, but hey, who knows?

I could see that as a possibility.

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[quote name='Pinkie Pie' timestamp='1324188068' post='5714520']
Good episode.

I kinda disliked the ending.

It's because the giant magical heart is as much of an "instant fix", "out of nowhere", or "Deus Ex Machina" as the Elements of Harmony were in the second episode of Season 1.
The rest I have no complains with :D

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[quote name='Nomadic Artiste - Issun' timestamp='1324181335' post='5714387']
Actually, the LoZ chronology is pretty simple once you lay it out and look at the fa- Okay I'll stop.

Parts of it are easy, like: Skyward Sword -> Ocarina of Time -> Twilight Princess (Kid Timeline/)Wind Waker (Adult Timeline) -> Phantom Hourglass -> Spirit Tracks

It's trying to fit everything else in within that.

And I feel dumb, but what's SStB?

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[quote name='Doctor Whooves' timestamp='1324189108' post='5714545']
Parts of it are easy, like: Skyward Sword -> Ocarina of Time -> Twilight Princess (Kid Timeline/)Wind Waker (Adult Timeline) -> Phantom Hourglass -> Spirit Tracks

It's trying to fit everything else in within that.

And I feel dumb, but what's SStB?
[b]S[/b]tar[b]S[/b]wirl [b]t[/b]he [b]B[/b]earded

ninja'd DX

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[quote name='Nomadic Artiste - Issun' timestamp='1324229445' post='5715106']
It didn't matter in the end though, because in the end, it was Pegaso- Er... Equestria that was decided upon... [size=1]Totally should have been Pegasopolis.[/size]

Then they used "Cloudsdalle" in the future instead =P

Dirtville is the dirtiest dirty name in the hole dirty ol' world!
I like it actually.

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