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[quote name='Tentacruel' timestamp='1315015027' post='5487904']
Ok. I'll need to watch more episodes though so I know who that is. Just gotta wait till I'm alone in the house...



I doubt watching the show will help much in that case. Its not even a secondary character but a background one like Deerpy Hooves.
That said, I'd still suggest you to watch the show. xD

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[quote name='Bull3tM0nk3y' timestamp='1315018513' post='5488012']
Just join sleepy and Tenta.

Sleppy you will be the head of AJ's team.

Tenta, you'll be what ever you want.


I have a request. All club stuff I'll keep track of by going to the club and reading posts and stuff, and I also accept being AJ head if you still want me to after hearing this, but I'll manage whatever you people want me to do either by status messages, private messages, or by this thread (all of that is open to anyone that wishes to tell me and everything said there can be reposted @club if the other person so wishes it) only.
You see, this is more of a personal thing. I do want to be part of the club, but Its a personal goal of mine not to comment @Clubs and Organizations for the remaining of this year. I've been like that for a couple months already.

If you change your mind after reading that, I can perfectly understand not being AJ head and all though. If it sounds too inconvenient.

The story is this (if you care xD )
I was part of another club for like, more than 2 years, but the club got very inactive and then very full of drama. I got sick of the club after former members tried to revive it for the 3rd time.... not fun.. My last posts were promising I wouldn't touch that section for a good while.

Soooooo... nothing personal.

And I do draw and all, but comics and fan-fics are an awful lot of work that requires all people working on it to agree on what they are doing, and to be able to discuss discrepancies with everybody regularly. It just doesn't sound like it would work (at least for me since I'm awfully busy with school even if one of my classes doesn't even start until a month from now). Not to mention its usually a serialization-like thing, Agreeing that all members working on it will stick together for X time (loooong) sounds unlikely.

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Sooooo... page 9 in a few hours uh? O_O That's a lot more popular than I thought it would be (I mean, I figured it would have activity but I underestimated it)

You seem to really be into your fanfic stuff so, weird pairings randomly thought of at this moment.

Celestia x TS
[s]Gummy x Madam LeFleur[/s]
Spike x Bloomberg
Pinkie Pie x Derpy Hooves

BTW, I'm not against you using AJ as a possibility (just noticed how she's kinda being left out).
(weird, I've never done before a post purposely meant for a thread other than the one I'm posting it in).

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