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Okay I watched the episode, twice, and . . . well . . . I have a few problems with it. The episode as a whole is . . . alright . . . but again there are some things that are eating at the back of my mind that just won't go the fuck away.


The biggest one?

Spike constantly calling Twilight "Princess Twilight"!

Now I could understand if he HAD too, since this is supposed to be an important event, and it's to "show respect" or something. But no, he calls her "Princess Twilight" even when he's alone!


That's on the same level of "out of character" as having Shining Armor call Twilight "Princess Twilight"!

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I was feeling a little left out


Yeah, understandable.


Alright so here is my thoughts on the newest episode.


Good moral- that when others try to make something feel like home, it never will. That said, I would've started a war the moment the Yaks started trashing Twilight's palace. I know it's meant to be funny, how over the top they are in their anger, but to me that immediately set me off.


Pet peeve.


Which is why my OC has very little to do with politics; the most being that he is employed by Cadence and Shining Armor and gives them advice when he's asked his opinion.

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Damn it Cobax you beat me posting that by . . . five hours . . . damn I'm slow at this news bit.


But my reaction to the trailer:



I like that the Shadowbolts are making a name comeback as well as being able to see the Anti-Mane Six (which as we all thought would include the Equestria Girls Twilight).


Wonder why magic is popping up so suddenly. Maybe that world and Equestria are overlapping for a short period of time?

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I'm thinking Shadowbolts going to achieve their goals than what Sunset and the Dazzlings would ever do. Like Kefka in Final Fantasy 6 when he achieve his goal as god of magic

11709442_603455106424903_785382035302995 this pic seems kawaii since the trailer

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Huh I didn't know the third movie was already announced =0


I've been a little too busy to post things here before somebody ninja's me.

For short opinions on the latest few episodes: Princess Spike actually bored me a little, to be honest. This Pinkie Pie episode brought my spirits back though, thankfully.

I'm glad Pinkie hasn't gone back to being annoying lately. I'd even say it is her episodes this season that I've liked the most...

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I've actually been aware of the third movie for quite a while now. They showed bits of it before Season 5 started.

Seems like it could be on par with the first movie, since they imply it to be general silliness, and not so much story driven.

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I've mentioned this to Sleepy, but like...


Mor the longest time, I've had it in my head that Moon Dancer was an Alicorn.

I mean parties for specific chracters, especially in Canterlot, typically go to characters like Celest/Luna/etc, who are Alicorns. So Dancer having a party just naturally made me think that she was.


Dunno' about the rest of you, though.

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