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So considering the movie is tomorrow.....
I wonder how long it will take for people to upload cellhpone/snuk-in-camera quality versions of it?
I mean, they did the same thing for the last movie, but still.


How long do you think it would take to actually upload it to Youtube the moment the movie finishes?

Yeah . . . about that long.

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I'll just leave this here:
[spoiler=Whole movie]
Not the best quality, but it's a version you can watch at least.

At the time of this post, you can still watch it.

EDIT: The video in this post no longer works; Was removed, like, after a few days.

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Surprisingly the movie didn't have nearly as many references as the first one had. That's not really a bad thing though.

Personally I liked Sunset Shimmer a lot in this movie, although I still feel like the change of heart was too sudden, but that's a flaw from the last movie, not this one. Besides, that was like Seto Kaiba coming back from Yugi's mindcrush as less of an ass. Same thing, but she really made a 180 and poor Shimmer.

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Okay my thoughts on the movie
In the first few minutes we see that the animation has definitely improved since the last one. That upward view of Adagio shows that off; as well as a lot of shots and animations throughout the entire movie.
We get a recap of the entire first movie in the opening scene, also establishing our villains, and the opening credits. Nice job there, saves on exposition later.
Sunset being shunned by the school for her previous actions. Good. That not only shows continuity but it also reverses the seemingly complete turn around we saw from the last movie. I mean throughout the entire movie we see that Sunset is still struggling with the idea of "having friends" and it can be argued that's really what this entire movie is about- Sunset learning to embrace her new friendships.
"I think it'll be the most excitement we've had . . . since the Fall Formal."
Trollestia Strikes Again~!
"Past . . . ahem . . . boo-boos."
Really? We aren't going to say, "Past Sins"? I hope that was more to avoid a mention of the fan fiction than anything religion related.
Less than 10 minutes and we have our second song. I'm okay with this and expect more since this is a musical-themed movie.
"So I don't suppose that any special guests from out of town will show up for the charity event?"
No! No Flash/Hasbro. Just . . . no.
I can already sense Rainbow Dash's ego becoming a problem. And, after watching the entire movie, I was right. I find it kind of odd though that, after her first incident with Discord, Twilight wouldn't have recognized someone trying to ruin their friendship. I guess she was too stressed out about trying to, and failing mind you, coming up with a counter musical spell; we've all seen how short-sighted Twilight can get when she can't solve something, a-la "Pinkie Sense". Though it is, in a sense, nice to see the mane five, minus Twilight of course, fighting since it's like seeing how they would be like if Twilight had never come to Ponyville in the first place. It's an interesting look into the "what if".
I like Sonata Dusk . . . she's funny.
Whelp, Principle Celestia and Luna are under mind control. Odd how the first villains to do that are in a movie and NOT IN EQUESTRIA! I mean, seriously, has no Siren ever thought of this before? "Wow I can make anyone who hears my spell (and is weaker than me in magical power)"
I just answered my own question. Chrysalis has already shown us how much magic you'd need to defeat just one Alicorn; Tirek's shown us the requirement to match four. So, yeah . . .
"Even this one that's glowin' and vibratin'?"
OMG I couldn't help but laugh at that! (XD) NO cell phones but books basically react the same! I wonder, do they have ringtones too?
They're Sirens. Siren.
Okay so the Sirens are basically living "want it, need it" spells. One has to wonder if that's how the spell originated in the first place; I can see it happening. I also like that it was Starswirl did the banishing this time. Good to know Celestia and/or Luna didn't do all of the heroics back in the day. That marks TWO major threats he's personally dealt with- Tirek and the Sirens.
Pony Stargate. I approve. Fandom Approved. Approved!
After the entire movie we see that Twilight keeps the portal open. So does that mean the opening in the "human world" is also constantly opened? I think that's kind of a bad idea since any random person can accidentally stumble into . . .
F*CK! Human in Equestria is now canon! God D*mn It Hasbro!!!
Damn it! Spike's a dog again! I mean, consistency I know but still . . . .
I feel like Spike is more of a third wheel in this one that he was in any other episode or the first movie. I honestly forgot he was even there half the time until he popped back up "for plot convenience" or "to make a joke"; though I won't deny his photobomb was epic. That's kind of a waste of a character there script writers. Also he doesn't even really do much besides make the situation worse for Twilight by constantly stating she "has it" or the one time he rescues them. Though, let's be honest and say what everyone is thinking, "Why didn't Spike just, oh I dunno, use a chair?" Opposable thumbs might be one reason but I'm sure he'd be able to get the d*mn door open with his mouth or something. Guess we needed a way to bring Vinyl into the story.
I spy Diamond Dogs!
I know that the Power of Friendship wasn't going to work immediately but I can't help but say it . . . "Friendship Fail."
Maud makes best cameo (XD)
Dead Maus reference, one of the few I noticed this time around.
Well . . . Holy.Sh*t. Vinyl Scratch's car is a transformer . . .
". . . . Nothing can stop us now~!"
"Wait! Wait~! You motherf*ckahs! Give us one chance to rock your socks off . . ."
I swear to Faust someone in the fandom is going to make that!!! (of course if they already haven't by the time I post this)
*Sirens come flying at the heroes*
Vinyl! Fire the Bass Cannon, Max Output!
Good thing they finally added some red into the Friendship Death-Ray
Oh Sweet Celestia! The Pinkies have swapped minds!
Did they show fan art during the end credits?
Ah! We've finally seen where the "real" Twilight has been this entire time. I guess that means we might possibly have two Twilights meeting at some point later on. Does that mean we could have had the entire mane six go to the human realm in this movie as well? Or was that really just so we can see where that world's Twilight was? I hope it's the later.
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Unless you didn't already figure it out, I'll let you know what that image means in another 8 days.

Also, Dailymotion has Rainbow Rocks
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
It's the same one that used to be on YouTube, so quality isn't any different but if you want to watch it again, now is your chance.

Here's another:
Part 1 / Part 2
This one is more close-up, but the camera is held by someone/it's a little wobbly.
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Did HUB show it already?

If I remember correctly, HUB said they would either show it before the change, or show it as the change began. I forget.

On a more positive note, rainbow rocks was a huge improvement over the first movie.

I wouldn't really say it was an improvement, but it did have it's overall different visuals and amusing story.
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