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It's one of the good ones that seem to keep coming this season.

And so far my favorite Applejack episode.

The fact Pinkie Pie was amazing without being annoying.


Well it is an episode sort of centered around her. Episodes where she kinda breaks the mood or is really unnecessary can make her seem annoying. But yeah, she was okay and funny this episode.


But I do have to say, Pinkie's hair is becoming it's own separate organism.

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YouTube gets more and more lame with the episodes, and deletes them rather quickly, though last time I couldn't find an episode on YouTube, Equestria Daily still had it, so I recommend anyone who hasn't seen "Pinkie Apple Pie" goes there.

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Ok now that I can post again, I gotta say this episode was fun and all, but it felt a little bit strange how the Wonderbolts just say "k we got it" at the end that quickly. If they are reasonable enough to understand so quickly, something feels really odd about how they still behaved throughout the episode. It just didn't quite work for me there. The Wonderbolt Academy episode was different.


The guy from the Wonderbolts is pretty nice.

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This time around, I bring you the episode through Dailymotion. I guess it was too early for YouTube when I started watching it.

I'd say it's pretty awesome.

Always love it when Discord appears.





When he suggested going to X place, I thought he wanted to travel to get to where Fluttershy was lol.

Although the "writing letters to each other" makes it shipping fuel, I guess the writers aren't exactly encouraging it..... right?


And OMG the best friends medallion. I want that IRL.




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I find it kinda cute actually, how Discord went over there just to mess with Twilight and specifically with Twilight. He could have ruined the day of the other mane 6 that were present. Of course, Twilight had a very special occasion going on so I can understand that being more juicy.

Still, Discord likes making Twilight miserable over the rest of the ponies.

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How many of you are (tell the truth), scared to tell your family that you're a guy and like this stuff?


We're already years into the fandom; At this point a good number of us are aware and are strong enough to admit this fact. The rage and fandom has dwindled down so there really is no point to this question really.

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I was actually watching it at work today when I had a little break, and I outright told my boss what it was when she asked.


I got both my 16-year-old sister and 22-year-old brother to watch the show (and my sister spread it to her friends), and my mom knows we watch it. In my immediate family, I guess only my dad doesn't know, but it just hasn't come up with him yet.

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We're already years into the fandom; At this point a good number of us are aware and are strong enough to admit this fact. The rage and fandom has dwindled down so there really is no point to this question really.

Why do I get the feeling Hulkty only comes on YCM anymore to try and troll this thread?
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How many of you are (tell the truth), scared to tell your family that you're a guy and like this stuff?

Not everyone's guys here, but adjusting it to "grown up"

My parents don't really like getting into the stuff I watch at all. My dad decided to try and see what the Digimon fuzz was about when the last episode of 02 happened to air (a very sucky and infamous one). They then had their time of downright hating on us (my siblings and me) watching Pokemon, Yugioh, and Saint Seiya.

Then my dad sat down to try to watch a few Avatar episodes (the original show, not Korra OR the crappy live action movie). He liked it but downright said he didn't expect cartoons to be nearly that smart. I just don't have a good relationship in THAT aspect with my parents.

They at the very least have seen my Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie figures displayed in my bedroom, so that should count for something.


Other than that, anything and everything I do, I'm pretty open about it when people ask me about it. Though I'm also not going around boasting about being a fan of X thing. I mean, if you talk to someone openly like that there are only two outcomes:

-They'll either like or at worst accept it and tell you it's not personally their thing, which is not bad.

-They'll mock you in some way, and you'll realize you shouldn't be talking with people like that in the first place.

Win/Win, right?


Besides, I've told people that MLP is a pretty decent and entertaining show on it's own right that deserves the credit and fame it has gotten. People just have to get over their stupid stigma that 'ponies', 'friendship', 'intended demographic', and the such will make you less manly (if you are a guy). On the contrary, a true man wears pink and doesn't give a crap about it, if you know what I mean. As for girls: That's not actually too big of an issue. There's those that feel too mature for it, and that's about it. There's not much of an issue there as far as I know.




Soooo that's the answer.

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Other than that, anything and everything I do, I'm pretty open about it when people ask me about it.

I'm, more or less, the same as this.
I'm a fan of X, Y, and Z, but I only go about making said things relevant if people ask me about it and/or bring it up in conversation.
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Sorry for the lateness, but I had stuff to do all day long.

Regardless I watched it twice and it is one of my favorite episodes of the series. Pretty much all episodes this season have become that to be honest. Maybe it's just me, but I think this season is incredible.


I totally ship that pair. I won't say more than that outside of spoilers.


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