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That gives us a very interesting but dark theory to this.

The seeds would eventually achieve drying up the energy of the tree either way, so if the girls would have chosen to imprison Discord once more and be done with him rather than give them the benefit of the doubt, he'd still eventually get free from the weakening of Harmony, and it would not be pretty.

In other words, friendship saved the day, literally. Thanks to Fluttershy, there is some line of trust between Discord and the mane 6.

He DID succeed in making Celestia and Luna prisoners, and decided not to further agraviate the situation, but rather give Twilight a push when she needed it.

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[spoiler=spoilerz]Up until the end, I was wondering why there didn't seem to be a big bad this season (due to the design of the plants, I figured it was Chrysalis initially). The fact the whole thing was explained as long-ago Discord shenanigans, I found all too entertaining. It was a nice Checkhov's Gun that I honestly didn't see coming.[/spoiler]


Anyways, loved the lore in this premiere, and I'm glad they've seemed to have retconned Luna's old look, I didn't like it that much compared to her current one.


Also, did anyone noticed Derpy anywhere? I didn't see her.

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The upcoming hero episode....
It has a trailer for it... Somewhere....
(Too lazy to find it)
But in general it looks like its going to be an interesting episode, considering the fact it's another 'what-if' type of episode.
So really, this episode has the potential to be really amazing.

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In the most recent episode I expected the pony playing the organ to be Zecora, just because of the cloak. I had completely forgotten about Pinkie Pie.


I had 3 possible choices in my mind.


It could be Pinkie since all other members of the mane6 are there and get so much spotlight this episode. They just can't leave her out of it. Of course the show could troll us with that since it was the most obvious choice by the end of the episode.


It could be Zecora, because she lives in the Everfree Forest so I wouldn't be surprised if she had a hobby in that organ and visited the old castle to get something once in a while.


It could be Luna, since Twilight was reading about all the prank stuff that Luna installed in that castle. She could go there and play once in a while and it'd be much more likely than the way all mane6 randomly met at such a place at the same time. I wanted this last one to be the case, personally =(

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  • 2 weeks later...

That aside-
next week is the hero episode.
My body is ready.

I'm ready for another what-the-f*** episode like Daring Don't xD. But, seriously, I hope the plot be not too absurd.

P.S. Flight to the Finish was very nice; at the beginning I hoped Scootaloo would've learned to fly, and at the end I thought she was gonna get her CM...but maybe it's better she didn't.
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[spoiler=Le new Episode Thoughts]


Bat Fluttershy. Totally did not see that coming. There were rumors that Fluttershy turned into a Dragon or something, but bat pony as Fluttershy, still pretty cool. Goes to show how your friend can turn into such a....thing. I loved the episode, but Fluttershy was giving a lot of good points. And realistically, these bats only come rarely when they need food, the bats can be communicated with if given patience, they're like every other animal that needs food for living, and it will even improve the farm. It could be like, "Why don't we build a sanctuary?" "Great idea!" *Episode over*. Ah I bet Applejack was too caught up in Granny Smith's hard times and her contest though.


But yeah it's a legendary episode. Pinkie was hilarious in this episode.


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I'm getting to like Pinkie more this season, though not just her, pretty much all 6 have moments to shine every episode. It must be a lot of work on the writers.

We see some Pinkie weirdness, non-jerk Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy moments, Rarity reactions, and Twilight stuff. AJ needs more work though.

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flat-out loved this episode.
All the antics and what not, near the end of the episode, were just absolutely perfect.

And this episode left a rather thought provoking ending:
See, heres why-
Other shows that are adventure-of-the-week, basically hit the reset button by the time the next episode appears. FiM doesn't do that.
So let that sink in, and interpret that as you see fit. As for me, my headcanon accepted flutterbat as a thing. Just cuz'[/spoiler]

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Hmmm that's true. Now that you mention it, she DID freeze everyone that time.

Seems like magic's scale of power is not all that good at maintaining a standard.


For the sake of this episode it was neglected, I guess...

Now that aspect I cannot unsee.


It did slightly affect how good I thought the episode was.

I still liked the episode a lot though.

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