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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1354820416' post='6086895']
You mean an older, male pony has more stamina than the younger, female Twilight? You don't say.

I'm not trying to be sexist by that comment, but her stamina is not related to her magical skill.

Of course it is. If you don't have the stamina to preform a powerful spell then you're not the most powerful unicorn.
That's like saying I'm the best football player yet I lack strength to get passed other players to make a touchdown.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1354821491' post='6086908']
You don't necessarily have to make touchdowns to be the best football player.
To put things simply, unicorns are sort of a "master of one" that pertains to their skill. While Twilight is a "jack of all trades, master of all".
Nice point, though I'm sure there are unicorns that are more powerful than her in her current state.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1354822596' post='6086922']
Of course, as Issun said, she's only the most powerful we've actually seen so far. But she's still only so far into her studies, I'm wondering what the "next level" Celestia mentioned might be.
Most likely it'll be shown in the season finale.

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Since we are on this debate, I'd like to bring up a point TVTropes has brought to my attention.
Twilight knows many spells. Twilight has not MASTERED all those spells. Twilight only uses spells when she KNOWS she can do them perfectly, no matter how good that spell would be in any given situation. She knows tons of spells, but doesn't use them because she's a perfectionist.

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Well it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who realises that Twilight is kind of a perfectionist when it comes to spells
Though in a desperate situation then she'd probably use some spell that she doesn't know well, or at least she'll try it

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1354838424' post='6087177']
To be fair, Twilight is only a perfectionist with magic is because she is pressured by Celestia.

I guess that's true, and if we were all being taught by the ruler of our world (If we had one) then wouldn't we all feel pressured

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[Spoiler=Opinions]I know how Rarity feels. I despise camping and nature too.

Though Rainbow CAN be a bit pompous at times, I have to admit that that campfire stunt was pretty sweet.

I've noticed the show keeps referencing past episodes more often. It's good that way. Proves that there's a canon.

Sweetie Belle's singing voice is... Ah... It's... It's there.

Overall, it was an alright episode, I suppose.

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Rarity approves of glamping, otherwise known as glamorous camping.
Return of Luna was AWESOME, and she can now also enter anypony's dream(s), so awesome.
Sweetie Belle's song was quite...nice?
My whole thought throughout the episode was "Poor Sweetie, having to drag around Rarity's baggage."

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YES!!! It's my fanboy dream coming to life
A Scootaloo episode
Rainbow Dash takes Scootaloo under her wing
[s]All it needed was a lesbian make-out scene[/s]

This is now my new favorite episode
Overall rating: 9/10

Okay, maybe it wasn't the greatest and I'm probably over-reacting about it
But I loved that episode, words can not describe how I feel after seeing an episode about Scootaloo

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1355035683' post='6088910']
3:53 into the episode, Scoot crashes, and makes a [i]chicken[/i] noise.
ITS NOW (officially) CANON.
I think it's just a nod to the audience.
Because it just could be the symbolism of the birds flying around your head when you're stunned in cartoons.


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[quote name='Tama the Chibi Sage' timestamp='1354998470' post='6088431']
Well, next episode.

Thanks =D
I wasn't around yesterday to look for it.

Well, now to watch that episode~

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I must say judging by the episode (Wonderbolt Academy) ending, I am actually rather curious on how this will develop as Hasbro has to me seemed rather die-hard at keeping a sense of "status quo" for the show.

A good ep, and I am way more exited then I should be for Hasbro giving Spitfire and the Wonderbolts some love <3

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