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[quote name='Sweetie Belle' timestamp='1353871495' post='6077728']
I love milkshakes!

[s]I see. A challenger Sweetie Belle has appeared. I am prepared to fight to the death.[/s]

But in all seriousness, the new episode was awesome.


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[quote name='Sweetie Belle' timestamp='1353871495' post='6077728']
I love milkshakes!
[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1353872694' post='6077754']
But in all seriousness, the new episode was awesome.

I lol'd at that point.
[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1353874325' post='6077787']
Well, the episode was alright, I suppose.

[b]The song wasn't that great though, and the amount of annoying filly voices almost gave me a headache.[/b]
What!? That's rediculous, how do you not love that song. It's filled with so much adorableness and Scootaloo singing!

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[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1353877624' post='6077839']
I hate Scootaloo's voice, though.
And the song just wasn't that great, really. I didn't like the beat, or the lyrics, or the theme, or anything, really.
No use persuading you anyway.
How's about the rest of the episode?

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[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1353878209' post='6077845']
The rest of the episode was pretty good. Not as good as a lot of the episodes, but it was certainly better than the other CMC episodes.

Gonna have to agree with this. Had a lot of interesting content of the CMC and had great humor and moral. Respect for CMC has raised 20% higher.

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[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1353877624' post='6077839']
And the song just wasn't that great, really. I didn't like the beat, or the lyrics, or the theme, or anything, really.

For once, I agree with you, you one-eyed, bum lobin, cactus eating, pot belly, punk, bloody, fat, jiggly, whopping, big, fat, scabby, lard arm, creepy, spazic, little bloodly, blind-eye, peasant, little, twichy, pickle headed, rock hopping, punk, potato hopping, bounty, twin-faced, filthy, mutant [b]b#stard[/b]!

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[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1353885546' post='6077946']
I take offense to that mutant comment.
And yeah, I suppose Sweetie Belle drinking a milkshake was pretty cute.
There's no need for such loving and tolerating here.

[quote name='Raito-kun' timestamp='1353885717' post='6077950']
Eh the song wasn't bad. Except that they recycled scenes and the song tone and lyrics were quite...meh in a sense.
[quote name='Mønkey' timestamp='1353888165' post='6077973']
It was just bad.
I can't believe the blasphemy coming out of your mouths.
Sweetie Belle's adorableness should overpower the overuse of the frames.

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[quote name='Namo™' timestamp='1353889613' post='6078008']
There's no need for such loving and tolerating here.

I can't believe the blasphemy coming out of your mouths.
Sweetie Belle's adorableness should overpower the overuse of the frames.

Well actually that only frame that had the CMC and the shakes...I had a total HHHHHNNNNNNNNGGG moment there.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1353894024' post='6078066']
Bomb threat was pretty lulzy
Also, don't care what you say, the A-Team montage was the highlight of the episode.
[quote name='Mønkey' timestamp='1353896791' post='6078086']
That was the redeeming part of it for me.
The people on this website are lulzy. You guys make me laugh.

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Well of course.
The first two had to compete with the S1 opening, the S2 opening, AND the S2 finale, which were all spectacular, so it had too much to live up to.
And the other two episodes were a Pinkie Pie episode, and a CMC episode, both of which... Well, self explanatory, really.
This, however, had a recurrence of the best character in the entire show.

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[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1354406650' post='6082746']
This, however, had a recurrence of the best character in the entire show.
[quote name='Sweetie Belle' timestamp='1354407073' post='6082753']
Plot twist: Twilight can't actually do any magic at all and has been faking it for the entire series
[b]This be some M.Night Shamelyn(spelling) s*** [/b]
Also parasprites
[b]Ew, their reproduction is just so ew[/b]
And Rarity Belle
[b]Oh my Celestia, she was absolutely adorable[/b]
And R63 (64?) Applejack.
[b]63, and I was so hoping it was real.[/b]
[b]So, out of character, I swear.[/b]

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