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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339698853' post='5956939']
Right, because that's exactly what we need. More CMC episodes.
I swear, aside from Sweetie Belle, naturally, I can not stand them. Especially in a group.
What's with all the hate for the CMC, they're absolutely adorable.

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339683658' post='5956867']
I'm hoping for, and this will almost certainly not happen, an episode featuring only The Background 6.
That is to say, Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, The Doctor, Vinyl, and Octavia.
Just for kicks, have the Mane 6 in the background occasionally.

Oh, and Namo, if you want to stray away from that stuff, stay away from Voltaire. He's... a weird one. Once almost got this topic locked.
the only thing I wanna stray away from right now is hibernation. And I too think there should be a BG 6 episode

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1339652938' post='5956737']
Also, what episode did you start with?
I started with the Pilot episode
[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1339652938' post='5956737']
I'm hoping for another episode like Party of One.
Season 2 had Putting your Hoof Down.
So Season 3 needs an episode where [Character X, except Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie], acts completely different from what you would expect, and has a slightly dark undertone to it.
(Yes, I'm weird like that)
You forgot about the Twilight Episode, where she freaks out about her due date and makes everypony fall in love with her doll

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As a matter of fact I think Scootaloo is very unappreciated, even by the writers, in the CMC hearts and hooves day song scoots only "sings" or rather speaks two lines in the entire song. I do have to say though, I am biased as I like Tomboys but Scoots isn't that bad.

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Well I think we can get off the topic of the CMC but I've been wondering this, I know as a filly Pinkie lived on a Rock farm but why is she in ponyville now? How does she know the Cakes and why does she live at SugarCube Corner? AND IS THAT HOW EQUESTRIA WAS REALLY MADE!?

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339717939' post='5957045']
Well, I think she sorta just moved to Ponyville, nobody knows what happened to her parents though, for all we know, they could've died... though that's fairly grim.
Anyway, she's probably just a tenant of the Cakes. A paying housemate, or something like that.

Or maybe she pays by working, I mean she does make cupcakes and she does cater for parties as seen in the episode where Applebloom tries to get her cutie mark.
but that's a little cut and dry, I want an episode
And also for season three, WHERE THE HELL IS THE APPLEJACK SONG!?

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Argh, those two songs as well. But speaking of songs, I love listening to Pinkie sing she sounds great even in other languages
Check this out: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3mMnjQ1Dc8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3mMnjQ1Dc8[/url]

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What can I say, I'm a very negative person.

[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1339765352' post='5957265']
I've seen versions of Pinkie's songs and other dialogues in Japanese Dub; I prefer it over other subs or even the English dub, cause anime subs. It sounds more familiar to me...
...English IS your first language, no?
If so... you watch way too much anime.

Also, the original isn't a dub. It's the original. Get it right.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339767746' post='5957279']
What can I say, I'm a very negative person.
After looking at your profile, I think I can say this: Why are you say negative!? You're 13, I don't believe you've had a lot of experiences to be able to be negative. Also Byakuya, Japanese? Really? Urgh, I guess I'll have to tolerate that but I'd rather listen to German than Japanese...

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Yeah yeah, I've heard enough of that from Tomiix - old member, doesn't come around here anymore -.
Honestly, can't really say it's experience. At least, I don't THINK it is, but considering some things... Never mind. Anyway, I'm just a negative person. Always been like that, far as I can remember.

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