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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Yin and Yang of Pokemon [Accepting via OoC]


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[i]Without Yin, there is no Yang, without Yang, there is no Yin. Where there is good, there must be evil. where there is evil, justice must be served.[/i]

"Ah, nothing quite like today..." Jolta tranced out of his room in his Jolteon-shaped house. With that, he got out to grab the mail, before entering the house once more to prepare breakfast - good'ol eggs, bread and bacon that DO NOT come from Pokemon. Arceus knows where that came from, but that isn't really important.

Next, Kunoichi came out from her room at the speed of a Shuckle. "Morning Jolta..."
"Looky, looks like someone needs a little, Hydration!"
"Jolta, I'm an Unburden Accelgor, not a Hydration one."
"Oops sorry..."

The two sat down to wait for the third teammate before eating their breakfast.

"Must as well read this mail while waiting..." with that, Jolta opened the mail with his forepaws, skimming through it. It read:

[i]Dear Team Dynamo,

The Black Knights have struck again, and they have stolen our precious honey! I don't know what they're doing, but they're up to no good! I last saw them entering their portable Escavelier-shaped citadel, Arceus knows where they are! I think I saw it flying across Nova Forest...


"I heard honey attracts Pokemon. The Black Knights must be up to no good. They're recruiting!" Kunoichi said.


Waddya know, they got it right. An Escavelier-shaped citadel stood in the middle of Nova Forest.
"Little baby Pokemon footsteps is what I need," an Escavelier stood outside a building with the same shape. "I heard the Pokemon with the highest Defense lives here. This fabled Pokemon... must come to me! He will bow down to King Vitez..."
He grabbed some honey in order to attract Pokemon.
"Sewaddle, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Pansear-PANSEEAR? Looks like my luck isn't shining as bright as my armor, I guess I'll have to return..."
He said as he slowly hovered into his citadel. He grabbed a disc-like structure from his collection of Stolen things. "TM92, Trick Room. I may actually consider using this, then the Fragile speedsters will be speedsters no more, just fragile... sad how I can't..."[/center]

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Reaver woke up with a yawn, rubbing his eyes and thinking [b]'Another minute...no, I can't. Another day t make Mama proud!' [/b]and he hopped out of his bed and grabbing a bite to eat. [b]"Hey-up guys, what's new?" [/b]He said to then quickly whilst scanning over the mail.[b] "Hmm...those Black Knights never learn where they shouldn't mess with."[/b] Reaver then sat down and sad to Jolta [b]"Well, what's the plan of action captain? I mean, we aren't going to let those theives get away with that honey, right? Vespiquen must really want it back, so whatever you so, I'll follow."[/b]

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"Mornin'. I'm glad you're awake..." Jolta said as Kunoichi and him started to eat. "Vespiquen mentioned that those 'knights in shining armour' AKA the Black Knights should be either in or across Nova Forest. You all know what honey does, he's probably recruiting a Pokemon with high defenses."

"Pokemon attracted by honey are usually the ones with low defenses... except a few..." Kunoichi mentioned, "unless- there's a Pokemon with high-enough Defenses in the forest that he wants to attract!"

"It is rumoured that Shuckle have been seen in the Forest. Vitez must be after this Fabled Pokemon! Either way, its time to go. Lets dash!"

With that, Jolta and Kunoichi dashed out of the house, whizzing past the many shops and houses. And there they were, the entrance of Nova Forest...

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Reaver trailed behind them, but not too far, easily keeping up to pace by leaps and jumps. And they were there, at the Entrance of Nova Forest. [b]"So...we're after a Shuckle? Well they aren't the fastest Pokemon, this shouldn't take long. And remember the usual, any reason to evacuated, use the Rollcall Orb and I'll dig us out of here." [/b]Reaver said, cautiously walking in. He then checked aroun the area[b]..."No, we're safe. I don't think they've layed any traps this far in. I'm going to say we should keep our eyes open though."[/b]

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"You'll never know what Traps there are, they aren't fast in battle, but they're crafty. Too crafty. Let us proceed with caution..."

With that, Jolta took the first few steps into the forest, then almost stepping onto a trap. Jolta merely put his foot on it, then quickly stepped away when it revealed itself.
"Poison Trap. Crafty, knowing that they won't be affected," Jolta said. "Thank Arceus I didn't actually step on that. Now, just to make sure..."

With that, Jolta started to Spark as he hovered into the air, continuously floating.
"Magnet Rise comes in handy in times like these. Vitez obviously forgot..." with that, Jolta managed to see the Citadel from far. "Waddya know, it [i]is[/i] there..."
Jolta then landed. "OK, I know which way to go now. Lets roll!" He said as he continued walking.

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[b]"Alright Jolta, I think I speak for both Kunoichi and myself when I say lead the way."[/b] Reaver said, still in shock after spotting the trap. The Black Knights using traps so early in a dungeon? Truly they were up to no good, and Reaver didn't like the feel of it in the air. [b]"Erm, guys?" [/b]He then looked through his little bag, confirming he had a Rollcall Orb. [b]"We're supposed to be in Nova Forest, right? Well, there is a lot of honey round these parts. But then again, where are the Pokemon? The honey The Knights have stolen must be very potent to snatch all the Pokemon at the entrance to the forest. I hope we aren't walkinginto a huge ambush..."[/b]

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Carmen finally left that room. His mother died three days ago, and he sustained himself on Psychic Energy. He bought an apple, and just nibbled on it. He sat down, and felt Psychic fall upon him. Sadness and rage flowed out on a giant rock at the head of a Cliff. It then exploded, and so did his emotions, then, the regular, happy emotions flowed upon him. He then looked for a Mission in his mailbox. Finally, his first one since the beginning. He understood it was an easy mission, to get him back up on his feet. He held it, threw it, and ran into the Forest. His determination kept him running, to win, to become successful, showing that his partner's deaths were not in vain.

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Koroth walked slowly from a shady tree where he spent the night asleep. "Nova Town Ehh?" Koroth spoke to himself. "Populated, not my preference, but I don't think I will be here long." Just then from the tree he was under a Nuzleaf came down beside Koroth and spoke. "You might want to leave, Mr. Absol Sir, this is the place where Heracross comes for his funding from us. "Funding?" Koroth asked. "My Father, the Shiftry lost a bet with the Heracross family that reside in another tree not too far from here." The Nuzleaf said. "You guys live in tree's? Why not build a house." Koroth asked. "I'm not the one who slept under a tree on a pile of Leaves." The Nuzleaf said back. [i]Touche[/i] Koroth thought, never willing to admit verbal defeat. Just then a Muscular Heracross came by. "Hey Nuzleaf, tell your dad I'm here for money." The Heracross said. "Y-yes, MR H-Her-" The nuzleaf tried to say. Koroth stopped him. "So why do you pester this family?" Koroth asked. "That's none of your business, but If you think you could beat me I'll tell you." The Heracross said.

Koroth stood his ground with a straight face. The Heracross tilted his head forward and charged at Koroth for what was obviously a Megahorn. Koroth moved out of the way and Attacked Heracross with an Aerial Ace attack. Heracross fell forward. Absol pulled a paw back and it grew black, it was Night Slash. Heracross covered his face, "Okay, Okay, just don't hit me!" The Heracross shouted. "Our family is struggling, our father is acting weird, he won't talk much at all!" Heracross said. "Sounds like my kinda Pokemon." Koroth said. "I'll go get him, he'll get that money out of you, and pound you up too!" Heracross cried as it ran back home. [i]Hmm, I just helped out a family with a bull, could this be my purpose, my hope?[/i] Koroth asked himself.

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